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Everything posted by Tox

  1. Not really but they'll make fun of you forever if you tell them those prices you're used to paying. We're nout used to paying al lot more than 10€ for 2g's of good herbs I'm from Belgium too btw
  2. Be prepared for vast amounts of Belgian ppl there Last coupple of years several 100's. !! BE WARNED !! PS: I'd recommend VooV more...
  3. LIQUID SOUL on Iboga!! He's gona kill the killargs! Minilogue album should be interesting aswell...
  4. For me entrancing means a rhythm OR a melody that makes you close your eyes, connect to the rest of the dancefloor, open them again & makes you want to keep dancing until eternity. I get this from good progressive or true classics with a giantic build-up. Fast banging beats or multiple melodies are no good for me... Atmos : Transmission in Vain Atmos : Cable enable P.O.T.S. : Bravo Son Kite : Back beyond rotation SBK: Aufrieser Astral Projection : Trancedance MWNN : Teleport Etnica : Triptonite Transwave : Land of Freedom (rmx) & I can fully understand that tracks like Der Dritte Raum - Hale Bopp or early X-dream do the same for others
  5. So is this the Delirum who's track "Silence" got rmx'd to become a huge hit in the clubs in the late 90's ?
  6. Checked out the latest updates yesterday & FREq was added aswell as Liquid Soul. The Festival will have the classic VooV-setup: Main stage, Alternative Floor & Chill Out. Suck my Sunny Solar, I'm eclipse myself there !
  7. Real Acid, not acid-trance: 101 - Public Energy (aka Speedy J) : everybody played it from clubs to raves Josh Wink - Higher state of Conciousness : hypnotic classick Tim Taylor - Bang the acid : banging tune! Woody McBride aka dj ESP : Rattlesnake : never fails Acid Junkies: everything they ever did & on the trance-tip: most of Hallucinogen's early work is made with whole rooms filled with 303...
  8. I don't really understand the ">3000 posts-condition" In our belgian forum you can do it immediately, form the beginning...
  9. You ain't sèén me excited yet baby btw I only got a little worked up about the music-thing, I actually tried to stay out of the whole "bad attitude discussion" (like a good boy )
  10. For all the Miss Kittin fans in here: get this one! http://www.sonar.es/portal/_eng/music.cfm?id_sonarmusic=22 I was there when they recorded it at 6 in the evening of Sonar by Day & it was a complete Blitzkrieg
  11. I'm with you Wannes! But ask your self the question if you would have said the same a coupple of years ago? I think (IN GENERAL) younger ppl like to have more extremes in their music (louder, harder, faster, drier, darker or 7 melodies & 5 climaxes in 1 track) & if you get older you start to appreciate the subtleness a lot more... At least this was the case for me
  12. Now this is the attitude I expected from you Sherlock, congrats on your ability to judge your own behaviour. Hopefully one day I'll learn to do that too
  13. Nice one Dee!!
  14. Nice party-plans for you my man, I'd skip some of the techno stuff myself but even in that genre you pickes the cream of the crop Looking forward to 2 non psy-nights myself pretty soon: one with Nathan Fake (proggy house/breaks) & one with The Hacker (Electro)
  15. Finally got some good secondhand stuff that I once owned before but "disappeared" & I've been wanting to get my hands on for LONG time since then Dave Clarke - Archive One http://www.discogs.com/release/3470 One of the best techno-albums ever released imho. Various - Metalheadz Presents Platinum Breakz http://www.discogs.com/release/12602 Maybe the best D&B-V/A ever, certainly to my knowledge. Various - Tantrance 4 - A Trip To Psychedelic Trance http://www.discogs.com/release/105672 From 1997, a friend gave it to me for my B-day cause he doens't listen to it anymore
  16. PLZ, let's not get into a pointless discussion about how somebody DID or did NOT act? Not to pick any sides but I've known lots of artists to be absolute shitheads from time to time, but that doesn't change their music, does it? I try not to jump to conclusions about anyone untill I can speak from personal experience & even then it might just be "bad timing"...
