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  1. oh, that's certainly for me! Joined: 29-October 01 50 posts (0.02 per day)
  2. http://life-festival.com/ it's not entirely a goa festival, but is somewhat different to the usual stuff...
  3. wow, thats nice So, are you going to combine wood and painting next? I think you were into painting with your bottlework, right?
  4. It's nice, and it's under Creative Commons, too! :clapping:
  5. lol!! they're their samian equivalents, equally shpongled
  6. I hope we can mention anything older than ten years, since Hallucinogen's Twisted album slips the decade. I now prefer Solstice from that cd, but I think that Shamanix is more representative of that age. Also Man With no Name - Teleport Transwave - Land of Freedom Pleiadians - Head Spin
  7. it's all photoshop and illustrator, really. pretty lucky we are, since the university licence allows use for personal-non commercial purposes. if we could also use flash... Thanks!!!
  8. http://evan5.deviantart.com/ well, sorry about some stuff being in greek... hope you like it - comments encouraged.
  9. steile sto e-mail mou giati o mailserver pou exoume to spectra ta paikse... icsd01028 (at) icsd.aegean.gr sorry gia to o,ti na nai...
  10. what the fuck? records
  11. check www.spectraliquid.com
  12. The first Spectraliquid event in Athens is here! Ambient, downtempo, noise sounds served... 03|01|07 @ Mikro Mousiko Theatro, Koukaki Doors open at 21:30 Entrance fee ? 5 Check: http://www.smallmusictheatre.gr/index2uk.htm http://www.spectraliquid.com
  13. http://www.spectraliquid.com/Art/index.html
  14. check www.spectraliquid.com the server is often down these days, but it will be corrected.
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