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Everything posted by p(sy)ayam

  1. wish the music was as good as the cover art !
  2. :posford:
  3. +1 i think we should be able to open a new thread for favorite whatever, but having a sub-forum is not a bad idea. but not necessarily 1 for each genre, we can have a sub forum of favorites/recommendations/or whatever you wanna name it where we can open new threads asking for same old question of top albums... i agree with basilisk, my favorite albums change with time, and i think it's same for most of ppl here (of course except ppl who think everything suck except the first 10 goa records they bought 10 years ago ). the best thing to do IMO is to improve the search engine
  4. can we have the entertaining thread back !?!?!? rest i don't care
  5. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Subheim - Approach Absolutely amazing... i just gave this the first listen while i was working on my paper, and i was constantly distracted by each of the tracks. amazing dark ambient, with IDM elements, enchanting vocals and amazing orchestral instruments played in the background. The artwork is beautiful and suits the music. it's too early to judge (after one listen, while working) but i think this would be up there in my favorites of 08. :drama:
  7. that's the most important thing imo. and of course photography is an art. a picture taken from nature is showing us something from artist's point of view. that's what makes art, art!!! how often do you stop looking at plants around you and see something like this?? a good photographer can capture pix like this from all everyday, boring stuff that we see around....that's pure art imo
  8. it's "VA - Snap, Crackle, Drop". haven't heard of it myself here are all the cd covers designed by izwoz
  9. 100% if possible i wait till the end of the track, and then pause it !!!
  10. psytrance market in america sounds like a joke to me! after i moved here i asked few of my friends for a place to buy cds and they told me about this huge store here which supposedly has EVERYTHING....everything my ass!!!! i asked 3 of the employees for psytrance records, 2 of them gave me this look and asked "what trance!??!" and third one was like and handed me infected fucking mushroom !!!!!!!!! i just wish i could go to a store, go through few CDs and buy it there... what really surprise me is that drum n bass is pretty popular here
  11. sweet he should do the cover art for some dark ambient albums
  12. ...but the master of all cd cover art is this guy (go to works>non-movin>cd covers)
  13. he's getting commission
  14. WoW ! they are awesome....how the hell it was stolen without being noticed ?! bastard !
  15. ultimae is going to re-print everything by the end of the year. and once the new fahrenheit project is released, they are going to have a package with all FP compilations.
  16. :lol:
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