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About wojchie

  • Birthday 05/25/1986

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  1. Yeah, heavy!
  2. by the way, you're a egotripper, very much so
  3. nah, nothing is the "best" program, just try different programs to see what gets you working too most easily , you have lots of options --> reason 4 , cubase , ableton, fruityloops, with mac : Logic and protools. garageband is very limited so you wont get much out of it. just experiment and after a while you'll understand more and it will get easier, the beginning is always hard i worked with reason , fruityloops , ableton and cubase and eventually i settled for cubase , the other programs are just as good for making songs but the cubase "workflow" just worked for me
  4. cool video i wonder what the second song is, the trippy one
  5. sure man just send it!

  6. and how do you pronounce 'wojchie'?

  7. i think its really nice you do this , i wish i could help, but mastering is a point where improvement is still needed for me . If i get good enough i'll let you know
  8. really cool live set, with some bits i like less but some parts are extremely cool!!
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