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Everything posted by murphythecat

  1. kettel-Teacup and Pistolette
  2. I'm sorry, but apart of PERSONNAL nostalgic trance I love, trance sucks.
  3. mean, mean fan
  4. yes I know, but I always thought that the songs beast was good because of porsford. The songs on mystery of the yeti is known by me for for like 4 years, but I had never tought to go see who did it (stupid of me, I know) Wow thaks about the specification, how come on discogs, we dont see that he made 2 albums, or its just me who didnt checked well. anywas, ill get everything he have done, he really really really suits my taste, like, he's going to surpass everyone I love, except posford and kettel of course.
  5. haha, dude, i'm listening right now to Creepy Crawly-Process And Slide with my mate, and we really have a hard time believe that this guys is not freaking known, and that he didnt make any album, he's a genius really.
  6. I sure hope he will
  7. DAMN! he's just like posford, can't believe I didnt knew that guy. their full-on style is really alike, like to alike to be true, less complicated, but really the same feeling, something is living into his songs. Annways, for every posford folks, Process, who had appeared on mystery of the yeti for instance (crazy song by the way, and he did a couple more!) needs to be rediscovered! never been this excited honestly since posford. cryogen is just a masterpiece, a freakin bomb. Check this out folks! http://www.discogs.com/artist/Sean+Williams cheers
  8. yes you do, lol, i'll check him out!
  9. hey Ritual om, well my top 10 is pretty much the best i've heard in electronica IDM style and I've listen to mostly anything that's been released in IDM (I'm in a IDM forum too: Look really into wisp, besides his new album, everything he have done is dope. you can find all of his first album free (he's giving them!): one word, well two: wisp makes CANDY music, really fun, addictive, corny, but fuck it, we all love corny sometimes. Best break beats artist I've heard, emotion on the rendez-vous! Kettel: actually my favorite electronica artist of all time, his best albums are through friendly waters, whisper me wishes, my dogan, myam james part 1 and volleiyed iron, but honestly, everything he has done is a masterpieces , even his first super old school albums. You have to check out all of his remixes, such as Zalig zijn de armen van geest (Kettel remix) but he had done maybe 25 remixes, and they are mostly just perfect imo. Percussion and melodic wise, he's just unequaled. I cant listen to his song and only concentrate about his percussion, and I'm not even able to completely understand what he does, really special feeling, and then, when you start understand his percussion, his melodies are just epic really. Kettel is what I was waiting for to hear all my life, no joke. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZM6A6AgeTA&feature=related (listewn at the cybals from 3:05, wow!) (this songs is my least favorite from through friendly waters, but still, pretty interesting isn't it! youtube and their taste hein ) Aphex twin: It takes time to really get it, at least for me, but once you do, you will have no choice but to say that he's a genius: really weird style, sometimes too hard, sometimes weird. Aphex twin uses something as I would qualify as sucky sounds, weird and not necessarily pleasant sound. Percussion wise, he's ALMOST as good as kettel, really unique melodies, creepy sometimes, fun fun fun. nothing fancy with aphex, he's throwing at you some kind of a weird but logic music, anyways. recommendation: I Care Because You Do, Drukqs, saw2 reworked give me goosebumps! heres a liost i've made of my favorite songs Acrid Avid Jamshred Mt saint michel mix+st michaels mount! Start As You Mean To Go On Mookid Alberto Balsam rhubarb (1159 mix)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lichen (1136 mix)! cliffs (1043 mix)!!! Xtal Ageispolis Z Twig!! Crying in Your Face Home Made Polysynth!! Cilonen I'm Self Employed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Backdoor.Berbew.Q Wax the Nip Backdoor.Spyboter.A W32.Deadcode.A Lisbon Acid!!!!!!! Snivel Chew!!!! 2 Analogue Talks AFX Acid 04!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pitcard!!! Fenix Funk Grumpy Acid!!!!!!!!!!!! Crying in Yur Face Boxing Day Cilonen really, some aphex twin stuff is just to weird for me, so a lot is crap as far as i'm concerned Those 3 are my favorite. Then, theres Burial the flashbulb (not perfect, he's trying too much) but from him, benn jordan, I simply LOVE his project human action network. This album is a classic one in the acid IDM side. the last 5-6 songs of his album is great! Tycho Finally, here's a wisp remix from an aphex twin song: this songs is the definition of IDM music for me, this is exaclty what I love about idm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IajlDKbqFAs&feature=related cheers
  10. SubtractiveLAD/SubtractiveLAD ent/welcome stranger Another Electronic Musician/States Of Space MMX-compilation with Near the Parenthesis,Proem, Lights Out Asia, Bitcrush and Funckarma.[/font][/size][/size] also the first released on 2010 for Tympanik Audio with Candle Nine/The Muse In The Machine is nice
  11. besides a COUPLE of tracks out of freakin 200, theres no cheesyness in posford music. listen to transwave, now thats some cheese
  12. all I know, is that technically, what posford do, hasnt been done by anyone else (psytrance wise). just his drums and percussion kills everything I have heard.
  13. a new aphex twin for 2010 is on the way
  14. In no particular order Nosaj Thing/Drift: very moody and glitchy instrumental hip oriented music. ----------------------------------------------- Ochre/Like Dust Of The Balance: Great IDM album innovative,refreshing stuff. ---------------------------------------------- Worriedaboutsatan/Arrivals All about Minimal aspect of sound not my favourite but still enjoy some part of the album Favs tracks here:7-8 & 10 ---------------------------------------------- Lawrence English/A Colour For Autumn ---------------------------------------------- Monolake/Silence ---------------------------------------------- Kettel/Myam James 2 ---------------------------------------------- Port-Royal/Dying In Time ---------------------------------------------- Last Days/Safety of the North another masterpiece by n5MD record !!! ---------------------------------------------- Ametsub/The Nothings Of The North ---------------------------------------------- Access To Arasaka/Oppidan ---------------------------------------------- Wisp/The Shimmering Hour --------------------------------------------- Venetian Snares/Filth completly insane!! -------------------------------------------- That what I've listen from 09
  15. MFG can not be considered dark goa
  16. Thnaks a lot, I dont know why, but I never tought the old psytrance was THAT good Shame on me: the thing is, I've listen to some albums like old old eat static, or koxbox, or logic bomb, and it didnt made me freak out in the first place, but now, I feel like if i'm ready to listen to mostly all the old classics, and find some hidden treasure!!!! I dont like Hux-flux. Thanks for the suggestions, and keep them coming!!!! And for some weird reason all the pystrance I know and listen is from pre-2000
  17. well maybe then, I associate astral projection and pleaidians to goa, and I'm not a fan of those artist.... maybe I like goa, not a fan of certain artist...suggestions?
  18. Completely new! I know everything thats come out since 2000, but before that, im a virgin! Apart the stuff made by hallucinogen. I dont LOVE pleaidians tough, I dont really like GOA.
  19. Hi psyfreaks! For the first time, ive listen to all the old compilation releases by tip record, and OH my FUCKIN god, this IS psytrance! I now understand all the fuss about the old psytrance being better than the shit that is coming out nowadays. So, what album should I get next???
  20. the worst music hahahahaha
  21. apples and oranges
  22. +1, in fact, may be the best album of the decades for me, or almost, in terms of psy ...
  23. isnt it the other way around, the layers needs to fit with the basslines, rather then the bassline need to fit with the layers.
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