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Everything posted by p(sy)ayam

  1. are you going alone? (if you don't mind my curiosity!!!) hope you have a blast......happy tripping
  2. Chris Zippel - Genuine Horizon
  3. they are not even worth to be in top 20 among commercialized DJs
  4. i got no criteria....like/dislike
  5. haven't heard em all but just to add one more, Alan Parsons + Simon Posford + David Gilmour 1st track on Alan Parsons - Valid Path
  6. :lol: Xtra lol @ BONED !!!
  7. more psychedelic the better it is... i almost always listen to downtempo since they sound more psychedelic to me, but i guess that's not what you are asking for (but give the carbon based lifeforms - hydroponic gardens a try, you won't regret it ) as for uptempo i recommend Jikkenteki...one of the most psychedelic upbeat music i've ever listened to... at the end of tripping try pink floyd - echoes (in Meddle album)....it's magic e. ps. (off topic) are you in world 22 !?!?!?!?
  8. +1 i think ratings for review section is a good idea i rather a 10 scale for ratings
  9. Cell - Live at Kumharas Ibiza
  10. Abakus - Underneath Stars it makes me smile
  11. nice chilling album. first track is long and gets a bit boring. from the 2nd track the real journey begins. The Source, Walking Like Birds Fly and Don’t Look Back In Anger are all awesome trippy tracks. the sample on the 5th track reminds me of Schiller's music and is unnecessary imo. the album ends with two dreamy tracks, very relaxing and psychedelic. i'm not sure if i like this album more than Electronic Relaxation or not. it's more like a continuation to the debut album. have been listening to this a lot this summer, recommended... favorites : 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
  12. Haltya - Book of Nature :posford:
  13. Pan Electric - Conscious Pilot
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