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Indred Cold

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Everything posted by Indred Cold

  1. Yeah it took me at least 15 tries switching between FF & IE buy it finally worked after trying open then save file at the same time. Glad I kept trying though, this is good shit OD. What genre is darkstep? Is this like a sub genre of some kind?
  2. Canada is just as terrible. At least my town. All we have is fucking HMV at the mall. Their electronic(they call it dance music) sections is like 1 tiny rack that holds max ~100 CDs. All of which is poppy/uninteresting crap like tiesto/basement jaxx/etc. The only good electronic CDs Ive ever seen(And promptly bought) were : infected mushroom - the gathering, 3 juno reactor cds, shpongles 2nd album & a few FLA ones(these werent even the electronic section but the rock/pop section Just happened to look as I saw nothing interesting in the metal section). Most ppl here think of techo as "rave music" & refer to all genre of electronic music as techno or more commonly "trippy fucking shit yo" Fucking gangsta losers. There is absolutely no scene here(Ive still never been to an actual party ) & most ppl listen to crappy random shit they find on limewire by searching for keywords like trippy/rave/mushroom/etc. Guess I cant bitch about that though as thats how I found about infected mushroom/hallucinogen & got into psy. I still think there is a huge untapped market for psy/chill/etc here. Hell even if a headshop sold the more well known stuff, a bit over priced Id probly still buy it. Theres probly a decent scene in the lower mainland or the island but Im surprised theres not much here unless its really underground & I just missed it.
  3. Um, yeah most of what I ended up recommending wasnt really doom lol. Katatonia is good but there new stuff isnt doom. I dont know alot of hand Im kinda just getting into it honestly. I get doom/sludge confused cuz most times bands are both genres & they overlap some. I started out with nu-metal, then death/extreme metal far many years till recently. As far as doom/sludge bands, from what Ive heard so far: Mindrot - well their 2 ablums are from 95/98 but r very good. Out of print though & needs to be remastered Eyes Of Fire(formed by members of mindrot) Acid Bath - great, original band. Very experimental. albums again are older though 94/96 I think. again needs remastering Type O Negative - They're more gothic with doom influences but they're still around afaik Cult Of Luna - Atmospheric Sludge/Progressive Metal/Post-Hardcore. These guys are awesome. Their newer stuff isnt as hard as the stuff in the vids. Cult Of Luna - The Watchtower Neurosis - Progressive Sludge/Post-Hardcore/Tribal/Ambient. Their 1st 2 albums are hardcore punk so Id recommend starting with Souls At Zero, then up to Given To the Rising. Also their album A Sun That Never Sets was also released as a dvd which has videos(very good, surreal, abstract, videos. ) for every song plus an exlusive release by their Dark ambient/experimental 'tribal' noise side project: Tribes Of Neurot. Basically they use a process where they take the original mix of the album, use a tape recorder to record it again while playing it in an empty room, then re-record over & over up to 32 times I think. Its very weird & the only album I have by Tribes Of Neurot sadly. One Tribes Of Neurot album is made entirely out of insect noises & comes with special lp/cd so u can play them together & have a totally new experience. Also another Tribes Of Neurot album is actually 4 cds that are meant to be played at the same time on 4 different systems one in each direction. I think they have another album that is the exact same length as one of their Neurosis albums & is meant to be played along with it a the same time. Anyway yeah Im just getting into this sub-genre so I dont have alot to offer & I dont have the hard drive space to test out other stuff atm. A good place to look for doom or any sub-genre of metal is to check the metal archives. metal archives You can search/browse by genre/alphabetically & if u click on an artists page it will show all their albums/lyrics/lyrical themes/current label/active-broken up/etc. Its very handy. Also ppl can review albums so if u want just browse by doom, then pick an artist, check their scores/reviews for their albums & go from there.
