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daniella downs

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Everything posted by daniella downs

  1. Thisisbreaks.com has done up a nice review of the LP, and are giving away a free LuQas mix of all the tunes on the package. enjoy! - http://www.thisisbreaks.com/profiles/blogs/dead-famous-celebrate-30?xg_source=activity
  2. The Dead Famous Remix LP [DF30] OUT NOW :: at Beatport for the next 2 weeks, and then everywhere else afterwards. As a celebration of our 30th release, Dead Famous has handpicked some of the best producers out nowadays, who in turn picked their favorite DF tunes to remix. We carefully trolled over who’s doing it for us right now, and are happy to say that no one disappointed. First up, we have Kultur & Colombo, who selected Dead Famous’s flagship tune, the psy-tech mammoth that is the Robosapiens “New World Order”. K & C have updated this tune in a big way – keeping the original vibe, but turning out an absolutely massive re-working. Paying attention to what other labels are doing, we picked both Anarchy Rice and Perpetual Present from the great Acidphonic to do a pair of remixes for us. Anarchy Rice turned out a particularly throbbing update of Break the Box’s “Go Easy”. If you like your techy breaks with a techno edge, you will love this. On the other side of the coin, Perpetual Present took the task of remixing label heads the Robosapiens & Break the Box’s “Summer Rolls”. Opposite Anarchy Rice’s remix, this tune is pounding psy-inspired breaky techno that has some massive bass and a completely wicked breakbeat interlude ¾ the way in. Recent signings to Dead Famous, Stephen Cole & Matthew McCurry had the daunting task of taking Hyperion’s (now Loops of Fury on U&A) timeless “ Chapel Hill ” and updating it for a 2010 dancefloor. Creating a massively mental groove, this is probably what was playing in Mugatu’s head when he said he felt like he was taking crazy pills. Definitely something for 2am when you want to absolutely destroy the minds of your crowd. Pop & Lock label head Myagi turned in a remix of Attack Release vs. the Robosapiens “Trip”, and the best way I can describe this remix is for you to imagine that Rennie Pilgrem from back in the mid 90’s had back alley sex with Giorgio Moroder and then the child was raised in Canada . This remix is chunky, acidy, and above all else, trippy. Myagi has definitely come through for us in spades. Remixing something that will no doubetdly be a classic in the future is never easy. Line of Sight has done just that in his update on Kraymon’s “Papillon Rouge”. Turning the original completely on it’s head and adding a bit of psy influence, we liked this remix so much that we’ve already pegged him for an original release on Dead Famous later this year. To say that this remix slays is an understatement. The Robosapiens, fresh off the well received Bodies EP, and remixes for Aux and Lot49 have taken their techno stylings and applied them to Home Alone’s ode to face melting acid, “Get Away From Me”. Turning this number into a driving big room affair, the bassline on this beast affirms the belief that techno is coming back in a big way, and why the ‘Sapiens are garnering support from some big places for their work in the genre. Staying with the Robosapiens, Dead Famous mainstay, and all around driving psybreaks master LuQas, had the unenviable task of trying to rework one of the ‘Sapiens biggest tunes – “Acid Reign”. Originally released on the great Sinister Recordings, Acid Reign was one of the tunes that put the Robosapiens on the map. Since Sinister’s demise, and all rights reverting back to the original artists, Luke requested this tune, and we thought it a no brainer. This remix is an evil one, and the bassline is just about as massive as massive gets. There’s no shortage of mindbending acid here either. When Kraymon first heard EK’s “Exit Enlightenment”, he immediately requested the chance to remix it, and done it well he has. Keeping a similar vibe to the original, he’s run it through his infamous acid jazz machine, and what has come out is a slab of techy-yet-funky jazzed up acid breakbeat. It’s remixes like this that should make the entire breakbeat community squeal with glee that Kraymon is back and in full effect. Last, but definitely not least, newcomer Home Alone chose Break the Box’s “Test the Bass” as his remix. Now – we did a techno remix of this tune on the last remix EP, but what can we say – we love this tune, and we love techno remixes of it. Keeping the driving nature of the original, Dino has crafted a peak time remix that has serious amounts of bottom end – watch the main break of this tune and expect the person next to you to have permanent bassface when it hits. Don't take our word for it, here's what others had to say about the Remix LP: Autophase "Very nice release. The Robosapiens Remix of Home Alone is right up our street and is sure to rock any club. Keep em coming! Will support 4/5" Future Funk Squad "the EK remix and the Anarchy Rice things made my ears prick up! both slammin!!" Karton "Massive EP - very diverse yet somehow all feel like a 'Dead Famous' tune. Cant split between the Myagi and Kraymon remixes as our favorites. Most (if not all) of these will get plays from us!!!" Dylan Rhymes "Robosapiens mix of Home Alone is the one for me man! Big up the sapiens! Will be smashing this at SXSW next week" Kraymon "The Myagi remix is rockin and has that rolling vibe that would keep you dancing in a field all night long. My