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Everything posted by Tox

  1. Shitgoddamn, that's a briljant track, I bought Monarchie III yesterday (on ZMA rec's) just for this one! Did you know that the female vocal is in Dutch?? Very strange for me to hear my native language in a psy-track Nice one, Frogacult from back in 2002...
  2. Anything on ZMA Rec's is worth checking out, Old aswell as new (Monarchie-comp's) also Sinn-tec, Plusquam & Plastic Park... Labels to keep an eye on! Quality instead of quantity
  3. Tox

    Want to trade

    yep, that's the one DP: http://www.discogs.com/release/153766 All offers by PM please? Thnx!
  4. Tox

    Want to trade

    Well, I couldn't find it in the old reviews but it's got a song on there by Germinating seeds of doda & my favorite track's got a sample of Star Trek in it (We are the Borg, You must comply, Resistance is Futile, You we all be obsolete in the new order) sorry for the confusion, but as I am at my job right now, I can't really run over to my stereo & check...
  5. Not a lot I would like to get rid of but at least these 2: Battle of the Future Buddha's - Twin sharkfins Distance to goa 6 & a old Matsuri... Feel free to offer nice prog, chill (OOZE! or Aleph Zero-stuff) or Astral ! Also offering: Droidlock : High Phonic For A Replicant Fuenf D : Das Signal (Spirit Zone)
  6. Tox


    How about the first Element album "transform" + any nice chill-album you're tired of?
  7. Check out the Labyrinth-compils: they are even mixed most of the times which I considder a + in this genre. also check out the new stuff on Plastic Park & VP Rec's
  8. hey man, thnx for the info but if you read my remark again I'm sure you can tell that I rode the Hoffman bike up & down the Mountains quite a bit myself in those days To complete this **off-topic** story: he actually fell of his bicycle into a creek where he was tripping his asss of for several hours before even being able to get up again BTW: we used to plastify them so they would stay potent for longer. I had my last two in 2003 & believe me: that little sun was still very shiny & don't even get me started on those micord.ts Now on-topic again: how can you possibly contribute to today's scene if all you do is glorify the past? Even the people who made these classic tracks are making other stuff today, just because they've evolved as artists & persons. Sure, there's loads of similiar shit coming out, but you just cannot say that there isn't anything coming-out worthwhile anymore. Just my 2cents
  9. Nice to see that you used some of the pic's I made at your gig in Belgium! Especially since I got kicked off the stage by those fucked-up bouncers very shortly afterwards
  10. Damn right! Couldn't have put it that good myself... This guy has done more with his brain than just "ride that colourful bicycle up&down the mountains", you can tell. That's why I don't feel bad copying some cd's (e.g. a comp with 2 good songs on it) , as long as I buy some others (e.g. an artist-album that stands out by a not-so-big name) & I don't mind paying a little more entrance-fee for an up&coming "truely live"-act or travel to another country (you lucky German bastards ) just to see one of my favourite acts/dj's preform. Cheers!
  11. Well, I also prefer the Xibalba & Symphonix tracks. Especially at the first coupple of spins. Modern progressive with a subtle melodic touch to it. Equally enjoyable at home, on the discman as on a dancefloor. Both are coming to Belgium in October, be sure that I will be there! First track is also nice, though i never heard of Ski fi before. The Freq-track, hmmhhmmhhh: well... Nice sample, though he sure can do a lot better. Some "magic tension" is missing. & Shiva Chandra is an innovator, so it's sad to hear that he sounds so out-dated to me. Maybe the weakest track on this comp. Come on Daniel, get yourself to a party somewhere & check out what's happening on dancefloors in 2005? You can do it!
  12. Tox


    Nothing of their recent stuff that's for sure Although I would be more interested is some undiscovered progressive beauty or the chill on the level of Shulman? & don't worry; you can keep your Shponghle-stuff
  13. You meant Playground-compil? Very curious about that debut though
  14. Very nice topic! Indeed, he's moved pretty fast from undiscovered jewel to over-exposed standard-progger. Which is probably why he started to use an alias on the Wireless-compil. It's become kind of a marketing strategy to put a Freq-track on a compilation, i guess... For instance the Icecream-track on Amarasya is pretty nice, but unfortunately nothing REALLY special IMHO But the Strange Attractors-cd will remain a cherished gem in my collection for many years to come. I also get the feeling that it was meant to be enjoyed as a whole (like Shiva Chandra - Gecko) rather just a bunch of songs put on a cd. Any of you Freq-lovers who actually heard that "mythical" first Freq album on Distance back in 1997??? Pretty curious what that's all about. BTW: is there any difference to the Return to the Masters on Puzzled & the one on the full album, as I only own the last? What I would really look forward to myself is a Freq-dj-set! Or is he stil one of the few artists who believes in sticking to what you're best at instead of cashing in your 15min's of fame...
  15. Tox


    Good point, let's say for one I'm totally NOT into oldskool I'm also NOT a dj but a dedicated home-listener. I preferr proggy-sounds & fascinating chill...plz keep in mind that this is a 2CD combining the best of both worlds :P Strangely enough, I also love Astral Projection
  16. Tox


    Well then, just maybe give me a pick of some of the stuff you actually WANT to trade for it? no?
  17. I'm interested in the Space Safari-cd...
  18. Tox


    I got this one! So what are you willing to trade it for? The Ooze-cd ??? (pretty-please?)
  19. Yes they are, Sanne
  20. My favourites would be: Frogacult Freq Son Kite (& Atmos) Also still enjoying V/A - Prooved vol 2 on the revived Plastic Park Rec's In the chill department I would have to say: Shuman (timeless classic) & Bluetech
  21. Man, I was so euphoric when I saw this topic had 4 replies But now my only comfort is that I'm not the only one looking for it & that I got the first call Best of luck to all music-lovers out there. Since djSeb is on the board here aswell, maybe he can enlighten us?
  22. Nice to have an opportunity to try to obtain an original version of one of my most cherished MP3-albums. I don't have Visa or Paypall but for this one I'm pretty much prepared to swim across the fucking Atlantic to come & pick it up So, make my day, won't you?
  23. & it looked kinda like THIS
  24. Haldolium: One of these days (Pink Floyd), but I've played it for a die-hard Floyd-head & even he didn't recognise it before I told him.
  25. Personally I think there's a very thin line between using a sample of an well-known song & creating something fresh & new with it OR just ripping of the original by taking the catchy part & sticking a psy-beat on top of it! The first is very rare & in most cases it will be very hard to spot the original, the second very comon & shows a real lack of creativity imho. Please spare us of tracks like Voodoo People, Search & Destroy, Star Warz & the Offspring or Nirvana-rip-offs, they might (!) be cool the first time you hear'em but get really tiresome by the second or third. I know there's an unreleased Bombtrack-version (Rage against...) & that's just a plain disgrace... The only thing that comes to mind would be "80's Virus" by Dino Psaras.
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