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Everything posted by (OM)Open_Mind

  1. Snow Leopard mac users are happy I'll wait for flac
  2. Same here. Topic-starter must add Pink Floyd to this pool.
  3. 96. It's the best drug ever
  4. It's not much. Can you prolong deadline for a month or more? I found this thread just now. It's a sin to miss full time party I want participate in it, and of course can spread info along active goa trance producers.
  5. It's alive, it's pulsating, it's deep and cosmical, it's simple beautiful! So we have here beauty and the beast. Beast303.
  6. 35. It's good for driving car
  7. Oldschool Goa. Anyone? No? Acid. Anyone? No? Oldschool Goa. Anyone? No? Acid. Anyone? No? Oldschool Goa. Anyone? No? Acid. Anyone? No? Oldschool Goa. Anyone? No? Acid. Anyone? No? Oldschool Goa. Anyone? No? Acid. Anyone? No? Oldschool Goa. Anyone? No? Acid. Anyone? No? Oldschool Goa. Anyone? No? Acid. Anyone? No? © Djuna
  8. 15. ... is not fullon. period.
  9. Enjoy goa trance. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6259188/23-04-2010__Den_Wave_Volnov%40live_Waves_Of_Trance_Da_Bar.mov
  10. Holy shit! Nice review!
  11. It must be reviewed. Who can do it?
  12. ariScotle, try this one http://sbooth.org/Play/
  13. This is real goa trance, mind tripping music.
  14. Let's draw the conclusion -
  15. Arronax try to close sister's mouth with your palm rhythmically, when she sings That should work. I heard Hallucinogen did same way to make his brilliant vintage sound P.S. I did it in Cubase with build-in MIDIGATE plugin. In Logic I do like BlackStarrFinale described above.
  16. Yeah this guy deserve the best. Don't know how he does it, but his music so positive and fun. It just make me want to smile and dance. Always! )) And most wonderful thing - tracks are like full books with interesting psy fairystories in it
  17. Wow, good news. Congrats, Dima! Downloading! I know it will be transcendental mind blowing bomb for sure! Your melodies hypnotize. Let's show the world unleashed power of Ukrainian trance. I promise to do strong remix in this summer. I have tons of ideas, but unfortunately no time at all Imba thanks for spreading positive vibes through your label
  18. It's DenWave, which play only live acts without computer like you do. Check other tracks. Just press diskette icon to listen/download
  19. Russians love him as well. He is almost resident in Moscow. His speech is pretty positive and samples from it can be used in goa trance tracks ) I have strong feeling it was used already.
  20. I wonder if it possible to do password protected sharings? If it does, I'm in. UPDATE: Files is not searchable. So you can just share links with friends. And it has pretty good integration in MacOS. It creates DropBox folder in your user Folder. You just need to drag files to it. My referral link is: https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTYyNTkxODg5
  21. this one is exceptional!!! yeah baby!! You need good one for sweet analogue strings and you will own da world )) Close look to Oberheim Xpander or Matrix 12 for that purpose. Then you can get hardware sequencer and more more gear (I think you are gear-addicted already ) to do things like this in realtime!!!
  22. It wasn't joke. I think slow tempo give you more space for shaping sound and fx. But if you do simple acid/techno-like output, you can go faster without any problem. Just listen to Silvoon to understand my point of view. just listen to this fast baby
  23. It's off-topic for sure, because it is old-school goa! You are in right direction. With this techno-like things, you must try higher BPM, it works really good. Just try it! Thanks for sharing.
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