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About youngershpongle

  • Birthday 01/25/1980

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  1. youngershpongle

    Cast Away

    what do you mean Hanks only?...what about wilson? :wink:
  2. but if you see jesus has the figurehead of an organised religion that along with other religions has been the cause of much death and destruction over 2000 years...then yes its no joke
  3. for those of you might not know who yossi Benayoun is:
  4. the guy serving the food at the start of that video looks like he could be Yossi Benayoun's dad!
  5. after hearing the first 3 tracks in their "beija flor" guise prior to the 3rd album coming out i thought it was going to be amazing but thats the best part of the album...the start! yeah its crazy but i kinda hoped it would all be as good as the first few tracks
  6. Shpongle - nothing lasts but nothing is lost - weakest of the 3 in my opinion...hoping #4 will restore my faith *runs for cover*
  7. bansi mark allen tim healy michael dog lucas synchro torry poli chrisbo dimitri shakta shanti *bonus non-psy* eek a mouse the wailers sandra collins
  8. she looks like Mauro Zarate! the Argentinian footballer who plays for Lazio
  9. JEEBUS! it was'nt meant to be that big! sorry
  10. the original sexy DJ/Producer: DJ RAP
  11. it will be interesting to hear any new Easily Embarrassed stuff when it comes out because when they recorded Idyllic Life there was 3 members in the band, and after it was released one of them left the band to go it alone a la roger waters, he now makes music under the name Void Pointer which sounds ok but the jury is still out on whether or not he was the one who wrote most of the good stuff on idyllic life.
  12. ooops! i meant to say "nothing lasts..."was a bit shit! tales was quality! my bad :wank:
  13. I'm hoping for an improvement in the new Shpongle album as i think 'tales...' was a bit shit, it had its moments like the "beija flor" sequence at the begining, kinda went downhill after that though, I think if there was newer hallucinogen material released it would make this poll a bit harder for me to vote on, my vote goes for Shpongle.
  14. hello, first post, nothing to say, just want to see what member number i am
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