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Everything posted by p(sy)ayam

  1. my favorites so far are: Colourform - Visions Of Surya I Awake - The Core Distant System - Spiral Empire i'm surprised no one mentioned, Easily Embarrassed - Idyllic Life Ian Ion - Gringo Locomotion some other albums worth checking out which were not mentioned: Don Peyote - Peyote Dreaming (some very nice tracks, and some boring ones!!!) Side Liner - My Guardian Angel Kick Bong - Flower Power Lauge - Sunday i'm looking forward to Abakus' new album and of course ultimae's new release they might change my top 3 list it's been such a nice year :drama: :posford:
  2. for smooth, dreamy trance check out Distant System - Spiral Empire, and as mentioned before Solar Fields - Earthshine also Mystical Sun - Deeperworlds for something more or less close to abakus and ott try Tripswitch - Circuit Breaker from what is available at Ultimae shop i'd suggest VA - Oxycanta and Aes Dana - Memory Shell and earthshine as i mentioned before
  3. yes i do since there are thousands of them out there
  4. e. oooh...it looks like a half transparent sideffect... !!!!!!!!!
  5. if an artist doesn't give a 5/5 to his music, i'd rather not hear that release.....my 2 cents
  6. the beginning IMO ..and i have to agree with lemmi. it's not like some ppl in goa woke up one day and came with this idea to create new tunes and call it goa trance !
  7. but check out Archive - Lights, you might like it
  8. i really enjoyed this album. nothing ground breaking though but very nicely done. i even liked the voice but i would definitely have a different opinion after several listens ! but i can't call this a masterpiece. if i don't focus on the voice it's far from being a masterpiece among ambient releases and in story telling i prefer Archive - Lights....still it's definitely an interesting release ps. leave rena alone
  9. maybe try Easily Embarrassed
  10. well, i don't own it yet but once i get it (it's not in top of my to buy list, so it might take a while !) i'll send it to you for a review if you send it back to me afterwards e. i couldn't find it in stores and i'm not a big fan of used cds (or buying from 3rd party) since my only intention for buying a record is to support the artist
  11. again... WOW ! edit...no reviews !?
  12. The Circular Ruins: A Treatise On Navigation (EP005)
  13. november 10th? this would be a perfect birthday gift to myself
  14. go buy your discman !!!!!!!!!
  15. butterfly dawn is perfect if you need to cheer your self up you got a nice selection....have fun :drama:
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