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Everything posted by Padmapani

  1. can you take these ecological systems which have evolved on a planetary scale and stick them in such an incredibly small container with disproportionate amounts of atmosphere, soil, water, ocean... and have these same principles basically function. we can take these animals and systems and stick them in an incredibly small container and it still works.
  2. 8/10. floating, flowing, mysterious with lots of 303. this means: awesome. it's a pity, that the production quality makes it sound a bit flat and more dirty than it should be. someone should do a remix.
  3. very nice. definitely different from amithaba buddha style (and better imho). a technoish beat, floating like the trance from the 90s, goaish melodies and of course lots of acid. 303
  4. definitely check out the compilation flight 604. those tracks sound like they're straight from the 90s.
  5. this is an easy one. if you don't care about your own life, you'll likely not live long enough to reproduce. so such individuals die out quickly, so valuing life gives you a huge advantage in survival. if you have a trait that is present in half of the population and gives a 10% lower chance of reproducing, it will only be present in 20% after about 20 generations and will be completely gone after 60 generations. but were talking about a much larger disadvantage here. a more sensible (but still too low) number would be 60% disadvantage. i just tried a dominant allele with that number in this cool population genetics simulation tool ( http://www.radford.edu/~rsheehy/Gen_flash/popgen/ ) i just found with a population of 500, and the allele with the disadvantage was gone in under 10 generations.
  6. there is no god. and in the small chance that i'm wrong here, it is still certainly not one of those, which the religious leaders want us to believe in. about life after death: we'll all find out soon enough. patience is a virtue
  7. this is a bit strange, imho too energetic to be listenened to for chillout purposes (like shulman), not dubby enough for my psydub playlist, but i still like it very much. nice atmosphere, floating melodies and acid bubbles . i'm looking forward to the album.
  8. judging by i what i do, i'd tend to agree. if i'm not 100% sure that i'll like a release i'll download (for free) and if the album indeed is good, then i'll want a physical copy including cover art and booklet. and a lot of us are collectors who would even buy a rare album second hand for a way too high price.
  9. i find that with Diva, there's no need for real (vintage) analog hardware. i've read a discussion in another forum where during a blind test, people thought that diva sounded more analog than the minimoog itself (but those samples of the analog four elektron sound very nice too; but in a wholly different/modern way)
  10. nice psytrance that doesn't want to be put in one particular genre. atmospheric, but driving and with some acid. excellent for dancing but there's not a lot goin on in the first half and the track doesn't takes you to another world. so 7/10. (i take it, the upload or youtube is responsible for the bad quality?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia_r19HJczY
  11. sorry, i'm on logic here. but i've had a similar problem, where one corrupted project was crashing every time i tried to open it. i solved it by importing all channels into a new project. maybe fuity has a similar funcionality? anyway, good luck with recovering your tunes!
  12. ^^^ this gives a whole new meaning to the term "electronic music"
  13. exactly. my computer speakers are flat, the other set of speakers i have a my parents' house has a bit of bass boost on the amplifier as those speakers have too little bass otherwise and for the speakers in my car i've turned down the treble all the way to adjust for the hugely exaggerated highs, as well as given it a slight bass boost to compensate for engine noise. so a flat setting is ideal and eq is needed only if the speakers have severe shortcomings.
  14. a lot of the smitten stuff is. if you don't know it, it might be worth checking out the mix of their contorsions compilation from dave the drummer. there are lots of good tracks in there (starting with the one needle ninja just posted).
  15. thanks @antic for suggesting duotekk. i missed that one and it's indeed just as good as logic bomb
  16. awsome cover! this is going to be nice. cellar door imho is the best pharaom track.
  17. i didn't know that the muses rapt is still around. interesting release, sounds like it's straight from the 90s. i cannot tell if it's trancy goa or goa-y trance, but it reminds me of old california sunshine
  18. if i get what you're saying, then i've done somthing similar in one of my older tracks with one instrument playing the main melody (16 bars) and two others playing the same melody shifted 4 respectively 8 bars.
  19. the samples sound great; exactly the style of goa trance i like most. also the artwork is indeed nice. is that their first goa release? i've never heard from that label before. soul kontakt seems a bit misplaced, i only know him as (good) progressive artist and the samples don't tell a lot here, but there's maybe some nice goa-melody-goodness going on in the full track?
  20. if you're not talking about mostly audio playback, then i think that the ipad doesn't have nearly enough processing power for that. logic tortures me regularly with "system overload" messages on my mac and i don't think that i've gone overboard with cpu hungry synths and effect chains.
  21. the sun expands and boils off the ocean later swallows the earth. 7.9 billion years to go.
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