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Everything posted by murphythecat

  1. again with how i talk, im a french!!!!! not an English. Near the parenthesis is okay, but not at all in my top 10, come on, you obviosly havent been diggin out the good stuff in the IDM, cause its totally a okay album, but no maturity in his sound, and hes putting some emotianal melodie cause otherwise, his backgroung effect are really not goood enough for me and my over enthousiasim? okay men, you really have a problem, im too happy about a style. Im sure you the type of guy being insulted when someone say fuck around you hein, and you are always clean, all your cds are classified in a particular order? and btw, your suggestion are so not the type i like in electronica, just stay away, cause being criticize every time i open my mouth, your a pain in the ASS oooooooo i said ass! go pray now for god to save my souls. control freak I hope you realize it, you havent been over my topic yet? talking about how i talk, i dont know the syntax, and as long that you are able to understand me, i dont see the big fuss, im not doing an dissertation
  2. who cares, you just didnt listen enough of idm, so you think that THEY are the best, you are mistaking half as good, come on, again does sentence, please
  3. SOme of yopu guys are so femalish, you spend more energy to talk about the name of the genre, then talk actually about the genre. ITS Like if we love posford, but we talk about his ugly haircut. Come on, its frustrating. LOOK, the topic was a fuckin top 10, not a appreciation topic about IDM. If you have nothing to put on yopur top 10, just keep your mouth shut, thats it. and if you only know one artist in the idm scene, well its a shame mentionning him. just like if i never had something else then ice cream, and someoine would ask me whats is your favorite dessert, well I CANT answer ice cream!!!!!!!!! Idm lacks depht??????? you dont know what you are talking about, really. Psytrance nowadays lacks of everything really, all the new stuff: ozmali, filteria and lets say principle of light, got almost no depht, so what are you talkin about? for me, psytrance lack of complication, while IDM delivers!!! IDM is fun music, it changes all the time(well the good artist), it can be aggressive or ultra melodious. but really, i asked for a top 10, if you dont like IDM, well make an depreciation topic about idm. but not in the top 10!!!!! its so ironic, FUCK :drama: and personnaly, lot of idm, i understand why we call them IDM artist, its an intelligent version of techno, electronica and trance mostly, well thats my interpretation. but its true, psy would be too in this category, in fact, maybe we found how to class psytrance!!!: its all idm!!!
  4. you just dont know what you are talking about go listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfb04Fvpk0k now tell me whats annoying and i could go on and on and on. you base your opinion on the little you heard from idm and its pathetic and sad and what, bluetech is annoying? believe me, im a fan of interesting and complicated stuff, and from what i know of both style, idm and psychedelic, im starting to ask myself if idm is not even more complicated of course that some AFX song are annoying, just like hallucinogen for god sake, but what, you base yourself exactly, and for me, idm is a lot less annoying then dark psy
  5. i guess you dont love shpongle either and what, the song instability is not a masterpiece?
  6. ohhh, so the song is not good?
  7. hahaha +10, i agree its so cliché
  8. 11+) who cares? i do care :drama:
  9. oh! ii didnt tough i would discover some new IDM in here, but yasime seems interesting. thanks, keep on posting!! and what about the two guys saying only autechre? have you listen only to autechre, so you think its the best out there? at least make a list of whats good, not only autechre, cause theres not only this guy in the idm scene... yes and ab ovo its all right, but you would put it up on your list?
  10. 1.kettel 2-AFX and Aphex twin...but i kinda like more AFX rather the Aphex Twin 3-Wisp 4-Bluetech 5-the flashbulb but i gotta say, theres a big distinction between my top 1-5 and my top 6-10. those that figure in the top all made music that blowed my mind off, those artist made me open my eyes on the beauty that has to offer this new and exciting style. For me, IDM is as psychadelics as the likes of hallucinogen. idm is the new goatrance, as exciting, as intense and crazy, and as psychadelic too 6-venetian snares 7-the abbassi brothers 8-Ametsub 9-lights out asia, but is it idm? 10-secede and thats about the ones that i really llove ans listen too... Ive come across so much nice artist, i cant name them all, but those are really the stand out, those i listen over and over again for the fan of IDM, just go tchek those artist... plaid the squarepusher proem tycho apparat ander liar bitcrush mood deluxe near the parenthesis bola crisopa funckarma scone gridlock katoo
  11. with sll the books out there, i have a prejudice about reading the same book twice, im studying in letters(in french tough) and really, even if i would love a book that much, i woudnt read it twice
  12. intelligent taste, taste SHIT nono, its interesting,
  13. i must admit, the kick drum is lame, doesnt change a bit, and i dont know, theres something defenetly wrong about this release, havent listen to it in 2 years, have listen to couple of song right now, and really, good sounds there and there , good moments there and there, but still, this is not really awsome, and far from his debut release, but theres some moments that sound a lot hallucinogen style, which is good, but stil, every song, we wait for THE moment in the songs, so its quite boring. nothing really extreme, nothing really aggressive, its technically good, but lacks somewhere, i dont feel excited at all when im listening to that.
  14. hehe, okay then, IN MY OPINION
  15. might probably be cause your SO smart shitty tracks? i guess its too intelectual for you, cause its an album made with a lot of tast, acquired taste, you were talkin about taste, well i guess you find yourself smart, but it doesnt meen you have an acquired taste, intelligent and taste are two seperate things and even if your a genius, taste changes, i dont think you will like the same artist in 20 years, so what...youll be less smart, see...theres no logic at what you said about tcorelating the intelligence with the taste. WHAT? i hate mushroom, so im stupid? you dont like ishq and neither secede???? i feel like theres nothing else to say, you dont like them, shitty tracks? they make shittty tracks? come on!!! stop kidding around with your pretentious comment, and by the way, you may be smart, but saying that you are in this forum, can only make people laugh, so stop ridiculing yourself. but at the same time, i admire what you said because but i feel tgat like in life, we have to auto-estimates us, but really, not here!
  16. its IDM not drum n bass!!!! pop? why pop? because theres melodies?? but anyways, his new album his really not pop!
  17. but damn, seba is sooo commercial? compares to wisp, but i get what you mean, the same drum n bass feeling
  18. ah yeah :S lol. so afx is two guys, or just an other name ?
  19. yeah i understand what you mean by aesthetic, but I find that it makes it esthetic lol, because of his melodies. The flashlub and squarepusher is okay, but not crazy imo, i still love psy , so since flashlub or the squarepusher isnt really what i like, but its good in the genre, really respected too
  20. yep, james murray did the same thing for me i have to give a try again to oxycanta, cause i find it a bit boring and for me, human from hal bauman-took me a while, but now i understand the fuss solar field-movements-the first 2-3 listen, i was like ok, but now, its one of my all time favorite thre tons of album helios-Eingya johan johansson-his new album even burial at first i was like okay Boards Of Canada-Music Has The Right To Children an big one there: library tapes-A Summer Beneath The Trees one of my all time favorite, and its only piano almost, with a bit of electronic there and there recently yagya-rvinging thats it for now
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkWP8vthfns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2ZNazVMQGQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbsFtVsYRPw...feature=related and the quality is shitty, but still, you can see what im talkin about
  22. yeah men, if you dont get lerraine or Kingdom Of Hearts or friday fall or born in a tropical, im gonna have to ask myself if you fun its just to diss amazing albums. SO BAD???????? nono, ishq and secede are SO GOOD, but YOU SUCK
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