fav of the bunch." Hexadecimal "Cole & McCurry have turned in another great remix, I'm sure that will get some plays from me... LuQas mix of Acid Reign is also sounding great, probably the best thing I've heard from him so far, it has got a FTL kind of feel to it, can't decide if that is a good or bad thing, either way it will certainly get some plays from me. I'm also digging what Home Alone is doing at the moment" Far Too Loud "Myagi and Luqas remixes are the stand-out ones for me. Lovely techy breaksy goodness. Love the bassline on the Anarchy Rice remix too." Vandal "A superb collection of remixes from one of the most forward thinking electronic labels on this planet." EK "Seriously, awesome LP all round. highlights for me are Myagi remix of Trip, Anarchy Rice remix of Go Easy and Line of Sight remix of Papillon Rouge." 601 "Perpetual Present are another bunch ive got into through Acidphonic, wicked party starting vibes i can see this getting arses onto the dancefloor" Peo de Pitte "Yeah, I like the bass madness in that Anarchy Rice remix of Go Easy" Lee Martin (Dusted Breaks) "I gotta say my overall fave is Kultur & Colombo Remix of 'New World Order'....2 words FUCKING AWESOME!!!!" Retroid "This is a super wicked release! For me, the Line Of Sight remix is the best, however i will play out most of these tunes." Kickflip "Kraymon's broken beat remix of EK bangs the nails in all the right places. Also loving Anarchy Rice's warpy rework of Break The Box, Robosapiens' techno remix of Get Away From Me is also chunky as funk and The Line of Sight mix on Papillion Rouge is also an excellent feelgood floaty number, can imagine finishing a few sets with this! " Henry D (Bombtraxx / High Grade "LuQas remix, Kraymon remix and Kultur & Colombo remixes for me." Llupa "This release encompasses everything that DF is about and has released over the last year - solid beats, head down groove laden heavy as you like bass lines, great production values, Tech leads that just build and build, gratuitous use of acid that is not over done or head splitting and a willingness to mash genres. This release is everything great about DF" And the best reaction I’ve ever received - Myagi "Dead faymou5 makes the best gay house music evarrrr" Until next time, Keep it Evil. www.deadfamous.org
  3. http://psybreaks.ning.com/profiles/blogs/free-vip-remix-from-luqas-plus a fine interview with sir LuQas, and we're giving away the previously unreleased LuQas VIP mix of youthful implants vs. tigerfunk's "heatseeker" for free courtesy of Dead Famous & Global Psybreaks. enjoy!
  4. We at Dead Famous love contests. Last year, we ran both a remix contest for DHD’s “Scene” and an original Acid Contest (Won by Dekoy and Prato , respectively). Obviously being addicted to these types of things, and seeing as how psybreaks are gaining more popularity as time goes on, we’re holding a remix contest for LuQas’s “Replicant”. LuQas made a big splash in the psybreaks scene last year, and unfortunately, no remixes of Replicant ever saw the light of day. This is where you all come in. We’re looking for the best remix of Replicant to include on a future Dead Famous release. All styles are welcome, but like always, keeping with the vibe of Dead Famous is key – ie: Drum and bass and head crushing hardcore are cool and all, but your chances aren’t as great. If you pay attention to Dead Famous, you know exactly the kind of sound we love. Note that there are no second and third places here – Winner takes the chance to be included on a future package. If you need to be reminded on what Replicant sounds like, you can check it out on our myspace - http://www.myspace.com/deadfamousrecordings The contest runs until May 1st. We will be announcing the winners a few days afterwards. Please email all entries in 320 mp3 form to ian@deadfamous.org Grab the parts HERE Also – when sending entries, please send more than just the file attached, and nothing in the body of the email. Entries that come in like that will be ignored immediately. We like to keep a spreadsheet for these types of things, so your real name, producer name, the preferred email address to contact you, and any other information you care to provide would be very welcome. Best of luck to all entrants!
  5. ez all, it's the time of year again for BREAKSPOLL. We @ Dead Famous have hit the ground hard this year, and definitely trying to win best label at the very least. That's where you fine people come in. We need YOUR help! This year, Dead Famous has strived to not only put out quality breaks tunes, but we've done techy house, driving techno, mental dnb, and tripped out dubstep as well. That said, weve focused the majority of our efforts on the breaks that we love. Techy, driving, acid breaks at that. Those that have followed us this year know that we have made an effort to put out some wicked psybreaks. Have a peep at our new website for a refresher course on what we've been up to this year - http://www.deadfamous.org/ We're asking for your help in these categories Most Importantly - Best Label - Dead Famous If you feel so inclined to help us out in these other categories as well, wed be ever so grateful. Breakthrough Producer LuQas Best Small Club / Event - Slackers Convention Once you vote, an email will be sent to the address that you entered on the Breakspoll site asking you to click a link to validate your votes. A big thank you to everyone that votes for us. We couldntve had the year weve had without you all. seriously, if we win, i will cry with happiness.
