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Everything posted by p(sy)ayam

  1. getting ready for the new album !?
  2. psy-gurlz
  3. no annoying sounds for me either, but if i want to rank all matt hillier's releases this is most probably in last spot!!! i was planning to buy colourform when this came out and since it had ISHQ as it's name i didn't even hesitate. now i have to wait a lil bit to get colourform *looks at the empty wallet*
  4. i think the reason most of ppl don't appreciate psy music is that they consider music as a background noise to the times they socialize or party. they don't want to pay attention to every single detail of the music, rather they want to have beatles and bob marley playing on background and sing with it every once in a while (and i think it's because of same reason that pop music always has vocals, because it's much easier to attract ppls attention to some crap that you're singing compared to complicated layered tunes)
  5. as of downtempo i'm very happy this year. awesome releases... up tempo: Tamlin, Jikkenteki, RA and Opus Iridium are my favorites. i've been rocking them ever since i got em. in addition, some of Artifakt's tracks are amazing but some of them don't do it for me (the good ones are good enough to love this album though ). i wasn't really amazed by u-recken's album but since i've listened to it many times it definitely worth mentioning. still have to check out kino oko and Freshly Cut Tomato overall, i am really happy so far, and i think there are still few gems on the way. almost 2 and half months to go :posford:
  6. finally got it :posford: this was my first purchase directly from ultimae, and the post card and the incense totally worth the xtra bucks
  7. i didn't get mine !!!! i would have felt really bad if didn't already have it
  8. does it have the same art work ? no difference with original?
  9. that means mine is also waiting for me at my place!!! too bad i won't be back till 10
  10. Sundial Aeon - Apotheosis
  11. i got my order in 3 days so i'm happy i rather order from amazon because it's only 2-3$ for shipping!! everytime i want to order a cd the shipping cost makes me think twice and sometimes i decide to buy few cds together to save on shipping but then when i see the total cost, all my bills come to my mind !!!!
  12. love all three of them specially elemental journey simply can't get enough of it
  13. i didn't know anything about this one! thanks guys keep it coming
  14. any modern classical recommendations, ppl?
  15. M-Sphere - Electronic Relaxation - ...A Journey Into Melancholic Tunes
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