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Everything posted by murphythecat

  1. a disc player?!?! euhhh i dont get it, is it because its cool to not have a mp3players since everyone have one, to be authentic, or to be different? anyways, i really dont get this. how can someone still has a discman, even my mom got an ipod, its kind of useful being able to listen to 100 gigs of music without bringing 2000 cd's with you, and you dont pollute at all cause you dont need batteries, since every batteries even rechargeable need to be changed! Anyways, ive been using an ipod for many years, but since it breaks a lot( almost every 4 month) well i decided to go with the zune from microsoft, cause the garantee is much more practise!
  2. and thats true! and can you reallly see a difference even with good speakers????
  3. you download everything?
  4. where do you find your music, which site do you trust there recommendation???? which reviews sites???
  5. and how did you find it???????
  6. ayayaye this is really interesting! the first thing i like from psynews recommendation for 2009!!! REALLY good thanks time trap!
  7. yes, she have some good moments, in fact, it sounds a lot promising!
  8. aerial in your good stuff, it bored me to fuckin death
  9. THANKS everyone, but i think i dont really love aphex twin in fact, ive been listening to a lot youv recommend, and i didnt even find one album i really want to listen again and again, its special, but nothinglovely, or melodious, i dont know. NOT my cup of TEA!
  10. AMAZING SONG! The compilation midnight soul dive is THE compil you gotta have for this genre of ambient and infinite garden is on this compilation
  11. Lol, for me benga is some annoying none good quality dub step. Burial have tons of subtle elements making every listen loveable. Benga, I dont get it! even if it changes a lot, its always only good, nothing mind-blowing. Its good, without me whanting to listen to it again and again
  12. With kettel new album coming out in may, at least shpongle for sure in september, bluetech is out
  13. an i disagree, its a lot more than juste decent or good, its unfuckin believable!
  14. but its bettrer, so much beter the solar field or huva network, its THE album of the ye3ar anyways, so what if its not as life forms, its stil a fuckin masterpiece!
  15. What about the new FSOL album Environments II???
  16. i agree +10
  17. and by the way, he wons some awards http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burial_(musician) so the crappiest thing around, not sure about that
  18. I know, but i dont even know this song, the albums are really better, its not even comparable, but he stick with the same style though
  19. tell me who's the best, cause its totally out of every style ive listen. its a mix of tons of things, not just dubstep. what dubstep artist do u know?
  20. so what
  21. If anyone is into some hip-hop trip-hop kind of vibe damn youll love Burial. Super repetitive without being boring, its really special what they are doing at least, just go take a look : http://www.myspace.com/burialuk but its not one of their best work that they put on myspace. Its not my cup of tea, evrything surrounding hip-hop i use to hate, but Burial is more than that. I keep listening to it, even if its repetitive, anyways just wanted to share what i discover
  22. Is he recommended????????????
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