  6. Robosapiens - Bodies (Original / Hedflux) / You Can’t Spell Slaughter Without Laughter / The Nine [DF27] OUT NOW :: at Beatport for the next 2 weeks, and then everywhere else afterwards. We here at Dead Famous want to close out the year with a bang, and this release is definitely that. Dead Famous label heads the Robosapiens deliver a triple shot that, while a bit different than what you’ve come to expect from them, are all equally as impressive. First up is Bodies, with it’s vocal samplings and oldskool break that gives way to driving sick-as-it-comes techno. Note the complete and utterly destructive breakdown in the middle. Bodies marks somewhat of a new sound for the Robosapiens, as we’re seeing them branch out into more techno oriented territories and on a mission to make it their own. On the remix front, Broken Robot’s Hedflux has taken up the challenge of transforming the lead track for the psy-breaks masses. Keeping a thick techy feel, Hedflux has created a mental monster that builds and builds and might actually make your brain literally pop when it hits the main break. We absolutely love this remix, and think he’s done the original massive amounts of justice. Next up, we first see a thick thick thick techno/breaks hybrid in You Can’t Spell Slaughter Without Laughter. Crafting a brooding beast that is heavy on groove Slaughter is the perfect mood builder and carries the flow excellently wheather you’re playing house, techno, OR breaks. From the moment you hit play on this tune, you’re treated to a dark (but warm) groove that builds and builds till a slick apex of insanity. Lastly, rounding out the package we see The Nine. Melding House and techno into one dark cauldron of techy funk, The Nine is a driving number aimed squarely at the dance floor with it’s big bassline and memorable vocal hook – this tune is guaranteed to take the floor up a few notches in no time. Don't take our word for it, here's what others had to say about the Bodies EP (and tis rather nice this go round!): Meat Katie "Killer package!!! Best Dead Famous release to date IMHO" Far Too Loud "Great release here. Love the rock crossover in Bodies but I think The Nine is my favorite out of the originals as it's just insanely funky. Hedflux remix is great too and I've already been supporting that." Karton "Love the Hedflux mix - proper tech-breaks. Breakdown in the original will destroy as well. You Cant Spell Slaughter is massive too - solid package." EK "Great tracks all round but especially luvin Bodies original mix and The Nine." Future Funk Squad "Really loving the original (of Bodies), especially that drop in the middle" Hexadecimal “Like the Nine and You Cant Spell Slaughter, both should be really useful, nice crisp production,” BSD "Hedflux remix is our favourite from this release. He make an hypnotic progressive Breaks with a real punch. Dance with all your bodies, Breakers !" Mr. No Hands / Mixmag "really like this one!" Kiwa "Been digging this quite a lot. The crossover feel in Bodies is cool and the heavy metal drop part really kicks some ass! .. Hedflux's hifi production remix gives the track a really fresh approach. Both dancefloor fillers. Dropping these for sure! A very cool release altogether." Matthew McCurry "Smokin' originals from Robosapiens, & one of Hedflux's best remixes to date!" Access Denied "Robosapiens - The Nine - Really groovy! Full support!" Kickflip "Hot release once again, Loving the slick dark groove in You Can't Spell Slaughter (Without Laughter), and Hedflux's rework on Bodies is rather tasty too!" 601 "Another fantastic package from DF,"You Cant Spell Slaughter without laughter" is my favourite cut here" Llupa “The original of Bodies is a great slab of head down techno, then it's a heavy as fuck metal tune, wtf!! - this is nuts and is gonna send the dance floors into chaos - perfect! Classic crisp as you like production from Hedflux turning the original into a psy-tech-breaks-groover - all over this.“ http://www.myspace.com/deadfamousrecordings Until next time, Keep it Evil.
  7. Up this week - i have a slick 80 minute mix from Psy/prog/glitch/tech/acid/etc master QUEXTAL Quextal Quextal started DJing in 1993. As an impoverished student, he only had one ancient belt-drive turntable with no pitch control, so he learned to beatmatch his eclectic selection of breakbeat, techno and house records against taped copies of the same, by balancing the turntable’s belt lever between 33 and 45… Over the next few years his kit was gradually upgraded until it featured two actual DJ turntables (one Technics SL1200, one Gemini PT2400). But he remained primarily a bedroom DJ — mixing was a hobby, a way of listening to music at home, and he wasn’t really motivated to play out very often. With the birth of his children, priorities shifted and Quextal was no longer in the mood to mix. The club scene in Southampton had largely faded away and he just wasn’t hearing any music that he loved enough — nuskool breaks was the closest thing, but most of it seemed far too dull: it could move his feet but it didn’t energise his mind or excite his spirit. However, on his birthday in 2007 at Sunrise Festival, he caught a psybreaks set by Giani, and was inspired to start DJing again. Within three months he had bought a few dozen tunes, invested in CDJs and a new mixer, and put together this website. The original plan was to specialise solely on psybreaks, but Quextal has never settled on one style of music in his life: if it feels good, he’ll play it. Right now, what feels good to him can be generalised as journeying music, or tripping tunes. Whether the beat or style is breakbeat, house, trance, techno or chillout, what matters are the feelings and visions it evokes, and the movement it induces on all levels: body, mind, and spirit. http://quextal.com/ Tune In from 10-12 pm GMT Tonite!!
  8. Dead Famous Radio comes back home to iBreaks! Starting this Saturday from 10-12 GMT (5-7 EST), September 26th, Dead Famous comes home to ibreaks.co.uk for a weekly 2 hour excursion into the deepest recesses of your mind. Expect everything from breaks, to house, to techno, to dnb, and even a touch of dubstep (although mostly breaks or Ben Jurassik will have a coniption, lol). It's our sole mission on this earth to deliver the best techy, acid, psy influenced face melting music around, and that's exactly what you'll be treated to courtesy of host Daniella Downs. Guest mixes are always welcome, as long as they fit the ethos of what we're trying to do. If you're interested in submitting a guest mix, shoot me an email to brokenbeatnik@yahoo.com, and we'll get it sorted. Look for guest mixes from all the Dead Famous camp, as well as a number of dj/producers pushing dark sinister sounds. And don't forget to pop into the chatroom and say hi! TUNE IN!
  9. Hey All, We @ Dead Famous are happy to be giving out the previously unreleased Violent Content, by our own LuQas free of charge as our way of saying thank you for supporting Dead Famous this year. We have many more free tune giveaways, so stay tuned! http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4TUEM8QY Enjoy!
