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Everything posted by p(sy)ayam

  1. there we gooooooooooooooooooooooo :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford:
  2. wish i could watch this at home with a beer in my hand !!!!! now i have to be careful and be ready to ALT+TAB if someone comes around
  3. it was being sold on his US tour i got the 75/777 :posford: and good news is that this is just a mini album and a full length album "The Divine Invasion" is coming soon on aleph zero and he also is working on a collaboration with pitchblack for another album which also would be out soon
  4. after Bluetech - Phoenix Rising this is my favorite Somnia release
  5. didn't know it's sold out already! i'm glad i bought it because it's one of my favorites of 08
  6. i have high hopes for this one np. bluetech - phoenix rising he was selling this new mini album on his tour (somnia). and another album is also on the way (aleph zero). :clapping:
  7. there were more tension in music reviews few times than in off topic (eg distant system thread). in off topic there were some argues, but they were more or less some meaningless bullshitting. btw, at the beginning i thought it would be easy for you guys to figure out who did this. i mean, there are not so many people who have enough knowledge to do this or are there!?
  8. sometimes they are hidden because they don't fit in the album's flow IMO but i agree that it's annoying
  9. ...but i want to discuss other things with people in psy scene but ofc i can live without off topic section
  10. FYI - you can buy the CD with a T-shirt for 25 euros including shipping here
  11. how are they compare to !Escape Kit! ? same style?
  12. i am very impressed with this album...top quality
  13. i want to buy one of the circular ruins' albums. which one do you suggest?!
  14. Filteria - Mind Expansion (Short Version) :clapping: psynews FTW!!!! :posford:
  15. Ambient/IDM (like Schnauss): Secede - Tryshasla Kettel - My Dogan Subheim - Approach - dark and emotional Ambient: Ishq - Orchid Rena Jones - Driftwood Oxycanta Midnight Soul Dive Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home CD1 - well, i'm not sure if this is categorized as ambient but it's very emotional
  16. COOOL :posford:
  17. In The Woods... - Three Times Seven on a Pilgrimage
  18. not the hairy ones
  19. is this going to be released this year? (sorry for non stop questions!!!!)
  20. OMG !!! i'm really excited :posford: is it uptempo or downtempo!??!?! i guess i should wait a little and see...wonderful news hope to see you in a gig here in california sometime...
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