  4. This is a great song. R u looking for depressing stuff or more stuff thats more angry/uplifting/makes u feel better after? Ill recommend a bit of everythign then I guess. These are almost all doom/sludge/metal. Some aren't really sad/depressing but make u think/feel about things at least. Acid Bath - New Death Sensation Acid Bath - Scream Of The Butterfly Acid Bath - The Bones Of Baby Dolls In Flames - Tilt In Flames - Abnegation In Flames - Come Clarity Mindrot - Nothing Staind - Fade Staind - Epiphany Staind - Me Staind - Please Staind - Reality Staind - Could It Be Stone Sour - Bother Stone Sour - Inhale System Of A Down - Chop Suey Eyes Of Fire - The End Result Of Falling Eyes Of Fire - Dead To The World Cold - Tell Me Why Cold - Wasted Years
  5. Children Of Bodom - Blooddrunk
  6. New CD from The Berzerker. Yeah more samples this time.
  7. I voted 3-4 hrs but it really depends. Lately Ive been playing games on my PC 4-6 hrs so I cant listen to music while Im gaming. Other wise its on as long as Im awake. At least 8-12 hrs though I listen to lots of other type of metal more than psy or electronic music in general. I usually fall asleep after listening to my Ipod for an hr or so. I even watch TV or movies Ive seen before with music or playing Ps2 music is always on.
  8. Cult Of Luna - The Watchtower
  9. Slipknots new album - All hope is gone. Pretty good so far.
  10. Karl Sanders - Temple Of Lunar Ascension
  11. Mystery OF The Yeti - A Welcome To All Extraterrestrials
  12. K ill ask this here than as I dont know where else to put this. I had an old account on here from 2005(Pacal Votan with caps I checked & apparently someone has an identical one with no caps on the P/V) that I stopped using as I didnt have internet for 06-07, plus I didnt want that user name anymore. My queston is I have heard that ppl can ask mods/admins for a name change & I was wondering if it was possible to change the name of my old account to this one &/or merge them together. ie change all my posts as Pacal to Indred or is that even possible? If not could I then just change the name & delete all posts with this account. Ive only got like 80 with this so I dont mind I have around 1400 with my old one. Again im not too sure how this works. I can pm someone my old e-mail/password to prove its my account. thx in advance.
  13. :lol: I cant stop laughing. Its a solo project of the frontman for As I Lay Dying. All the songs are lines from arnold movies. He does the choruses in a near perfect arnold voice too. This is awesome. Tracklist: 1. Hello California 2. Get to the Choppa 3. Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers 4. All of the Songs Sound the Same 5. I Am a Cybernetic Organism, Living Tissue Over (Metal) Endoskeleton 6. Come With Me If You Want to Live 7. What It's Like to Be a Singer At Band Practice 8. Who Is Your Daddy, and What Does He Do? 9. You Have Just Been Erased 10. Broo-Tall Song Idea 11. Here Is Subzero, Now Plain Zero 12. So Far, So Good, So Let's Talk About It 13. Screw You (Benny) 14. Why? 15. If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It 16. It's Not a Tumor 17. Not So Hidden Track Priceless
  14. :posford: FLA = Awesome np: Kingdom Of Sorrow - Piece It All Back Together
  15. Puscifer - Cuntry Boner(Disco Viagra Mix) :lol: Hilarious.
  16. Nothingface - An Audio Guide To Everyday Atrocity
  17. Acid Bath - Finger Paintings Of The Insane
  18. Scar Symmetry - 2012: The Demise Of The 5th Sun
  19. Damn I wish I could afford to go to that. They just put ferry prices up yet again. Any info on other events in BC besides Shambala? I know ur more ontario but any info would be appreciated(Ill check ur site further later). Back on topic if hes releasing this under a different alias will the style be different than subconscious?
  20. Cult of Luna - Eternal Kingdom The album concept is based on a book the band found in their rehearsal space(an old mental institution) called 'Tales From The Eternal Kingdom', written by a mental patient who was convicted for the murder of his wife. Both the music and the lyrics reflect the stories in the book. pretty nice so far.
  21. Agents Of Oblivion - Ash Of The Mind
  22. Neurosis - Stones From The Sky
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