  10. Broken Robot are not doing a regular release in August - instead they've decided to give away two FREE previously unreleased tracks from one of their illustrious artists - NEURODRIVER, to everybody who signs up to their newsletter All you have to do is enter your email address at the link below. The track will be released on August 17th, and the download link emailed out to you with their first newsletter. Easy! http://www.broken-robot-records.com/maillist/?p=subscribe
  11. It's no secret that we at Dead Famous HQ love acid drenched music. Long is the time that over 50% of dance music that was released was heavily helped by the Roland 303. Lately, there are a number of labels really trying to push the acid sound that was so prevalent 15 years ago, and as many of you know, Dead Famous is one of them. In the spirit of bringing it back, we're holding a contest all centered around, you guessed it - ACID. We at Dead Famous are looking for new acid producers, The prize? We're offering a release with Dead Famous Recordings to the producer who turns us in the best acid inspired tune. That said, while we are breakbeat focused, by no means do all entries have to be breaks. We encourage everything from house and breaks, to techno, or dubstep - whatever! The only rule is that it must use acid. How much is up to the producer, but it must be present. Between us, and a few other great labels, we are all working hard to bring this sound back to the forefront...and discard a few brain cells along the way. *The winner's tune will see a release on Dead Famous Recordings over the next year. *All entries must be sent to us in 320 format by September 30th, 2009. Please email entries to brokenbeatnik@yahoo.com *All genres welcome - but note the types of music we release. While you may like your 180 bpm acid gabber tune, the chances of us releasing it are not great. *Entries are allowed to contain known material, however - we're not trying to release a bootleg here, so use discretion, and be clever about how you do it. (we understand that sometimes things just fit in context), No Lady Gaga remixes with heaps of acid, please. *All entries must contain acid. In what form, and how much is up to the producer, but the more it melts our face off, the better a chance you have. And now for free music. We're big fans of giving back to the people that have supported Dead Famous over the years, and for that reason, have decided to give away the Ghosts in the Machine bootleg of dj Spooky's "Stereo" from a few years back that up till now was only available on vinyl. We will be making a habit of giving back to everyone in the form of free music in the coming months, so definitely watch this space. Grab the bootleg HERE Good luck to everyone who enters, and we look forward to hearing what everyone's got!
  12. http://www.thisisbreaks.com/profiles/blogs...lux-answers-the interview with the man hedflux, as well as a mix that looks rather tasty i must say. psy-breaks/techfunk ftw!
  13. The brand new album from Future Funk Squad 'Disorders of Skill' is available now to Pre-Order on CD from the en:vision shop... http://www.envisionrecordings.co.uk/shop/ For a limited time (until the release date of the 3rd July) once you have pre-ordered the un-mixed 12 track CD (the digital release will be 10 tracks) you will receive an instant email with a link to a zipped file containing the following free 320mp3s!! 1. Blue Song (FFS Remix) - Mint Royale [previously unavailable] 2. Break Da Mould - Valve Man [FFS Alias, previously unavailable] 3. Da Funk Squad [FFS Breaks Bootleg] 4. Gorecki (Breaks Mix) - Lamb [Hacker Release] 5. Impact (Breaks Mix) - Orbootal [Hacker Release] 6. Mr Breakside - The Killers [FFS bootleg of Mr Brightside, previously unavailable] 7. My People (DIM/FFS Breaks Edit) - The Presets [previously unavailable] 8. Protection (Breaks Mix/James Zabiela Re-Edit) - Massive Attack [Hacker Release] 9. Raven (FFS Breaks ReEdit) - Proxy [previously unavailable] 10. Satisfaction (Breaks Mix) - Benni Benassi [Hacker Release] 11. Your Not Alone (Breaks Mix) - Olive [Hacker Release] So what are you waiting for? head over to the en:vision shop now!!!
  14. Fisso & Spark - You Are Right (w/ Remixes by Andrea Lai, Eshericks, LuQas, Wasabi, & Hyx) [DF16] OUT NOW :: at Beatport & Addictech Having alerted the masses to our return with the well received White Line / Robots, Dead Famous is now getting down to the business of maximum techfunk destruction. This installment sees the first release on Dead Famous for the new to the game Italian duo, Fisso & Spark - in the form of the all out techno assualt "You Are Right" . Taking influences from a wide variety of places, Fisso & Spark craft a raw number that is reminiscent of older Chemical Brothers in the way it brings out the emotions that dirty warehouse rave techno should. This is not for the faint of heart, and should be played very loud. First up on duties is recent superstar of the universe, Andrea Lai. Melding nuskool breaks, techno, and dubstep, This remix is a complete aural twist on what you think you know reality to be - Much like a musical translation of a Clockwork Orange. While not overt, the energy levels on this remix are outstanding, and it shows why Andrea is one of the most in-demand producers about right now. Next up we have Wasabi. The Erase Records front man has delivered something that holds a special place in the hearts of the Dead Famous camp. Taking the bang of the original, Wasabi has crafted a tech house mix that hits the spot just perfectly. Brighton's LuQas sent us over his remix, and the moment we heard it, we jumped and signed him immediately. Crossing the vibes of producers like Break the Box, and Introspective, LuQas is making quite a name for himself in the breaks community as of late. This remix is definitely something for the 3am out of your mind sessions. Washington DC's own Hyx gives us something new to Dead Famous. Taking the DF vibe, and mangling it into Drum and Bass, Hyx shows on this remix why his tunes are regularly found in the bags of well known dnb dj's such as Ed Rush and Robot Death Squad. Lastly, but surely not least, En:Vision's recent signing, Eshericks, does exactly what he's known for - Peak as they come techy breaks with a hint of progressive. This remix is LARGE, and definitely not one to be missed. Expect to hear this remix blasting from speakers this Summer. General Midi "Eshericks for me- if you ain't dancing you're dead" Si Begg "Andrea Lai mix....*booooooom*" Robot Death Squad "The Hyx mix is pretty massive sounding, those atmos. are great" Cut la Roc "Full support on this, Eshericks remix for sets but all remixes are nice, good work " Robosapiens "Absolutely love the original. Definitely will rock dancefloors" Kickflip "Andrea Lai's remix is firing! Broken up but held together well, plenty of variation with a fresh sound. Eshericks mix is a massive big room thumper loaded with energy, and LuQas' tech-funk rejiggle ticks all the right boxes Attack Release "Wasabi mix is exactly the kind of stuff i've been feeling recently." Vital Substance "All about the LuQas mix for me...absolute banger!! Loving those sneaky little glitchy edits on the break! Quality" Krone "I love the progressive intro nice vibes on the Hyx mix. The drums are sweet!" Lee / Dusted Breaks" Great Package there dude! It's all about the eshericks mix for me. Pure broken disco Filth!!!" Kraymon "Andrea Lai one is my favourite of these." Hexadecimal "I think the Eshericks mix and LuQas mix are my favourite tracks from the package, probably more likely to play the Eshericks mix, seems to tick all the boxes" EK "Digging the Eshericks remix. very nice work!" Steve Maccabe "Really like the Eshericks & Luqas remixes! Great package all round." Watch this space next month for the long awaited release of Break the Box's "Rock the Mic", with a host of remixes. Keep it Evil.
