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Everything posted by p(sy)ayam

  1. everytime i listen to it, i like it more than before... i probably need to update my top 5 list
  2. i look for recommendations on this random psytrance forum called pienews
  3. envyyyyyyyyyyy i hope i get it today otherwise i have to wait til tuesday monday's holiday!
  4. i've heard both of the albums few times only and am no old schooler at all (actually i prefer new school goa for the most part) but i should say my vote goes to IFO in this case... :clapping:
  5. serious or not serious IMO this cover is SHITE !!!! maybe i'm blind but i don't see any creativity in this design :wank: i prefer black metal stereotypes compared to hip hop and r&b ones without any hesitation after all being devil is more exciting than being a stinky pimp
  6. Khetzal - Glaciales Lacrimae
  7. i think going digital only would reduce the sells but there's no questions to me that the music industry is wrong. it works well for pop artists with their filthy rich distributors but when it comes to underground music it surprises me that almost all the labels are following the same trend as commercialized labels. it doesn't work well unless you have few hot chicks showing their butts in your videoclip!!! i don't have the solution myself but this is wrong!!! take radiohead's new album, in the rainbows. they put it on their website and you could choose how much you want to pay yourself. you could choose to pay nothing but i'm sure lots of ppl payed something for it and then it all goes to the artist. after a while they took it off the site and released the cd. they made so much profit with this strategy. their tour here in US was sold out in every single city and whoever paid even 5$ for the album paid directly to the artist. (i know this won't work as good for an underground artist) when it comes to underground music we all know that most of the music is pirated rather than being sold. i think (IMO) it would be much better if labels allow everyone to download the music for free, maybe not the high quality version, (or even with 1 or 2 of the tracks missing) and then all those who pirate the music will download from the label (which will give an idea to the record label about popularity of the album) and those who buy CDs will buy it anyways. at the same time their websites will have more visitors which gives them the opportunity to make more money on ads. i'm talking out of my ass here so don't take me seriously but even if this doesn't work i still think that underground record labels should change the way they do their business to their own benefit.
  8. Alan Parsons' Valid Path album is in both DTS and Dolby Digital formats. wiki
  9. EDIT: new ranking in parenthesis (will re-edit to final format later!!!) EDIT2: new rankings in brackets [] Up: 1;Ra;9th;Suntrip Records 2;Jikkenteki;Flights Of Infinity;Par-2 Productions [5](4)3;Vibrasphere;Lungs of life;Tribal vision records [3](5)4;Tamlin;Spectogram;Faerie Dragon Records [4](3)5;Crop Circles;Tetrahedron;DAT Records Down: 1;Distant System;Spiral Empire;Celestial Dragon (2);James Murray;Where Edges Meet;Ultimae (3)2;Nature of Light;Shores Of Jupiter;Webbed Hand Records (4)3;Subheim;Approach;Tympanik Audio (5)4;Pan Electric & Ishq;About Time;Absolute Ambient.com (6)5;Colourform;Visions Of Surya;Virtual World (6)5;VA;Opus Iridium(Disk 2);Suntrip Records so the final looks like this: Up: 1;Ra;9th;Suntrip Records 2;Jikkenteki;Flights Of Infinity;Par-2 Productions 3;Tamlin;Spectogram;Faerie Dragon Records 4;Crop Circles;Tetrahedron;DAT Records 5;Vibrasphere;Lungs of life;Tribal vision records Down: 1;Distant System;Spiral Empire;Celestial Dragon 2;James Murray;Where Edges Meet;Ultimae 3;Nature of Light;Shores Of Jupiter;Webbed Hand Records 4;Subheim;Approach;Tympanik Audio 5;Pan Electric & Ishq;About Time;Absolute Ambient.com p(sy)ayam;25;USA;America;2003 or maybe 2002, i'm not sure although it might be tough to handle, but i think it would have been better if we could vote for 8 albums in each category and pointing was like Formula 1 pointing system which is: 1st place 10 points 2nd place 8 points 3rd place 6 points 4th place 5 points 5th place 4 points 6th place 3 points 7th place 2 points 8th place 1 point
  10. fair enough i was feeling bad voting for upbeat albums since i only listened to 10 to 15 of them
  11. the plastic used in CD production is negligible compared to plastic bags used in super markets. why can't hippies see any further than the tip of their noses!?!? it's like not wiping your ass anymore to save the trees!!!!!!!! oh, wait a minutes....!
  12. that's from 2007. what does it mean when ppl vote for 2 or 3 chill albums? does that mean they've only listened to those albums?!!?
  13. the problem with (legal) digital downloads is that there is no difference between the legal one and the pirated one! i'm sure CDs would be replaced with something else in future but i don't see the potential in memory sticks. i can imagine how ridiculous a memory stick collection would look!!! looking for a specific album in your pile of memory sticks would be a pain in the ass as well. but all these said, if (and only if) i can buy a USB connector for my amp for cheap i will buy few albums on memory stick
  14. Solar Fields - Extended Solar Fields - Leaving Home CBL - Hydroponic Garden CBL - World of Sleepers VA - Oxycanta HUVA Network - Distances Tripswitch - Circuit Breaker: Rewired Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home VA - Left Coast Liquid Vol. 1 will order next week: Bluetech - Sines and Singularities Bluetech - Elementary Particles & Prima Materia but well, none of them were new to me
  15. Warp Technique - Make Animals Happy
  16. happy new year everyone :drama:
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