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Everything posted by benevolent_demon

  1. My price range (at the moment) is anywhere between 500-1000 I have no real preference for the number of inputs being that my price range is limited -- although-- I would love to be able to connect my guitar, a controller, and a few older analogue drum machine/synths and record them in real time. Im using a celeron processor (not the best but not bad) with 80gb of space, windows xp (if all this matters) thank you for the help
  2. Im in the process of building a studio for myself and was curious as to what sound card (s) are perfect for high quality music production.. I would love to hear all of your input regards
  3. I am very surprised there is no mention of Pete Namlook (www.2350.org) Tetsu Inoue is another good one,Biosphere, Rapoon is good, I am not sure how to classify them...very hypnotic music but tribal so you may have to get past the minimal drums. always Future Sound Of London-"Lifeforms" . I would like to add another vote for the tip compilation simply titled "Twelve" --this is good stuff,some percussion on the first couple tracks...Im generally not too fond of what passes itself of as ambient from a lot of the psytrance labels but this is good. and if you are up to something to really take you to places in yourself that are unknown I would suggest Merzbow for a sonic exorcism.
  4. beautiful lists so far... ....some songs off the top of my head sandman-"mushroom symphony" "nostradamus" infected mushroom-"return of the shadows" cat on mushroom-"the fly" psysex-"dirty 80s" hallucinogen-all of Lone Deranger parasense-"black rain" space cat-"beam me up" dimension 5-"moon cake" Psycraft-"dream on" (the gravitech cd i am not sure i there is a concept but the samples of each track do seem to tell a story throughout..Im fairly certain this is purposeful but then again I can just be piecing it together and making it work)
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