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Everything posted by murphythecat

  1. again the same topic, with a different arrangement name, get over your classic folks, are you only listening to pleaidians? we get it, I.F.O its the best album and hux-flux and kox-box and cosmosis
  2. i must admit, selected ambient is growing on me, its one complex album, yet relaxing and yet wonderful and yet absorbing, just like shpongle AYS aphex twin is underatted, or at least, i was underestimating them
  3. aes dana is much much better?????? its not even about the soul this album, this album is clearly one of the more complex downtempo album ive heard in my life, if you like simple melody, fine, aes dana is better, i guess it all depends on what you are searching into the music, but really, this album is the most complex of solar field work, and that is a fact, about the soul, well, i guess its a bit true, maybe not enough soul, too much complexity, but honestly, if everyone album without soul was like this one, we would be in heaven
  4. I like your taste, but jairamji in the same category of like's of shpongle and secede?
  5. i tend to agree
  6. even with the crazy noise, juicy drum kick, some people cant stay focus on the music that loong, i mean, i love electronica because i am able to listen to the song from start to finish and appreciate every changing details, even if its a tiny change, some people dont want to ''loose'' their time focusing on the music to appreciate it, and in some way, i understand them. i mean, i have a lot of friends who are musicians(guitar mostly, and what they wanna hear, its guitar, not tchik-tchik-tchik
  7. to Bwale: i understand your feeling about ishq, i used to feel the same way , just listen to him when you feel really too stressed, its gonna calm you, or when you're stone, I'm sure you will change your opinion, and ishq is a background music, you can not focus on every details, otherwise, youll lost interest, you have to let the music eneter your fuckin soul men, i know it sounds cheesy, but with ishq, its like that, you have to let you guide by his music, cause if you focus too much, its boring, or with a girl, you put it on, and men, you gonna have one sensual moment, im telling you, whatever QUOTE (cyber echo @ Jul 4 2009, 04:42 AM) * You're right, and that also goes to 95% of psytrance/ambient releases to-day. You want some good ambient, check biosphere. Be sure to check the Biosphere/Deathprod split called Nordheim Transformed. Oophoi is some good minimal ambient. If you want lively stuff check Steve Roach, Michael Stearns, and vidna obmana. Also, afaik, ishq are considered new age and not ambient Cheers PS: I almost forgot, one of the greatest albums evAAr, David helpling & Jon Jenkins - Treasure I must admit, jon hopkins new album!!!!!!!!!!! but i dont get that you love this album, but not ishq, cause ishq is so alike, Imo ishq is a triple dimension music with details that no one ever did in ambient, its delicate, profound, intelligent but stearns and biosphere, really not interesting for me
  8. I listen once to all his release, and really, its crappy music IMO, no soul at all, hes a technician not an artist
  9. Yes!!! I finally start to seriously consider aphex twin and AFX as genius, there's something so hard but yet beautiful in there music, complexity, i love them now, but it took me a couple of month to like and even love their work. IMO its one of the few IDM artist that really stood out not only in the IDM scene, but in the electronic genre in general.
  10. haha No... it's nice, but dont you find that there's a lack of something? i much prefer listening to helios, or the abbassi brothers, or haushka or bitcrush or lights out asia.... which are all in the same kinda style. but yes its pretty good, maybe you havent listen to a lot of this kind of electronica, because its good, but there's better artist then that, but as i said, its there debut, so the next album should be something really exciting, and if you liked near the parenthesis, go listen to helios, i just cant get over it...oh and the abbasi brothers Near the parenthesis as been highly acclaimed tough, so your not the only one freaking out about this album, its just that for me, there's better
  11. Infected mushroom? copycats? ive never heard song like never ever land, or song pong, or bust a move, in fact, I've never heard such psytrance like IM, who are they copying? Maybe there and there, they take inspiration from other artist, like shpongle with the second disc of converting vegetarians, but I feel like your pushing too hard on IM case's, they did some REALLY originals stuff. hallucinogen: 3 good tracks? you must be kidding me!
  12. Love his style, yet not perfect, but damn, good debut
  13. Sorry really. but i dont know how to multiple the quote!!!!!!can you give me the instruction in a PM????? and i will fix that...
  14. I need to talk about Simon Posford I understand what you guys says about hallucinogen and all his other project. For me, Simon posford is a god, but only when im stone, otherwise, when im sober, its good, but not REALLY superior to the top psytrance artist... but when i take some medicinal herbs, god! even if i listen maybe 200 hundred time the twisted album or are you shpongle(but are you shpongle is good all the time for me) well it feels like a new experience each time, and it never happened with any other artist, so for a totally sober guy, for sure, posford its good but not a GD, but for a stonehead guy, posford is something amazing. Thats my opinion about posford.
  15. i agree with everything, but im not sure, but i think we hate each other right?
  16. well mostly all the goa ''classic"" music that came out from 1990's like astral, Ifo, hux flux, talamasca (Except couple songs) and ton more like eat static, or juno reactor, or whats the name again!!! man with no name, and mostly all the classics everyone love from the 90's, pretty much bore me to death, i understand why it was good for his time and all, but really, i mostly find them too repetitive
  17. Blamstrain-Disfold Jacaszek-Treny but im prettty sure you already knew that! Jasper TX-black sleep Murcof-The Versailles Sessions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! big abstract medieval with really fantastic moment, in fact, thats one album you should ereally listen to Wicked Messenger-Black Tourmaline
  18. Yes its pretty good emotional electronica, but i might have listen tot he album like 5 times in 5 month, so its well done, but not addictive or catchy enough, but still clean and touching kind of idm mixes with downtempo with some nice melodies.... I'M looking forward for his next album cause im not sure, but is it is debut? but sinceraly, jon hopkins just killed it with his new album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a bit recommended , if you like bitcrush and lights out asia and all this kind of hybrid genre between almost folk and electronica and IDM anyways
  19. rich pedophilia doing gayish music, that's what i think haha nono, micheal was great and did some of the best POP music, i don't listen to pop, but still, we have to respect the guy...or the girl? or the monkey?
  20. cause i thing they have like 20 album! where to start???
  21. yeah, a bit boring, but still, no well i didnt like this movie in fact, the idea was really interesting, but a lack of... i dont know, a lack of something imo
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