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Everything posted by (OM)Open_Mind

  1. My collection was goa trance/psychill oriented. I define album genre by most lovely tracks. If I like output of Jaïa in any genre for example, I prefer to keep it in [Trance Goa] just to keep full discography in one place. If I dislike some fullonish or dark output of goa masters it goes to Trash or to [Trance Foolon-bad], [Trance Dork-bad], [suomee] which is perfect candidates to wipe out if I need space I had also [Trance Full-on] and [Trance Dark], [suoumi] without "-bad" folders for interesting albums. Why it was? Because Hdd with file structure is unrecoverable broken and now files are in total mess. PRS, Indeed PC have much more tools and players to choose from to listen and organize things. But good news for MAC users. MacOS has aliases and symbolic links. It can be helpful to make separate folders structures with one physical media. It gives me idea. For example you can make structure Discographies Jaïa Jaïa - Blue Energy ... Jaïa - Epsilon - Tesseract Remix E.P. ... And make Alias to it from your different location (in 2nd folder system): Trance Goa Jaïa - Blue Energy ... Trance Postgressive Jaïa - Epsilon - Tesseract Remix E.P. ... If it's lossless collection, this trick can save some extra space.
  2. In some sense http://www.myspace.com/bithead1 fills this gap )
  3. I use pretty standart folder/files structure. Genre 1 Artist1 - Album 1 Artist1 - Album 2 Artist2 - Album 1 ... Genre 2 ... I have made structure for one huge ftp. It was like this: Genre 1 1995 Artist1 - Album 1 Artist1 - Album 2 Artist2 - Album 1 ... 1996 Artist1 - Album 1 Artist1 - Album 2 Artist2 - Album 1 ... ... 2005 January [ <--- this is useful for DJs ] ... February ... Genre 2 ... BTW, you can highlight albums in Finder with colors, which mean something to you. If you are DJ and you need to listen fresh music every day, it is useful to have some extra folders like [unlistened Music] [For mixes] It can't be all-purpose solution to fit everybody. That's not a problem to make new original structure for your personal needs. Just drink cup of coffee, sit with blank list of paper, pencil and eraser. Draw some schematics, think again, redraw. Do it until it become perfect for you
  4. I'm using Cog, because there is not alternative software that can play all lossless formats on Macs. iTunes is pretty and powerful thingy, but it can play only Flac, WAV, AIFF, and Apple Lossless.
  5. Diaks, you are a telepathic guru. You read my thoughts and put in on the table on post #33. Thanks!
  6. Lapsus_-_Petrol.mp3 I admire this intensive adrenaline psychedelic goa trance! Flangered leads, percussion, tunes, breaks is total awesome. Melody started from 6:16 is perfect, but then you repeat it again and again... It's too much IMO (boring). If you want to repeat it so many times, try to change end part of it. And maybe try to use some dark strings time to time in track. Good Job anyway!
  7. Is it cubase production? Lapsus_-_Shake_Fear.mp3 Your goa stuff is cool. I like this dark mood. [5:24-5:50] - this part is amazing. It remind me Cydonia a bit Keep it real! About "petrol" will say tomorrow. P.S. You should find another filesharing ) Try http://soundcloud.com/ for example ))
  8. GoaMech - Fear in Las Vegas http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoS_pLHVEds Listen to it from 4:30 I waste lot of time to make that mellow synthetic-glassy timbre which satisfy my taste. I thought synthetic flute is just square wave with little amount of noise, but it isn't.
  9. I think main reason is number of producers and releases in golden ages. There was much more creative human beings and powerful substances involved in goa scene, comparatively to nowadays. So any goa freak was able to find something close to his taste. But new school scene slowly grows... Many of the demanding people will get what they want if they'll live long enough. Let's be optimistic. My vote is Good. For now
  10. It's so inspiring to see how many people keep goa trance alive. Don't forget about Russian scene: Gazzuar http://www.myspace.com/gazzuar http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YNE0Hav8oQ Hypnotic Signal http://www.myspace.com/hypnoticsignal Goalogy http://www.myspace.com/goalogymusic Wrong Mantra http://soundcloud.com/wrong-mantra http://www.myspace.com/freak_ugly Psy-H http://www.myspace.com/psyhproject Solid Gear you must listen to his track - "Aggressors" !!! It's just a masterpiece. http://www.myspace.com/solidgearmusic And one guy from Estonia: UltraScan http://www.myspace.com/ultrascan2 EnJOY!