  17. Element - Full Moon: totally bashed when it came out (here & other places) mainly because it had vocals. Timetech - Notes: side project of Haldolium & sometimes way better than the main project. LSG - The Hive: most ppl considder this ons of his weaker effort, I DON'T V/A - Alien Airport - golden combination of a great trance cd & a superb chill disc
  18. I loved "Spanners" back in the day: crazy, innovative & exotic music...
  19. That's about as complete as it gets without mentioning his favourite food or colors Pretty curious to check out those ID&T-comp's actually...
  20. The first serious contender for "Best album of 2006" Looking forward to a sequel for the brilliant Lime Structure-cd...
  21. Without getting myself even deeper into this, I'd like to add one more remark. I've been listening to all kind's of electronic music for over 10 years now & so have many of my friends. We all have a strong clubby-background, yet we were amazed by the house-trance-progressive hybrid that is created by D-nox & Beckers, Eelke Kleijn, Space Safari, Marc O Tool, Minilogue, André Absolut, Fitalic, Vision & Canedy, Philo, Inkfish, Chable, Jaïa... But it's the same as calling X-dream or Spirallainz plain old techno. It might come close, but there's definitly more to it, no? The difference might not be as clear as between Drum & Bass and Booty Electro, but I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be half as impressed if it was just more of the same stuff we've known for years. By the way all of those who claim that they dislike these "electro" influences, please check out some proper electro like Dopplereffect, Adult, The hacker, Anthony Rother or Underground Resistance. Electro is made out of breakbeats & I haven't heard much of those in trance (unfortunately maybe?) Shit, looks like I got carried away agàin
  22. Finally, somebody who knows what he's talking about! I'm sorry but if you think these guys don't have anything to do with the psy-scene, you haven't got a clue... D-Nox's track "Muy Caliente" on Tatsu Rec's & Space Safari's "Early Reflections" album on Free Form Rec's are both from BEFORE 2000 & they're very psy indeed. Nowadays their style has evolved into a more housier kind of progressive but their roots definitly "glow in the dark" ... They are not just club-dj's who happened to got picked up by the psy-scene. They're psy-dj's who have broadend their horizons & picked up some elements from other musical genres like house, UK-progressive & electro (vocoder-voices) to make something new out of it. Just like innovators such as SBK or Haldolium also have moved on, rather than do the same trick over & over again...
  23. This compilations is again pretty amazing! A perfect flow from start to finnish. Not a single bad track in here, which makes it hard to mention favourites. Most ppl mention the Halifax-track as one of the weaker ones, but I can hardly agree with that. Nice pumping tempo & a catchy sound that's a little more harsh & less smooth than the rest! Even Ace Ventura who's not among my fav's delivers someting groovy that I like. It"s all progressive, but still pretty diverse in this genre. Some ppl will definitly skip the Spanner with Pagan Pulse because it's got singing (not just vocals but a guy actually singing). Being kind of a clubslut myself, this is one of the highlights for me. For those who care: Spanner is an alias of Dutch producer Zen Mechanics. 2 great rmx's of which I haven't even heard the originals but D-Nox & Beckers (yep, them again ) do a class A rework aswell as Perfect Stranger . & my 2 fav's of 2005; Liquid Soul & Gaudium, each with a brand new track. Only remark is that Gaudium is yet agàin the closing track, but that's just a minor detail. So, what more could you want for? Nice one for Yotopia & Pena! Highly recommended & for sure a cd that will last for some time both for dj's & home-groovers...
  24. Now thàt's a fan-tas-tic track! Great opening track to V/A: Widescreen also... Does anybody know if Paste is still making tracks like that? Do they have a full-cd out? Is it equally good? About the gaming: I'm soo happy I never bought myself a PS or X-box or anyhing: I'm already short on time as it is!
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