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Indred Cold

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Everything posted by Indred Cold

  1. Yeah why not? Mayan for me.
  2. Try using the search button on the side of the page. Right above Contest. I'm sure it's off the time machine & I think they have a track listing for it.
  3. Hallucinogen - Gamma Goblins(Its Turtles All The Way Down Mix)
  4. Front Line Assembly - Digital Tension Dementia
  5. Nice Seraph.
  6. Acid Bath - Finger Paintings Of The Insane
  7. I would but I'm poor as hell so I'm saving for the gathering next year. Plus I'm going to see my grandpa on saturna then.
  8. Vapour Rumors Behind Closed Eyelids Shpongle Eyes Star Shpongled Banner Don't know for new one yet.
  9. MuDvAyNe - (Per)version Of A Truth
  10. Can I have what your smoking? Explain plz.
  11. CD: Front Line Assembly - Complete Total Terror CD/DVD: Primus - Animals Should Not Try To Act Like People DVD: Primus - Hallucino-Genetics
  12. No one knows....
  13. Yeah I'm pretty new to the scene & don't fully understand the difference between the subgenres of psytrance but i've already noticed some similarity between artists & that saddens me. The reason I got into psy was cuz of it's diversity & complexity over other genres of techno/electronica. I'm all for mixing genres if it works but this seems to be a step backwards.
  14. Nice avatar. Definately an improvement. I also think this is quite good especially for only an hour.
  15. I wonder how the original artists would feel about their tracks being covered like this.
  16. Hallucinogen - Fluoro Neuro Sponge
  17. Nightwish - Over The Hills And Far Away(Led Zeppelin Cover)
  18. Front Line Assembly - Modus Operandi
  19. No prob. Great song & great movie.
  20. CD - Dog Fashion Disco - Commited To A Better Future DVD - Sepultura - Chaos DVD
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