  11. ArmagedDance - Homo Astricus (Zvukotronika, 2009) Tracklist: 1. Soulfly 11:02 2. Salvia Divinorum 10:29 3. Interstellar Hymn 9:39 4. Mahamanvantara 10:21 5. 36 Parsec From The Earth 10:14 6. Mixing With The Night 7:38 7. The Lexx Theme 8:30 8. Hallucinations 9:02 Homo Astricus - Third release of internet-label Zvukotronika Records, and third album of project ArmagedDance, which contain 8 tracks. Homo Astricus - is landscape of music vibrations and moods of new generation of people - men of star (astricus in translation from Latin is - stellar). LabeL: Zvukotronika Records (www.zvukotronika.ru) Release date: 11 December 2009 Serial: ZVTR03 Download: http://rghost.ru/694074 http://www.sendspace.com/file/w0cfzq http://zvukotronika.ru/
  12. Rastamans came back from Amsterdam, and chatted about deepness of reggae bass-lines.
  13. If you like Shpongle, you MUST listen this album too!
  14. Do you have any arguments?
  15. Maybe he needs inspirational whale dick injection?
  16. Ok. It can be achieved in a number of ways and most of us achieve it at some during most days. A typical time may be just before one goes to sleep, or as one wakes. At this time the mind is clear, receptive to information, and rapidly makes 'connections', realisations and joins up thoughts. Many an 'AHA!' or 'EUREKA' moment comes at these times. This was no doubt the state that Archimedes was in a good relaxed state when he launched himself out of the bath and down the street in his birthday suit. The state is also great for releasing stress. In music it's just proper bpm and: 1) Long time of song. Approximatively 5 minutes needed to change state of mind. 2) 16th notes repeating sequences. That's all. You pick only 1 thing from my post (kick and bpm) and give your wrong conclusion. You see in fact alpha-state make you simple relaxed and indecisive. It is difficult to concentrate on production itself. It is not good state to make decisions, but production process is a number of right decisions. For example it is like 170 IQ genius when he on strong dosage of DXM or alcohol. He think every his action have a huge sacral sense, and he think he have a lot of insights at this moment. But for sober observer this guy is just an animal.
  17. Psychedelic Trance is just music, which give me trance alpha-state of mind. It mean no thoughts, or minimal amount. Why? For example let's take frequency of alpha-rhythm 10hz. It is 10 oscillations in second or 600 oscilations in minute. 600! Have any ideas, what I'm talking about? Ok, let's see it in music. Calculate it in standard rhythm 4/4 and length of notes 1/16. I will be 150 bpm. There is TRANCE in musical and psychological sense. 150 kick drums and 3 bass notes in middle. KbbbKbbbKbbbKbbb So I use Psychedelic Trance for: 1) monotonous work without demanding of thinking (it can be everything including walking, sex, driving, eating, dance); 2) recreation when I lie or sit and relaxing with headphones on my head. It's some kind of meditation when my body totally relaxing, and I lost connection with this world, and go to another dimensions; 3) falling asleep!!! In past I have used it when took psychedelic substances. It is proper music, but try IDM and ethnic shamanic music too Some goa-trance tracks also give me euphoria, make me smiling Because alpha-state it is most difficult music to produce...
  18. Elysium how do you think, is it possible to say that one style album is easy to produce than in other style? It can be one of reasons.
  19. Long time ago I had conversation with one oldschool producer about this subject. He started as rock guitar player, then techno, then goa trance, now foolon and chill-out. He said: "For true musicmakers like us there is no style importance, we will make modern music that people like. That it. Period. We don't give a f$$$ what bunch of sticked in 90x fans think about us. We prefer to live today." I was shocked but then I realise that my map of world can be opposite to this man's map. So I can't expect of him to love goa trance as I do. My point is - don't expect of this guys comeback, until goa will be more popular then foolon, dork, postgressive or whatever.
  20. This is really cool. It seems you use similar kick/bass technology to Awakening Bodhisattva track. But music is totally different.
  21. PharaOm, very nice start man. You have talent. Don't stop, work harder ) Try another sound of kick ) And remember, goa trance isn't necessarily Indian or oriental So feel free to make anything you want, be crazy )) Hope to meet you on some huge goafest someday Bom!
  22. Nice Indian stuff )) Here is mirror: http://rghost.net/645513
  23. Yes. This one is perfect for my taste )) Delicious Thanks for this trip P.S. Maybe it's too late to fix, because it's life or half-life mix, but is it possible to add volume (a little) to acid line?
  24. CoOoOL shit )) That's what I luv, baby But from 3:18 too much happy and uplifting tune comes up. Yes It's legendary sound, but too much happiness in melodic lines for my taste...
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