  15. We at Dead Famous have a wonderful opportunity for everyone. In the coming months, we will be releasing a Remix EP, where some of our favorite artists around have picked their favorite Dead Famous release, and are turning out killer 2009 remixes of them. To coincide with that release, we will be hosting a remix contest for DHD's seminal slab of techfunkery, "Scene". I am sure most people remember this tune for it's sampling of a well known guitar riff, coupled with vocals about reading on online forums that the scene is dead. We think that new remixes of Scene from today's artists has the potential to blow the roof off, so we decided to put it to a contest. Entries are not limited to breaks, in fact we encourage remixers from all musical styles to enter. Everyone is eligible unless you already work for Dead Famous (not in a release/remix aspect), at which point you already know that you can't enter. We fully expect to hear some awesome interperetations of this already great tune from of everyone who enters. To enter, all you have to do is download the parts from this message. Send all completed entries in either 320 kbps mp3 or Wav format to brokenbeatnik@yahoo.com. The deadline for entries is May 1st, 2009. We will then take a few days to listen to all the entries, and announce the lucky winners on May 11th, on www.nuskoolbreaks.co.uk. Prizes (The important part) 1st Place - Your remix will be featured on the Dead Famous Remix EP coming out later this year. - You are guaranteed one future original release on Dead Famous. - You are guaranteed one additional remix on a future Dead Famous release. - The entire Dead Famous back catalog in mp3 form. 2nd Place - You are guaranteed one remix on a future Dead Famous release. - The entire Dead Famous back catalog in mp3 form 3rd Place - The entire Dead Famous back catalog in mp3 form. Download the parts via Megaupload here! Download the parts via ZShare here! Download the parts via Sendspace here! As some already know, Dead Famous has some massive plans for 2009, and this is just one small part of it. We hope that you all enjoy the project, and we look forward to hearing your entries. Best of luck to everyone who enters!
  16. Mesmer - Furious Fish Sound Of Habib proudly presents Mesmer’s debut LP, ‘Furious Fish’. This Romanian maestro is one of those rare producers whose prolific output is matched entirely – and invariably – by the supreme quality of his sound. Having been on the up-and-up for the past few years, Mesmer’s magnificent ‘Rowlacoaster’ was released on Sound of Habib earlier this year, with a host of other productions fuelling his reputation as a major talent to watch. His sound is best described as deep, driving and atmospheric breakbeat, resplendent with choice vocal cuts, delicious psychedelia and a true sense of musicality. From the sublime ‘Everytime We Lose Control’ and the speaker-shuddering ‘Wormsigns’ to the eccentric ‘Who Wants To Jack Jack’ and the percussive genius on ‘Lights Shine Down’, this album – every beat of it – will invigorate your soul, spank the dancefloor and leave you properly wowed. It’s the sound of Mesmer, and it’s every bit what breakbeat should be. http://www.myspace.com/mesmer1979 - Tracklist - 01. Pushy 02. Everytime We Lose Control 03. She Knows 04. Wormsigns 05. Who Wants to Jack Jack 06. Vibrations 07. Lights Shine Down 08. Everytime We Lose Control (Reprise) 09. Millimetric Thoughts DJ Support "Digging this big style......" - Pathaan, BBC Radio "Really like 'Lights Shine Down'." - Nick Thayer "All sounds good! Feeling Wormsigns and Vibrations the most" - Wavewhore "Good stuff! album sounds like it will be a solid one!" - Dellamorte "Lights Shine Down – I like this one the best !!!! wow.... " - Karl Sav "Mesmer continues to absolutely destroy the face of breakbeat, and this LP should shatter the breaks are dead rumours" - Daniella Downs "Pushy is probably the pick of the bunch for me, that bassline is seriously addictive! I'm really enjoying "Vibrations" as well, that slightly dark-techy vibe is certainly hitting the spot, wicked use of vocals too." - The 101 connection, Battle of the DJs 2007 winner "I've been a fan of Vibrations for a long time, great to see that it's going to get the release it deserves!" - Kickflip "I love what mesmer is doing! All of the tracks are solid. Great grooves over crisp beats. and the melodies he writes are incredible." - Rican "Once again these are all top productions, always 100% Mesmer style, but at the same time they all have something unique. Lots of emotion & big basses, can't wait to see the full release of the album!" - Marc Culot "This album hit me like a cool head wrap in the desert, not since Dan F and PMT have I heard such freshly produced 'progressive' breaks tracks that really take a listener on a journey" - Dov, Muti Music "feeling this mate really nice to hear mesmer being more playful and experimental while staying true to his core musicality. This is great stuff from him its got lots of lasting appeal, will be playing a lot!" - Youthful implants "great, love the progressive sound of the tracks!" - Barrcode Mesmer's Furious Fish LP is available at these fine shops now!
