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Everything posted by Tox

  1. Their music is GREAT but I'm not too impressed by their "live-act": I saw then 3 times of which 2 in 2005 & they only played tracks from their latest album + max 2 compilation-tracks. I really don't understand why they don't play great tracks like "Free as we are" anymore, it would certainly ad some variety to the live-set. Anyhow, their Twin Coast Discovery-album will certainly age very well too...
  2. Tox

    Tox' Tradelist

    2 more goodies gone, get'em while they're hot
  3. Hi Quark, long time no see! Nice selection hombré, you won the lottery or something? Enjoy your grooves dude... & let me know if there's anything up for trade
  4. Thnx Moni! Too bad you weren't there to see for yourself... I updated the previous version to this one today. What a festival without dj's like D-Nox & people who get lost in their music?
  5. A collage I made rather quickly out of some of our pictures we took at the Sonica festival after the sun went down: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/37384634/ Might still be updated in the very near future...
  6. This one is still growing on me & getting better everyday... Really LOVE tracks 3 & 7!
  7. Various - Natural Born Chillers http://www.discogs.com/release/356663 As a "souvenir" from Sonica
  8. If you ever need more pics or another article, you know where to find me (tox at psygarden dot be) Keep up the good work: Mushroom Magazine has always been a nice alternative info-source for the ppl who don't like (or don't have) internet...
  9. "Rahee'ya" or something like that. Don't really like it much but it got played a lot a year (or 2) ago.
  10. Sub6 feat Michelle Adamson...
  11. Atmos, Human Blue, ...
  12. Yes, I did & w0p too. Very weird too meet ppl you only know as icons on a little screen for the first time in real life while heavily peaking on acid. But it was all good... See you guys at the VooV! Didn't get to meet Heva though, maybe one day... Musicwise the best progressive came from FREq (the màster!) & D-Nox & Beckers, while the best psychedelic trance for me was without a shadow of a doubt: Tristan. It came pretty close to a perfect festival if it hadn't been for the stormy anticlimax at hte very end. To those like us, who were going crazy on the dancefloor until they stopped the music: Thank You, for the most intense feeling I had àll year! Our extensive picture Gallery is on psygarden.be, with extra attention for nightshots & body-art: http://www.psygarden.be/e107_plugins/galle...?g2_itemId=6979
  13. As I said somewhere else too: this one deserves some more listening-sessions before I review it but I've got several theories about this one. 1 FreQ wanted to avoid making "Strange Attractors Pt II" 2 That album was made without any pressure & he basicly just did his thing by himself. Now he's regularly touring & playing at all the main festivals. Maybe he just wanted to have some more dancefloor orientated stuff to play aswell? 3 Although he had released "Alloys" before 2004 he was basicly a "nobody" or a "promissing talent" to the in-crowd at best. Now he's on first-name-basis with the crème-de-la-crème of the psy-scene, so I guess it's inevitable to get influenced (even subconciously) by that? 4 Right after "Strange Attractors" came out, many ppl (incl me) said he had just saved his best tracks for the album & then just put out all his scraps & B-tracks on compilations, as everybody wanted to have a Freq-track on the V/A. Maybe now he just wanted to proove us all wrong this time ? Anyhow, this albums is far from crap, but it's just not what most ppl expected from Aran. So far my fav is track 3 "Silent Circuits" 10 min's of vintage Freq bliss
  14. Our friend Rik did the artwork on this one, let's hope it got him a free copy at least. The first track is also "made in Belgium", by Digicult: what do you guys think of that one? (haven't heard it myself...)
  15. the page was probably in your cache or smthng?
  16. Come on, Nemo! Spill your beans & enlighten us, Atmos-fans... (
  17. "The Web site cannot be found" Let's hope this doesn't mean the end of another great label... Especially now, since the Atmos album is sure to bring in at least some cash, no?
  18. It's been "Coming Soon" for way too long imho!
  19. Got that one as a present myself some time ago... Great stuff but it's gonna get better overtime, you can tell
  20. The original of the first track is a classic 4 SURE! & the Shulman-track isn't bad either...
  21. Me being favourised in this Forum is just too ridiculous for words. Just ask Anoebis Kristian & Nemo being longtime friends however is a given fact. The only thing that Tatsu PROBABLY said was that she had traded with me before & that she'd do it again cause I'm a trustworthy person, or something like that... Which e.v.e.r.y. single person I ever traded with will confirm! How can you justify saying something like this: "I dont have to prove anything in public dude. I know i transfered the money. End of story! I do not post private account transactions to satisfy your sick need for public attention." I'm sorry, but since I'm still the one who has received no money or no cd's, I think it's up to you to prove that I'm lying. You know damnwell what you did or didn't do? Well, just produce some evidence then! About this being resolved in public rather than in private: we started this trade in the beginning of MAY. On the contrary to what Kris claims I don't even hàve his personal e-mail... After about 2.5 MONTHS of trying to resolve this in private I'm fed up with this!
