Oh that was a misunderstanding *g*
I meant with "not only since a year" MORE then a year (currently over 6 years now)
The problem is that Goa-Trance is nearly dead in germany. There is only one festival in july were there is played Oldschool (94-98). The people always say when they go to a party or festival, they go to a "Goa". But it's hard to believe that 80% of the people never heard Goa-Trance
I and a few others try to bring back the music to the dancefloors. So we speak with DJs and organisers and report the newest releases at the Goabase forum (http://www.goatrance.de/goabase/forum_topics.php?bORD=1). And thats the point I would like to have releases with good sound quality. Because with poor quality you can no one impress here (in germany)