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Everything posted by murphythecat

  1. it sucked????????? if this sucked, i have a hard time thinking of something that doesnt suck, or it means that you dont have enough big speakers, its so intelligent, smart, the ambiant melodies look a bit like the solerfields ambiant songs but even better, yes the melodys r better than solar fields, if he makes another album as good as this one, hes brillant, prodige! but dam listen to white, its perfect, as perfect as shpongle falls for god sake, it sucked? if you really thinks it sucked, well go having fun with abakus and rena jones, but this is above almost everything, it can not be more innovative and original
  2. wow, its one of the most original chill album i've heard but no one talk about it, it makes me sad wanna know what you thought about it
  3. i didnt know that we could vote for upbeat and downbeat, so there is my new list UPBEAT: 1-Solar Fields-Earthshine 2-logic bomb-sonic algebra 3-prometheus-corridors of mirrors 4-vishnudata-dreamforce 5-Vibrasphere - Exploring the Tributaries DOWNBEAT: 1-younger brother-The Last Days Of Gravity 2-midnight soul dive-compilation 3-mimesis-Art Imitating Life 4-Matenda - Natural Development 5-Pushmipulyu - 133 Thursdays
  4. 1- younger brother-The Last Days Of Gravity 2-midnight soul dive-compilation 3-Solar Fields-Earthshine 4-prometheus-corridors of mirrors 5-vishnudata-dreamforce
  5. 1- younger brother-The Last Days Of Gravity 2-midnight soul dive-compilation 3-Solar Fields-Earthshine 4-prometheus-corridors of mirrors 5-vishnudata-dreamforce
  6. solar field-Earthshine, bluetech-sines and singularity
  7. Shpongle Falls from Shpongle
  8. it must contain psy!! for me The first three are unquestionnable tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 1. All SImon posford project ( Shpongle, Halluicinogen,younger Brother) Not even a question tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 2. Bluetch better than every thing else after shpongle.The complexity of bluetech, the beauty of every detail. tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 3. Solar Field. All alone in the third position.Not 2,Not 3, 5!!!! AMAZING ALBUMS!!!! ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 4.At equality: Entheogenic almost all there cd!!!! Ott extreme dub! 6. 1200 mics you know why! 7 : Infected Mushroom ( The Gathering, Classical mushroom and B.P.Empire). The popularity 8. At equality: Scorb Tripswitch vibrasphere Mimesis 12. At equality: Abakus Mr. Peculiar vishnudata Eat Static im not sure Frantic noise Logic bomb Nystagmus Shulman X-Dream prometheus 22. At equality:Astroschnautzer Benza Anahata Freq Carbon Based Lifeforms Beatnik U-Recken Deedrah Mood deluxe omnimotion( for all hes project it was hard, it misses ace ventura, earliy works of Gms or and Alien project wish was good for that time, Cosmosis, Koxbox, orchid star, first ticon cd, Etic , tron, Sound field, Orca, Zen mechanics some crazy songs,Pushmipulyu, Prahlad, but i think that all the groups above is more complete than what it misses.
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