  17. Lee Coombs - Control w/ Remixes by The Rogue Element, 10 Rapid, and The Dolphins 1.Lee Coombs - Control 2.Lee Coombs - Control (The Dolphins Remix) 3.Lee Coombs - Control (The Rogue Element Remix) 4.Lee Coombs - Control (10 Rapid Remix) Meat Katie’s Lot49 has had an incredible 2008 so far but with a few months of the year to go, the label looks like it has no intention of letting up in its constant stream of quality with “Control” by Lee Coombs. Coombs needs little introduction. As one of the people instrumental in fusing breakbeat and house, he has become a name synonymous with acid-fuelled dancefloor tracks that have won support from everyone from The Plump DJs through to Pete Tong and Lee Burridge. In “Control” we see Coombs use his considerable engineering talent and dancefloor nous to create an out and out killer peak time track. 4:4 Kicks provide the stomp around a saw tooth bassline of epic proportions while vocal snippets and some superb LFO synth tweakery provide all manner of hooks. Lot49 continue their superb record in remix choices with The Rogue Element, The Dolphins and 10 Rapid stepping up to tackle “Control”. The Rogue Element, an artist known for a bit of tweakery himself, delivers an outstanding clipped, chopped and edited mix which manages to keep a tight groove while delivering some serious angular synth action. Fresh from a release for Dubfire’s Sci+Tec Audio, Italian techno-trio The Dolphins show exactly why they’re getting so much attention right now with a banger which manages to be subtle, warm and groovy as well as massive. Finally, Dom Gentry aka 10 Rapid delivers his take on “Control”. A sure fire “one to watch”, 10 Rapid’s mix is a stuttering electro assault with some bass drops that will unsettle more than few stomachs. IDJ review:::: Well in last months issue Lot 49 boss admitted he was a lot more techno these days, and the latest spinner on his label from Lee Coombs, certainly has all the right elements as far as I’m concerned.A wicked 4/4 groove, accompanied by a fat bassline and clever stabs and rides works nicely and a number of remixes also hit the spot.The Dolphin supply more of a chunky minimal techno version, stripping the elements right back but keeping things just as fat, while The Rogue Element steams in with an effort that is absolutely going to tear the roof off at the first drop… umm unless you happen to be playing outside of course. K1 ***** RECOMMENDED DJ Support Laurent Garnier, Funk D Void, Dubfire, Wally Lopez, Plump DJs, Nic Fanciulli, Meat Katie, Aquasky, Paolo Mojo, Aston Shuffle, Dylan Rhymes, Ivan Smagghe, , Elite Force, Medicine 8, DJ Emerson, General Midi , Joachim Spieth, Ante Perry, Hector Romero, Dadalif, The Crystal Method , Dopamine, Randall Jones, Malente, DJ Hyper…….. Control is available at these fine shops now! ..and also available now is... 30hz - Reherded 1. Crazy 2. Crazy (Samuel H Simpson remix) 3. Electric Sheep (Extended mix) 4. Consume Daphne (Lee Coombs remix) 5. Innocent ft Yolanda (Far Too Loud remix) 6. Subliminal Criminals with the Beat Monkeys ft SirPlus (Magik Johnson remix) 7. Mutated (Pinch rework) 8. Nine Tomorrows (The Beat Monkeys remix) 9. Daddio ft Yolanda (Miles Dyson remix) 10. Space Age (Alex Metric remix) 11. Daddio ft Yolanda (Trevor Loveys remix) 12. Innocent ft Yolanda (Far Too Loud dub remix) After the success of the 30hz ‘Electric Sheep’ LP last year, Lot49 follow up the producers debut with the aptly titled ‘Re-Herded’ which see’s Pinch, Alex Metric, Lee Coombs, Magik Johnson and more re-interpret key tracks from the original album alongside exclusive, new material. ‘Crazy’, a brand new cut, is big, brash and infectious with distorted riffs and chopped vocal edits that are fast becoming a feature of 30Hz’s intricate style. Samuel H Simpson remixes ‘Crazy’ from it’s direct, in your face vibe into a stripped, simple but effective house cut not dissimilar to the tech-house sounds of 2000 And One or Radio Slave. ‘Re-herded’ continues the flow with an extended version of the track from the original album and Lee Coombs’ acid-tinged rework of ‘Consume Daphne’ before Far Too Loud take their audio toolbox and set about dismantling the vocal monster ‘Innocent’ featuring the distinctive vocals of Yolanda and turning it in to something really quite special. Next in line Magik Johnson displays his pedigree with a typically quality house version of ‘Subliminal Criminals’, Pinch drops dubstep delight with mutated ‘Mutated’ and The Beat Monkeys do exactly as their name suggests when handling ‘Nine tomorrows’. The final selection sees both Trevor Loveys and Miles Dyson take on ‘Daddio’. A cascade of vocal hooks in its original form, the track becomes the plaything of two of the finest talents in the house/techno/breakbeat/bassline crossover melee. Finally, golden boy Alex Metric turns his hand to recreating ‘Space age’ while Far Too Loud deliver a dub of ‘Innocent’ for those who like things a little lyrically lighter.
