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Everything posted by TheJoker

  1. The last time I shared my opinion about Murphy I got banned, so guys: beware Still, it's hard to take someone serious when they act and write like Borat. I would say as far IDM goes my list would be short, since it's not the genre I listen to the most: 1. Early Aphex Twin (up untill the windowlicker EP) 2. Kettel (master of melodies, but has released alot of filler in the past) 3. Jon Hopkins . His lates album insides is a masterpiece
  2. My oh my what a fantastic album this is. I've just recently heard of this guy, he has co produced some tracks for the latest Coldplay EP, but his solo work sounds nothing like them. If I have to draw a parrarell to other artists, the first that springs to mind is Brian Eno, but with much heavier beats and more structured tracks. I highly recomend Insides to any fan of music. It has emotion, depth, beauty and I just can't seem to get enough of it. One of the many awesome tracks on Insides: His myspace page: www.myspace.com/jonhopkins
  3. Selected ambient works 85-92, I care because you do, Richard D. James album and Window licker EP is indeed awesome on multiple levels. However, I do think he is overrated and I hate the drill and bass stuff he does. Sadly he has composed many drill and bass tracks, and based on this fact he cannot be considered a genius in my opinion. A artist which makes great ambient and acid house: Yes. A musical genius? In my opinion, no
  4. AFX is just one of many aliases that he uses. He also goes under the name: Polygon window
  5. Aphex Twin is a one man act: Richard James
  6. Judging by the samples, this sounds AWESOME!!!
  7. For me, cheesy is something that has been done a 1000 times before, and also you can "feel" that there is no real motivation behind the music other than appeal to the masses. When I think cheesy as far as psytrance goes I think bands like IM, Skazi, Psycraft, Hypersonic+ a ton of other people. As I said earlier, labeling this album cheesy is just beyond me. It's fun and tounge in cheek, done in a intelligent way, but nowhere near cheesy.
  8. Someone should close this topic since there's probably 1000 threads on the same subject here already
  9. Wow, this album is fucking amazing! It's way beyond Nightime lullabies, which I found quite dull to be honest. This is a different beast all together: Dark, funky, hard, fun and INTENSE is how I would describe this album. Hats of to POF for this one! :posford:
  10. For what it's aiming at it gets the job done (old school in a new way). If you are searching for something new, you probably won't get it here, but if you want a damn well done album, then get your hands on daze of our lives! My favoritt track so far is hands down wormhole :D
  11. The original Prodigy track is decent, this however blows
  12. I really don't mind similaritys between tracks in any given music genre, as long as it's not a blatant rip off/ sampled melody
  13. Loved it when I was a kid, love some of it to this day. I'm escpecially a big fan of Sash!. Classics like Adelante, Encore un fòuis, Ecuador, the secret, Mysterious times++ are timeless, and fantastic, trance/ dance songs IMO. What I like about alot of dance and trance is the emphasis on cathcy, positive and fun melodies :posford:
  14. The fonts are alright, but everything else is just horrible...
  15. TheJoker


    There is actually very little slow-motion. The scenes that have this effect just adds to the film and is gorgeusly choreographed. The film is almost identical to the book, so if you are a fan you probably won't be dissapointed. The director and crew got everything right IMO. The opening sequnce is one of the best openings in a movie, ever! What can I say, I'm exctatic about this film. Just go and see it!!! :clapping:
  16. TheJoker


    OH MY GOD! I was totally blown away by this film. It´s uncomercial, dark, violent, beautifull shot, complex, emotional++. This won´t be everyones cup of tea, but I thought it was an amazing, intens and original piece of art. :clapping:
  17. It was never my intention to cause this kind of stirr with my comment on Coldplay and The Killers. What I was saying is that I've encountered many people who say that bands like them are pushing musical boundaries. I've also heard many people say this about U2. This I can't even understand from a pop/ rock listeners viewpoint. Not dissing or being prejudice (hell, I like me some Coldplay from time to time) but to say that they are pushing musical limits is a slap in the face to all artist who really try to bring something new to the table. The big clichè here is that it all boils down to taste. But in my opinion, some people only seek what they find safe and familiar in music. Some people just like a artist, say like U2, because it's social acceptable and their friends and family members listen to it. This kind of person wouldn't even consider the possibility of getting into a piece of abstract art, or demanding instrumental music. I agree with the poster who wrote that many people don't qualify music as art, but just want a fast- fun- sing- along experience when they listen to music. I imagine if we would take a trip into this persons perception of art we would be quite shocked, because it probably is no perception at all. Again for the sake of this thread not getting off topic, I'm not having a go at anyone.
  18. I agree on all points as far as what taste goes. You should never place judgment on anyone when it comes to their taste in art, music, films etc. If there is any point in my this thread is that some people seem to have a block in their minds that doesn't allow them to like art that is new to them. I bet if you would take a look into their cd collections, you wouldn't even find a trace of progression. This is the same people that think bands like: The Killers, Coldplay++ is breaking boundaries with music.
  19. When it comes to all art, the majority of people always get drawn to what is familiar to them and what they can understand. That's why pop music, be it rock, rap, pop, electronica/ house with vocals etc. takes the dominant role when it comes to sales . The "red thread" here is that most people HATE to listen to instrumental music. But why is that? I can't even count how many times I've been to a party and put on some psymusic or instrumental based electronica and people have said "when is the song going to start? Why are there no vocals?" I've gone from the point of being irritated by this crave to have short, vocal oriented tracks to just being somewhat baffled. The majority of music I listen to is intruiging instrumental music with vocal parts/ samples here and there. Not that I don't enjoy a good vocal or pop track, but I don't limit myself to just listening to this. Maybe this is why psytrance will never reach the mainstream (thank God for that). But I do find it quite an interesting phenomenon. Take Infected Mushroom for example. The minute they started having more vocals in their tracks, the more popular they got. Also the influence of rock and roll got more people into them, which proves my point of people wanting more and more of what they already know. Some people just seem frightened to open their minds and expand their horizon when it comes to art, especially music. And I think (to some degree) people are frightened of instrumental music like psytrance because it's so unfamiliar to them and demands something from the listener. You need to concentrate and let go off your prejudice to really get the beautifull stories that are told within these non vocal tracks.
  20. Couldn't agree more Although I like both a chunky, phat sounding, layered tracks, I enjoy minimal as well. What can be a problem with layered tracks is that the artist sometimes over-produce the track. I don't want to hear a track with like, 3 leads going on at the same time, 3 layered pads, lots of percussion and sound FX, alot of drums++. I for one like to hear what sounds are going on in the music
  21. I'm not that into minimal, but I'm planning to check it more out because I'm really intrigued on how minimal seem to create more dynamics but with the use of minimal sounds. Trentemøller comes to mind, although he is not 100% minimal. The way he uses the simplicity of sounds and clever song structure creates some very fresh sounding tunes!
  22. Although Justice's debut album wasn't that bad, I'm tired of all these blogster/ hipster music. Most of them sounds like a bad Daft Punk rip off
  23. This album is amazing, indeed. Does anyone know who did the mastering on this one?
  24. Thanks alot for the tips! :clapping:
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