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Everything posted by murphythecat

  1. I know, even his negative review was making me whant to but the crappy albums just to laugh with damion. And yes, i must admit, mood deluxe was good, but didnt brought us a new genre, but its true that mood deluxe were the only one that did what they did. Or the thing with vishnudata, he was saying its one of the best albums he have heard in psy: Come on, it wasnt THAT good. but hey, the new scorb is for me, one of the best albums ever made. But i know that a lot of excellent stuff he was reviewing were not that excellent, but some WAS!
  2. Me too, i still can enjoy psy without beeing stone, but thats the point, I found myself enjoying a lot of psy when im sober, but since im on it, the only thing giving me complete out of my head feeling, is shpongle; its only on drugs that im able too distinguish every little details posford put. And if lets say i put logic bomb on drugs, well, ill enjoy it, but im gonna see that there is not tons of details. And i dont know about that, but psy music was created for drugs people, i dont think pink floyd were doing what they were doing for neerdies to listen while drinkin some tea!
  3. Wow people are free to like what they want!!! stop being so politically correct. I know that everyone can like what they want wtf, but you can still hate shpongle, but give the guy some recognition, and yes abasio, i know that there is much more psychadelic, but differently then you, i dont love the other psy music as much as i love shpongle. And i have been listening to all my psy music on drugs, so its objective, since shpongle is still the only thing I enjoy i listening when iam stone.
  4. the last year: vishnudata mood deluxe astroshanutzer benza compil bliminal compil defining moments scorb pushmipilyu logic bomb younger brother sienis sensient I bough them and i like them all.
  5. Dirty 80´s was pretty good indeed, they were following the good early path of infected mushroom!!!! ans now they seem to follow the sadly path of infected mushroom!
  6. Im wondering who would deserve more praise btw saying shpongle is some cheesy music is showing a lack of objectivity: objectivity, is to not judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices, so yes, taste and objectivity doesnt go around, maybe some dont like shpongle, but what i mean by a lack oif objectivity, is that the people who doesnt love shpongle, in fact does not even respect his work. look i dont really love the rolling stone, but im objective, so even if i dont like them, i dont go around dissin them off only becuause i dont like there style, is it clear, understainable?
  7. come on, you gonna tell me that Mystical Experiences or Alien Patrol is better then lets say... any song of shpongle haha, come on, there a lack of objectivity here with everyone against shpongle, people who doesnt like what he does does not even give at least the respect he deserve, while ace ventura is respected even if not liked, some will say hes the genius of electronic, a lot of people thing that, but the other half litterally hate it, thats ridiculous
  8. 10 times better! lol, maybe not that much, its a good one too, but what surprise me, is in fact to praise and the day turned to night... cause its not hes only masterpiece if you ask me
  9. dmfm-Another Electronic Musician-
  10. http://www.psyreviews.net/ He will be coming soon
  11. Hes like one of the most respected artist in the prog scene, its in my collection, but almost never been played, and yes, its pretty borong, like mostly everything proggressiv
  12. Must agree, in fact its thermal twist that got me into vibrasphere
  13. really well put RAH, but what cheese stuff? cause for me, its something i would call more like really nice emotionnal melodies, its not cheesy like talamasca, i dont get it. Its trance, and trance is not cheesy necesarraly, its just trance. And its rare to find some trance prog as melodious and not cheesy like vibrasphere, besides from ace ventura, but is it really prog trance? its more like prog. Archipelago is as cheesy as Exploring The Tributaries, so you may like it.lol
  14. I really think its because you dont smoke, cause once i smoke, there no one making me feel what shpongle does, and i tried almost every band, besides for kettel, every other band does not increase my feeling. I dont know, maybe you should give more attention to every details of his music, cause honnestly, for me its a non sense to not like shpongle, anyways, taste is taste i guess
  15. Im sorry but the last shpongle, is really not that bad, i cant understand your opinion about this, apart some cheesy vocals, every song is so tight and psy, i think you just didnt listen to it enough, cause at first, me too i wasnt diggin it, but the more i listen, the more i understood what he did, and for me, its another masterpiece.
  16. chronos- mayan artifact, im not tripping right now
  17. etnic crap: shpongle what! ott is somewhat! But chronos is good!!!! what the fuck. and entheogenic too!whow, im happy to have my taste! i dont see where chronos is less crappy etnic then entheogenic. But its true than chi-ad chillout releases r pretty good. well try kettel, blackfilm, bitcrush, mood deluxe, tripswitch
  18. I say boards of canada!
  19. fast= more psychadelics its a way to see it like shpongle vs hallucinogen, hallu win for the more psy thats for sure, but is it really more psychadelics, its more noisy thats for sure, but more psychadelics? i would say that shpongle is almost mystically psychadelic rather then psychadelic trance, ah whatever
  20. fsol is not? who said that?me? hmmm, shpongle is the most psychadelics band I know, didnt say that fsol wasnt, its just less psychadelics imo. So yes, im wondering since its psychadelics news, how can there be that much of people who doesnt like shpongle since is so psychadelic!
  21. Im wondering, we all love psychadelics, but we arent all lovers of shpongle, its weird, since shpongle is in the more psychadelics music ive ever heard!
  22. Kettel- My dogan. What an album!
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