  18. taken from Lee's Myspace - Meat Beat Manifesto - Radio Babylon - Lee Coombs 2008 VIP remix An absolute legend of a tune, i'm really surprised that it hasn't been rubbed before. Here is my current interpretation of it. This is a remix i made just for my DJ sets over the summer festival season, it came out pretty good. Feel free to download and use in your DJ sets, this track will not be for sale as i don't own the rights to it. There is a link on the News page of my website. www.leecoombs.com Enjoy Lee
  19. Meat Katie - Cracks w/ Remixes by Moguai & Madox Samples can be heard on Lot49's myspace by clicking HERE Meat Katie, AKA Mark Pember, needs little introduction for most, having risen to become one of the world’s leading DJs and producers, pioneering his tech funk sound, recording for some of the biggest labels in dance music and running his own highly successful Lot49 imprint. That imprint now makes space in it’s busy release schedule for the man himself with the his latest single cut, ‘Cracks’. ‘Cracks’ is a no nonsense, mind melting Dj tool in the tradition of the Chemical’s ‘Battle weapons’ and has for sometime now been at the heart of MK’s DJ sets, generating excited interest every time it is dropped. It’s hybrid of percussive techno and breaks with that static trance riff have made it a firm favourite at festivals and large scale events and secured it as a peak time belter that always hits the mark. The first of the two remixes on this release comes courtesy of German techno hero Moguai. Recording for nearly 15 years for labels such as Important, Io, Superstar and Punx, Moguai has left his indelible mark on the landscape of European electronic music. Here he turns his attention to creating a tight, hypnotic groove and imbues it with his own twisted take on the early hours sound. Simple yet highly effective this is a must for those who want a slightly more stripped version of Meat Katie’s intense original. Next up we have the Anglo-Italian super producer Madox who turns in a low style groove that bumps along effortlessly, ticking all the right boxes on the way. His recent recordings as Riva Starr for Dirtybird, Frontroom and Southern Fried have made him hot property and his mix just goes to show why. With Ministry of Sound poised to release the Meat Katie ‘Sessions’ album in the coming months it seems that the man can do no wrong. This single marks another high point in a career that has spanned decades and continents and is a reflection of Mark Pember's commitment to music, music and music. Carl Cox - Excellent release - all 3 mixes doing the biz. Plump DJs - i like the madox remix. pretty twisted. Hybrid - Really like the Meaty and Moguia mix...Both solid tunes and ready to party.. Nice one James Zabiela - the original is the one for me. Gwwwan Meaty! Chris Fortier - moguai mix is great Lee Coombs - ive heard its big in all the fetish and s&m clubs. in fact i play it there Aston Shuffle - Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge Love it Crystal Method - Really like the Madox remix. Top stuff! Bassbin Twins - MK's original is my top but all 3 mixes are great fun and well playable D. Ramirez - Oh baby! tits and arse and flaps it's Techno!!!! Come on! DJ Chloe - i like the original version, very good Mark Knight - Storming track for the right dancefloors, & great production Justin Robertson- great release been hammering it! Anne Savage - Mogwai remix is (of course) superb, but the original is a seriously tasty slice as well. Available in these fine shops NOW!
  20. Elite Force - Peyote Road (Remixes) (Original / Hyperion / Amb Mixes) [Re:Vision 004] [uAA011] OUT NOW :: Exclusively on Beatport The audio gems from the Elite Force archive keep on coming with this the latest chapter in the ongoing remix project from U&A recordings. ‘Peyote Road’ has always been a firm favourite with the Elite Force faithful and now gets it’s 2008 update courtesy of much lauded label mate Hyperion and the uber talented Hungarian producer Amb. The Hyperion mix has already found favour with the likes of Sasha, who included it in his season-opening set at Space in Ibiza last weekend. Their ‘Sun of Cactus mix’, is a remarkable slab of timeless house music, reminiscent of the likes of Underworld, with a warm, fuzzed out & thoroughly euphoric breakdown to compliment the thumping Infusion-like beats of this classy remix ... no small wonder that the BIG guns are all over this one. Next up is Hungary's uber-talented Amb, who also throws down an awesome reworking. One of the most talented producers around at the moment & fresh from some serious action on EQ Grey it's not hard to see why he has such a legion of admirers for his seamless, melodic, progressive-styled house vibes. For good measure, the hugely respected original mix (as featured on James Zabiela's 'Alive' compilation for Renaissance) from 2004 is here too, as it appeared on the Kingsize label at the time. AUDIO SAMPLES Elite Force - Peyote Road (Hyperion 'the Sun of Cactus Mix') Elite Force - Peyote Road (Amb Mix) Elite Force - Peyote Road (Original Mix) "Wicked ! The funky shit !" - [Jody Wisternoff (Way Out West / Distinctive] "Love the 'Sun of Cactus mix'. Will play this." - [Dan Kahuna (FC Kahuna / Skint)] "Amb mix doing it for me" - [Hernan Cattaneo (Renaissance)] "Been playing Hyperion's mix every set - it's killing it everywhere!" - [Meat Katie (Lot 49)] "Keep it up - wicked!" [Fedde Le Grand] "Nice Remixes of a classic E.F. track. Great Release" - [Scott Kirkland (Crystal Method / Indie 103.1 FM)] "Both mixes are nice...!!!" [Paolo Mojo] "Amb remix is nice and funky, thanks!" - [Satoshi Tomiie "Really impressed with Hyperion's remix. Awesome breakdown!" [Jaytech (Hussle & Bussle)] "Strong production and all round decent package. Both mixes would work well in different parts of a set for me." [Solar Stone] "Nice heavy dancefloor bomb from Hyperion...and also like the final crazy part of AMB's mix! thx for the tunes!" - [Fine Cut Bodies (Chi / Tilos)] "I like the Amb mix a lot - excellent track!" [Wally Lopez (Underwater)] "A great continuation of the Revision series. Hyperion's mix absolutely fucking slams it!!! Amb's mix is also a great twist on the original. Love the direction he has taken as a producer. Excellent package!! - Introspective (Ministry of Sound Radio / Sinister)] "Cool track with nice tasty sounds - gonna bust this over the weekend cheers" [Mick Wilson (Parks & Wilson)] "Good stuff. Like the energy and bounce" [Jorge Jaramillo (Who Da Funk / Subliminal)] "Amb remix is f*cking fAmbtastic. 