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Indred Cold

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Everything posted by Indred Cold

  1. 1200 Mics - Magic Mushrooms(Optical Noise Mix)
  2. You spin me round like by Billy Idol? There's a psy remix of it? I bet it's by GMS. Nice to see more of my fellow Canadians too. Sorry I haven't heard it.
  3. I find when I get stuff I watch/listen to it repeatidly for a couple weeks until I get tired of it & listen to other stuff or buy something new. Just yesterday I was going through some old burned CDs & found at least 20+ songs I don't even remember.
  4. After several listens now I must say that this album is growing on me. I agree it has elements of the 1st 2 albums but with a touch more electronic feeling. This album was not quite what I was expecting but I still think it's pretty good. Not as good as the 1st but better than the 2nd. 8/10
  5. Just bought this yesterday & I must say I'm surprised how much I like it. The 2 songs from the Matrix are awesome. The only songs I don't really like are angels & man & the 1st half of conquitsador. I also think bible of dreams is better. 8/10
  6. Cosmosis - Doors Of Perception
  7. Dude just search psyshop or some other store I'm sure they'll have it. @DP
  8. Oh I am looking for more but I aven't been able to use WinMX lately. I found most of the ones I deleted on Bearshare back in the day. & yes I would buy some if they showed up here(record store). Actually found Shpongle - TOTI & Juno Reactor - Labyrinth today. Imagine my surprise. That makes 4 Cds so far.
  9. Shpongle - Tales Of The Inexpressable Juno Reactor - Labyrinth
  10. Juno Reactor - Labyrinth(album)
  11. Horray For Boobies>One Fierce Beer Coaster
  12. Hallucinogen - Deranger "Oh no that was real. Lets get out of here" Biosphere - The Fairy Tale "Rather like fairyland isn't it? Except for the smell of gasoline & burning flesh" there are lots of great samples I just can't seem to think of any more right now non-psy: The Berzerker - Disregard "Lets listen to the strange songs & embark on a trip to distant lands, full of unbelievable facts & incomprahensible emotions" The Berzerker - Compromise "Due to their remarkable power to withstand mutilation the heart of this one, although cut in two, continues to pump blood & keep the animal conscious"
  13. Yeah i didn'y like it when I 1st found it but after finding again I can't see why I got rid of it. I also used to have & got rid of like 20 etnica songs( why ) & the herb garden which luckily I have since found again too. np: shpongle - nothing lasts
  14. Hallucinogen - Fluoro Neuro Sponge
  15. Shpongle - The 7th Revelation
  16. Astral Projection - Heavens Gate
  17. & Astral Projection - Trance Dance
  18. Thanks dude. Nice avatar BTW.
  19. Yeah the 1st Soulfly Cd was pretty good but the others I dunno...I think he is just trying to experiment with too many different styles. Yes a psy-remix of refuse/resist or roots bloody roots would be awesome. I'm sure max could do a better job than skazi. Hmm do Yage have any stuff online to listen to or download?
  20. "I will take you to a place where we can find our ROOOOTS BLOODY ROOOOOTS" Sepultura with max kicked ass & no I haven't heard of them although you have peeked my interest now.
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