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Everything posted by murphythecat

  1. not his good albums, his good songs!
  2. Franctic noise, the best dark ive listen in my life.
  3. im sorry, but im listening to Selected ambient works 85-92 and its mazing, so beside that then!!!!!
  4. Most of what i heard from aphex twin is intolerable, i really cant stand it but im pretty sure thev did some good songs into theres tons of albums what are the good songs of aphex twin for god sake!!!l lol
  5. Most of what i heard from aphex twin is intolerable, i really cant stand it but im pretty sure thev did some good songs into theres tons of albums what are the good songs of aphex twin for god sake!!!l lol
  6. i agree, its my favorite album all-round form infected mushroom
  7. is it me, or its really house, and im not captivated into the songs, awsome moments, but nothing incredible thats gonna makes me wanna listen to it tomorrow, but yes, Jon coco, your 3 songs rated A, i approove, they are the big stand out, its the only one i listen too
  8. well, some good songs, but theres some songs too repetitive
  9. best songs: never ever land, P.G.M. Mush Mushi and Yanko Pitch seems to be the one that i still love the most, but almost every song of 4 first album of infected mushroom have a little something good and exciting parts, in fact, amazing parts, but i seem to whith time , finding the lenght of the songs too long...
  10. Swimming in a Feverdream is one of the best song ive heard from bluetech
  11. well, if the ambient is psy, isnt it psybient?
  12. Evan Bartholomew - Secret Entries Into Darkness (Somnia) Hauschka - Ferndorf (130701) Hecq - Night Falls (Hymen) Jacaszek - Treny (Miasmah / Gusstaff ) Jóhann Jóhannsson - Fordlandia (4AD) Library Tapes - A Summer Beneath the Trees (Make Mine Music) Murcof - The Versailles Sessions (Leaf) Ólafur Arnalds - Variations of Static (Erased Tapes) Subheim - Approach (Tympanik Audio) The Sight Below - Glider (Ghostly) here bwale, there something there for u
  13. okay well men, have you went and see my suggestions, im sure youll love some of them, just go see there myspace
  14. really???? for me, every song of kettel is a gift almost!!
  15. of course normal trance sucks too, all the armin, tiesto crap, but theres a electronic movement lot more mature, then what psy has to offer in general, but i agree, on mushrooms, lol, nothing beats psy, not even franck zappa, lol
  16. nbo they seem to all forget about one of the best, its sad hein, but they never forget to mention hux-flux
  17. and your a pain in the ass
  18. TOTALLY! all the ambient a listen is coming form non psy label, even solar field bored me to death seriously, no its okay, but i dont feel the need to listen to it every month even, like almost all the ambient chill-out, but for chill-out is different, because its only psy labels that are making chill-out like i love. I still never heard something as some entheogenics, or shulman's good song, or some compilation like midnight soul dive, but other the chill-out, for ambient and everything around ambient, like classical experimental really spacey, its not coming from any psy labels and ill recommend this top 10 so you know what im talking about: Evan Bartholomew - Secret Entries Into Darkness (Somnia) Hauschka - Ferndorf (130701) Hecq - Night Falls (Hymen) Jacaszek - Treny (Miasmah / Gusstaff ) Jóhann Jóhannsson - Fordlandia (4AD) Library Tapes - A Summer Beneath the Trees (Make Mine Music) Murcof - The Versailles Sessions (Leaf) Ólafur Arnalds - Variations of Static (Erased Tapes) Subheim - Approach (Tympanik Audio) The Sight Below - Glider (Ghostly)
  19. I know!!!! its ridiculous, theres so much other things than psychadelics, in my music, theres maybe 10 aqrtist that i completely love, other then that, its all ambient, downbeat, idm, classical experimental that i listen everyday, if it wasnt for posford, FSOL, scorb, 1200 mics, bit of shulman and entheogenics and talpa, and a couple of other, ther nothing special that coming out in the psy BUT in the non psy scene, all the experimental electronic downbeat is exploding!!!!!!!!!! theres tons and tons of really interesting music, but it seems that here , its only the full-on that as been aprecitaed, but its only sad for those who are trap into all the psyzone, cause there so much more goos electronic coming out everyday than the full-on sceneis offering right now just yesterday, i found ametsub, ten times more interesting stuff than all the downbeat ive been listening on psynews 2009 WTF with the vibetribe, filteria, top 2008 psy upbeat shit, it all sucks, or almost I know, I doint understand that psychadelics movie are cool, not because its cool that its good, anyways consider yourself being lucky for being able to love other type of electronica, and not only the general cheesy boring and non-inspired scrap that come out everyday in py lol it doesnt mean i dont love psy, only, recently, nothing shock me seriously on the psy full-on but there this principle of flight that seems interesting this year, other than that...
  20. its good hein, its funny, you said that, cause by the time i was reading your post, i was seriously listening to scone
  21. and the miniclip that you can listen is pretty awsome too
  22. yeah i understand, but of course psy is electronic, but its not really electronic, the forms of the song is way to different, but everthing else, like prog, or idm, or industrial, it all seems to have that same feeling to the song, thats why i consider kettel being the best electronic music ive listen too because kettel is way different than shpongle, entheogenic, or shulman..etc, but shpongle, or enthéogenic, or fsol are in my opinion, as good as kettel but kettel is IMO way better thean anything that electronic beside psy, you understand?
  23. which isnt that good imo
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