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Everything posted by Psyvox

  1. *screams hysterically* *rips off his shirt*
  2. No, you're an idiot, because you expect me to share your ethics. Such a harsh reaction usually comes from people who take their ethics and morals too seriously and believe they are something absolute that everyone must share similarly. While, in fact, it is just the result of the particular kind and level of social brainwash you were exposed to. In real life I would be more careful and probably even apologize for that remark; but you have to remember that this is the Internet and the threshold for taking other people's remarks seriously should be a lot higher. Aaaaanyway.. :wank:
  3. Thanks. That's what I needed to hear
  4. Frankly, I've never seen Erez very enthusiastic on his nowadays live performances.. as opposed to Duvdev cheesy rock star energy. And, once again, I need to stress my belief that the mind who produced Classical Mushroom is not one who would take pleasure in such cheap things. Maybe Duvdev is blackmailing Erez.
  5. I think it's worse. I think they are trying to act like rockstars. Well, not sure about Erez, indeed he doesn't seem to enjoy the live stages.. perhaps there is still a chance? LE: You know, I've been wondering for a while now. Is Erez aware that some people 'got' the CM album? Is he aware that there are people who deeply enjoy it, and really wish to hear more music like that? Because, after pulling an album like that, the only reason I can think of why he changed directions, is perhaps because he thought people didn't appreciate it fully. I am quite confident that CM required a *massive* amount of work on the technical level (let alone the creative part); but perhaps he thought it wasn't worth it, given the public reception? (I am personally aware of only a couple other people, besides me, who really like that album; most people seem not to like it much) Well, if that's the case, I really wish there was a way of letting him know that there are people out there who really appreciated it, and have their fingers crossed hoping that one day another album like that will appear.. Is there such a way?
  6. I deeply agree with Hitler on this matter. Deeply. Also, with the Eurovision remark. Classical Mushroom is a musical masterpiece, in and out of the psy/goa scene. Some tragic accident must happen to Duvdev. I also encourrage posting this to israforums; spamming it if possible. Anything that would increase the chances of IM seeing it. As long as I live, or until someone else does it, I will hope that IM will release another Classical Mushroom album.
  7. I just finished this track. It is the best I've ever done. You can either listen to it online, or download it. Make sure you turn up the volume of your audio system. Enjoy, and let me know what you think of it. http://www.zshare.net/audio/97861662c5e677/ Cheers! :posford:
  8. I really wished I could go to Boom this year, it would've been my first time. But considering that I am from Romania, the cheapest plane ticket to Portugal was ~320EUR.. which is a LOT. I can't come up with those money Anyone has a genius idea to get there cheaper? That would be awesome.
  9. ok, maybe it's my speakers...
  10. wouldn't that be a waste of the precious substance? I mean, using it to listen to music.. it sounds like a waste to me. But then again, maybe you have some massive amounts, which would make you really really lucky
  11. and it's also more fun I love it when I can create sounds with as little VSTs as possible.. Theoretically, any tune could be created from basic soundwaves, with simple processing like eq, filter, phaser, etc. VSTs just try to make things *easier* for us. But they make it less fun too.. btw, helpful links: http://www.infected.co.il/futureCitySkin/p...sic%20Tutorials http://forum.isratrance.com/the-mother-of-...k-drums-thread/
  12. i create my Kicks from a low frequency (80Hz or so) Sine Wave, that I change its pitch with the Pogo function in FL Studio. I then eq/compress/filter it massively, until i end up with something that i like.
  13. may I ask you guys what you think of the mastering of this album?
  14. the shit on acid one is pretty cool. how did you get that effect?
  15. i fully agree with EmeraldEcho. i would like to add that the Keyboard is also extremly useful for *discovering* melodies (i rarely, if ever, wake up in the morning with a melody in my mind, that i have to transpose in musical notes.. when that doesn't happen, i just play with notes at my keyboard, and create new harmonies, new melodies, etc; when i end up with something that i like, i start creating a track structue in my mind, centered on that base melody. It's a lot easier to do this with a Keyboard, instead of using your mouse or whatever). Secondly, most midi keyboard controllers have those knobs, that can be easily assigned to the virtual knobs/parameters of your VSTs Instruments and Plug Ins. When I feel creative, I just assign, say, the Filter cutoff of my Instrument to a knob on my midi keyboard controller, hit record, and start playing with it. Of course, you could create the automation pattern manually, with the mouse, but that would take a loooooooooooooot more time. So yeah, i find my midi keyboard controller to be really useful and essential for production. I have a very cheap, yet very good one: Alesis Photon25; but I saw it was discontinued or something, so you might not find it anymore online. However, the "better" version, Photon X25 is not a lot more expensive, so I'd recommend getting this one. cheers!
  16. Thanks. Glad you liked it.
  17. Because I've got this sux0rz cold for the past 3 days, I managed to finish this track I had started 3 weeks ago. I only produced 135bpm+ psytrance in the past, so this would be my first downtempo attempt (120bpm). Once again, it features the voice of Homer Simpson Lemme know what you think of it. http://www.zshare.net/audio/865218690e0cba/
  18. there *might* be an awesome tune behind that massively distorted kick. it's the only thing I hear throughout the track.
  19. haha wicked track! it's really good, I'm so happy to see ppl are still making nice neo-goa music. I loved the instruments and their gating, really coherent and well designed. good job! only a few things I can suggest - maybe a more powerful bass, louder hats and maybe some leads playing a melody (but that's only because I'm a huge fan of melodies )
  20. ffs, someone change "Romenia" to "Romania", next to E-Mantra's tracks, in mars' first post on this thread. Anyway, it looks really amazing I'm sure it's going to be great. I think I'm going to pre-order it.
  21. pretty.. umm.. amateurish There are many things that should be improved, but I'm not sure how pro he wants to become, so maybe I shouldn't mention all of them. The most important, tho: the tune should have like an.. *idea*, a well developed theme, a melody.. this track only has some pads, a kick and a bass... prolly some presets, 'cause they don't really match. Keep working, invest time and energy in your works.. doesn't matter if it takes you one week, or two, or two months. Just make sure the final track sounds the way you like it. I personally spend up to 1.5-2 months per single track. And that's because I don't give up until it sounds *precisely* like what I have inside my head. Also, the audio engenieering part is really big and complex.. I've been playing with music sequencers for 5 years now, and I still don't have a totally clear idea of the way a Phaser works. There's a lot of science there, and if you want to be really good, you have to understand it And the most importnat advice: have fun Do it with a lot of love and passion. Otherwise, it's worthless
  22. Thank you very much for your reply I am glad you liked it. Yes, it was made in FL Studio. By the way - it has no mastering, 'cause I have no idea how this is done... Thus srry for the bad sound quality.
  23. Hey guys. I've recently created a new Full On track. I'm not sure about the sub-sub-sub genre name of the music I make, but I think it's not something you get to hear very often. It's really melodic (the melodies in my tracks are the part I work on most), dreamy prolly, but not very dance-able. This particular track has a pretty sarcastic subtle message, I hope you'll catch it It features the voices of Homer Simpson and Morpheus from The Matrix Let me know what you guys think of it, I'd love to hear your oppinions. http://www.zshare.net/audio/71607404a750e9/ (there is also a "Download File" link there, if you want to save the tune to your computer; otherwise, you can simply play it in broswer) Greetings from Romania!
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