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Everything posted by Jabaquara

  1. Nice review & a great album Badbury rings is a mind blowing musical journey very psychedelic IMO
  2. well said - my feelings exactly
  3. each to his own exactly for this last release from entheogenic, show's a huge maturity form this much loved duo IMO & after listening to it now for a few months.. it still carries a huge emotional context :clapping: Which means it probably deserves a much more mature listening crowd & NOT for young kids who can't even afford to buy a copy :wank: I also personally think this is even better than the 1st album - though nothing comes close to spontaneous illumination ! Favourites: 1,2,3,5,6,7
  4. really want to hear this album - lots of good stuff written about it already :posford:
  5. I wish someone will re-release this album again soooon... i wrote to USR but no official date or anything
  6. Try: http://www.electronicmusicmall.com/Html/reviews.htm :clapping:
  7. nice recommendations
  8. me too
  9. from their website, seems that they are due to re-release the album from the label USR as a double CD remix concept !!! could be interesting.. :clapping: no date mentioned though
  10. Look forward to hearing this in the full
  11. sounds cool - shame no pics..
  12. microcondian just keeps blowing my mind
  13. haven't heard this yet... must give it a listen soon ! sounds interesting
  14. some really amusing ideas on this record much to enjoy - though the last track does not do much justice.. 7/10
  15. yes.. many different styles in this album ! but not sure what category you would fit this in ? people mention lounge ? maybe a couple of tracks, but as an album.. it contains far more than lounge - it had us all stomping away the other night :posford:
  16. Entheogenic -Skullcap :posford:
  17. Have been listening now for a few days & it just keeps getting better & more intense - Track 8 'fellowship' reeally rocks - love that 5/4 feel :posford: & Skullcap just ooozes quality - my brain feels massaged after listening to this tune this is for sure another classic album from entheogenic with a great phat sound - keep it up guys :clapping:
  18. evan marc + steve hillage - Alpha Phase
  19. Golden Cap is a good album for most standards... but IMO Flight of the Urubus is just classic Entheogenic to what we all expect :clapping: Top notch production & powerful melodies - this album is a real grower...
  20. This is an all time classic - still rocks today :posford:
  21. Nice review for sure this is on me want list - Pogo is de man this is really cream of the crop psy stuff - for sure will be having heads banging for a long time to come :posford:
  22. really interesting :posford: good stuff
  23. Great thanks Su = just received my copy the other day... awesome release not one negative comment... the singing took me by surprise on tracks 4 & 10 - but they're growing on me
  24. No words for this, except: classic & timeless
  25. Jabaquara

    Koxbox - U-Turn

    could not have put it better my se;lf :posford: this album rocks
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