  22. First of all I have to say : I’m not a big fan of RMX-albums. My main problem with rmx-albums it that they break-up the consistent soundscape of the full album. Good albums establish a certain mood as they go on while a rmx album will always sound more like a patchwork, where every track has an atmosphere of its own… We start & finish with 2 downtempo versions by a newcommer & a veteran: Crystal Cream (Rai Remix) & Tussy De Luxe (Elysium Remix) In particular Rai does a great job here: really cool chilled house in that typical fluffy Rai-style. Now for the uptempo tracks: 2: Hello Kitty (Fitalic Remix): Great Dutch Housy progressive, Fitalic adds another gem to his repertoire. I’m very curious about the full album that’s due to come out on Tribal Vision later this year. 3: Trance Popper (Greed vs. Sonic Cube Remix): Musically not too bad, but then those horrible vocals kick in. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against vocals but this is just a really annoying & cheesy vocoder sample that sounds like a third rate Daft Punk. Way below standard for these guys , imho. 4: Bravo (Antix Remix) “Bravo” was my personal highlight of the original album, so granted: that’s always hard to beat. But still this is pretty weak attempt by Antix, who recently had their own album rmx’ed… Where has all the magic gone? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! If you really like this track I can only advise you to check out the original masterpiece (again). 5: Botox Party (Parrket Remix) Although this one was also one of my fav tracks on the original, I really like this version as well. This is a pumping & moving track, with increasingly heavy but hypnotic parts. Maybe just a little too long? 6: Groove Garden (Human Blue Remix): Having firm roots in the Progressive Trance scene veteran producer shows off some of his skills. He stays pretty close to the original & delivers one of the most trancy tunes on here. 7: Eifelgold (Tegma Remix): This is pretty much along the lines of the style of trance Tegma developed on their brilliant album “Around the world in 80 min’s”. But here the Eastern influences have been replaced by a funny & funky sample (Dis-coo) on top of a solid groove. 8: Dandy Division (Side-A Remix) : Side-A is the (French): winner of the rmx-competition & judging by this track he got what he deserved. Focussing on different elements than in the original he still manages to maintain all the energy & quality of the original. Good Job! So in conclusion, I generally prefer the tracks that don’t mess up the original flavour too much, with exception of the Rai & Parrket-rmx’s who really did something different ànd enjoyable. Bottom line is: these rmx’s by big names could a nice second chance for those who missed out on the “Creating Social Success” when it came out. But people like me, who really appreciated it, might feel slightly disappointed that the unique POTS-sound was changed. So try before you buy…
  23. If you want, I post a screenshot to proof you have NOT transferred the money, at least not yesterday evening. Since every international money transfer has a unique number, just post mine here & I'll check it with SWIFT immediately. Can't be very difficult now can it? Furthermore, I'd expect somebody of your age & experience to be able to send out a package in through the mail OR be able to make an international money-transfer. None of those 2 resulted in me receiving anything & apparently I am not alone... It's always "tomorrow", "this week", "next week" or "soon" I can only congratulate the other 3 on their patience, but mine has run out after MONTHS of sh*t like this... And about you accusing other ppl of "flipping out", I can only say: "Takes one to know one!"
  24. The first time ever I have a negative experience with buying something from another Psynews-member !! He offered some albums I was interested in for sale under yet another alias this time "Yoman" He asked me to transfer the money (35€) first, which I did. Then after some weeks, still no cd's. First he claimed he had no time *edited out since Elysium wants this to be private* Some time later, still no cd's, he then claimed he had had some packages returned by the Post Office because of a mix-up, but now everything would be fine. Several weeks later, still no cd's & not even an answer to my PM's... Much to my surprise Kristian makes a comeback to the Forum under yet ànother alias to start his thread "I'm Angry, very angry!" I ask him about this matter publicly (but discrete) & he responds (very pissed off) that he didn't have the time to respond to my PM because *editet out since this is also private*. Now being more than 2 months after I send him the money I'm fed up & ask him to return my money & just keep the cd's. He agrees saying that if the cd's arrive as he "expects them to do anytime soon" I just have to return the money to him... More than a week later, still no money... I'm really losing my patience now & tell him to just return my money. He says he made the money transfer the day before... Now yet another week later, guess what: still no money in my banc-account! Well, is 35€ really worth all this fuss? It sure as hell is! I've send stuff to ppl I never even heard of, who live on the other side of the world & everything has always gone according to plan. I've traded with many of you & I just wanted to express my disappointment that my first negative experience with trading EVER was caused by somebody we all know. Of course it's a lot easier to complain about the scene going down the drain than it is to behave according to general terms of fairness! PS: ofcourse I have all the PM's to back this up... Edit by Tatsu: I've edited some stuff since Elysium wants this to be private. The story is still readable and edited reasons why the CDs haven't been send don't make a difference.
  25. Well I finally got some new goodies for these hot summer months: The new Flow V/A - Daily Basis. Everybit as good as the "Globalize" Freq - Gosub 20 http://www.discogs.com/release/720858 It's good but still under further investigation... Shiloh - Bleed http://www.discogs.com/release/704203 Great 2CD: 1 with chill & break-tracks & 1 with UK-progressive-dancefloor-stuff (incl tracks by David West & 3 with Luke Chable) : their stuff is considdered groundbreaking by Son Kite & Jaïa to name but a few fans
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