9/10" [Mark Dynamix (Tech:Logic)] "Love the Hyperion Mix. Proper heads down groove with a great drop" [Andy Holt (Redanka)] "It's the Amb mix for me on this one ..." [Ziggy Slezak (iDJ)] "Whoah! These tracks sound heavy, especially the Sun of Cactus mix. Sounds like a heater ...." [Randall Jones (Tigerhook Corp)] "I have just reviewed in for EQ Mag and it's a belter - been playing it everywhere & it has smashed it everywhere. Big tune. 10/10 in the mag" [DJ Believe (EQ Mag)] "Hyperion amazes me! The 1st track I got to know of them was 'on the expressway', and this remix is another belter! Pumping stuff!" [Ralph Balk (Broadcast Mag (ML))] Many thanks for the continued support, s
  21. Lot 49 Presents Lee Coombs Sampler Samples can be heard on Lot49's myspace by clicking HERE To coincide with the release of the Lee Coombs compilation album on Lot49, the label is releasing a special sampler with exclusive tracks taken from the mix. Coombs has been one of the forces that helped shape the sound of Breakbeat and later Tech Funk, whilst bringing a multitude of other influences to his production and DJ sets. His ability to draw on breaks, house, techno, electro and acid is what set him apart from the masses and is clearly reflected on what is being hailed as his most innovative mix compilation to date. First up with have the man himself, partnered up with Australian talent Nick Thayer. ‘TFM’ is a straight for the jugular breaks animal with a huge atmospheric feel and rolling B-line to die for. This is a track that beautifully reflects the vibe of the mix itself and is set to create dancefloor devastation. Next in the blocks is Elite Force, the man behind the last Lot49 compilation and legend of the tech funk scene. ‘Engine’ is a one man musical monologue of everything that is good in breaks, tough and driving and produced with the finesse that seems to come so naturally to Shack, the man behind the Elite Force moniker. Finally, label boss, Meat Katie puts his stamp on ‘God is Green’ the Alloy Mental track that was turning heads for the Skint label last year. Previously unreleased this mix perfectly jells the techno-centric sounds of Phil Kieran’s Alloy Mental project with Mr Katie’s undeniable dancefloor sensibilities. Outstanding stuff. All in all, this is an energetic and near perfect fusion of some of the best tracks from today’s A list tech funk producers Bassbin Twins - all great the favorite being the meat katie mix of 'god is green' - yes! Plump DJs - Cooombsey and NT track works best for me. look forward to hearing the whole comp. Crystal Method - Solid release! Elite Force's Engine works very well! Mark Dynamix - Solid breakbeat action from the best! General Midi - Engine is massive! absolute killer :-) TFM comes in a close second MORE!!! Dopamine - 3 solid tunes. the mk remix and 'engine' will get plenty of plays from me. Aston Shuffle - Will def be giving the Elite Force & Alloy Mental tracks a rub for sure Aquasky - Lots of quality here. Am already playing the Engine track which is wicked Nick Thayer - Smashing. Can't wait to hear the CD. Will be playing all of these... Madox - YESSS! lovin the Alloy Mental rmx Available in these fine shops NOW!
  22. Dylan Rhymes vs. Blende Ft. Odissi - Stars Buy it on Vinyl @ Streetwise Buy it on Mp3 @ Beatport DJ Hyper "Loving the K & B mixes of this" Bassbin Twins "4 great versions- great package set-" Elite Force "Liking the Baob & the Jelo mixes, I just love Odissi vocals" Anne Savage "Amazing track, original has signature Dylan Rymes bassline, love it, but I think I'll be hammering Koma & Bones Remix too." Dave (Aquasky) "Baobinga and IDs Big Monster remix - now thats what im talking about !!!! 9 /10" Aston Shuffle "Will be smashing the sh_t out of the Koma & Bones mix" Janette Slack "That’s a strong there. Really LOVING the original. One of the best tunes I’ve received this year!! Koma and Bones and Jelo mix are pushing my buttongs too, but it’s the Original that’s really got my full attention" Ahead of his forthcoming artist album on Lot49, label co-owner Dylan Rhymes steps up with a collaborative release that is set to take the world’s dancefloors by storm. For this track he teams up with the hotly tipped Swedish producer Blende and the inimitable Odissi, who once again provides unique vocals in the way that only she can. The original is a rough tech funk cut that blurs the lines between house, breaks and techno, turning in a monster tune with swirling distorted synths and a speaker tearing bassline. Odissi draws the listener in with her edgy and provocative vocals and makes this a record that grabs the attention from the off. Remixes come courtesy of Jelo who gives an ‘in your face’ killer electro reworking that is bound to do damage, Baobinga & ID who turn in a driving no holds barred version that strips the track to it’s bare bones and rebuilds it into a totally new monster. Next up there are vocal and dub versions from the Koma & Bones, who lift things up with remixes that crank up the atmosphere and add a instantly catchy melodic element. To round it off a radio edit for those who need things a little shorter! The Dylan Rhymes album will be dropping later in 2008 and if this is anything to go by then it will be well worth the wait. ps - psytrance is awesome!
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