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Everything posted by danet

  1. We present 2 new tracks on www.myspace.com/thegrobians Check out the new tracks Caverage and Atomic Brain. Enjoy!
  2. http://forum.isratrance.com/v-a-lib-ration...-inpsyde-media/undefined
  3. Hehe that track is wicked to play. Real fun track. It is Omega:) Send me an pm here or on myspace.
  4. Nice you enjoy it:) that track is The Grobians - Syndrome
  5. wrong post. edit]
  6. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TSA58P8G thanks to Dj Inada for recording the set and inviting us to belgium. also big thank to all you freaks who enjoyed this. Tracklist: 1.Tunnel Vision 2.Microbes 3.The truth is nowhere 4.Surfacing 5.Remnants 6.Nebulosa 7.Stoned to the Bone 8.Mindfucker 9.Back to the Desert 10.Scuba 11.Pangea 12.Monkey See Monkey Do 13.The Grobians - Syndrome 14.Kanaka HashHash (remastergggh) 15.The Grobians - Bonanza 16.Omega 17.The Grobians - Visa Från Utanmyra
  7. register at www.badboll.nu most the psypartys come up there. we also got some underground stuff going on where info is sended by email lists and private invitations. those are the best one with best people.
  8. INPSYDE MEDIA is back ! ------------------------------------ Cat.n° : Ime013 Artist : Various Artists Title : "Libération animale" Format : digipack CD Barcode : 8020167543754 Mastering : Xenomorph Artwork : Valentino Tencev / Inpsyde media Release date : Summer 2009 Manufactured from recycled and recyclable/compostable material using all natural inks and glues, all completely carbon neutral. Tracklist: 01. KLUSTER - Bunker Mode 02. BLOOMEN - Blink 03. THE GROBIANS – Flatulent Swamp 04. KA-SOL - Coudy 05. PROCS - Coffin Kick 06. TAIGAN SUN - Barbro 07. ATTOYA - Paradise Found 08. TRASKEL- Alien Elbow 09. ZOON - Owls in the Moss 10. MONEY CANNOT BE EATEN - Bird Flu Helpline Compiled by : Kiriyama Audio samples : http://www.reverbnation.com/tunepak/1483737 Libération Animale is a story about animals, earth and unnecessary suffering. It is an attempt to shed light upon the everyday suffering of billions of living beings, a suffering on which we rarely reflect. Leo Tolstoj once wrote that a man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. Hence, the message of Libération Animale is that we are all equal, no one more worthy than the other. The story starts out with Kluster and Bloomen whose tunes are somewhat slower and minimalistic with squeaky, trippy sounds. The introduction is followed by The Grobians’ hypnotic beats and goa tranceish melodies and grand bombastic Scandotrance à Ka-Sol. After that, it is time for Procsish basslines, prolonging the previous dancefloor hypnotism. Taigan Sun’s contribution is what you can expect from an up-and-coming producer from Sweden, modulating between being funky and driving, soaked in prominent mind-bending elements. Known for their fine forest trance, Attoya, Traskel, and Zoon increase the intensity of the story, hovering between different types of abstraction, speed, and moods The story ends on a positive note yet still intense with Money Cannot Be Eaten’s Schlabbaduerstic hangover tune. The music is at the centre of attention and we do not demand that everyone be vegans, even though we wish that would be the case. What we do wish, however, is that everyone out there will reflect on his or her way of life and how it affects all living beings with whom we share this planet. Unnecessary suffering can be avoided and it is not too late for change and compassion!
  9. wow! that was awesome.
  10. I asked them yesterday and if the 2nd compilation goes well they will repress the first one.
  11. Thanx for the Soulcraft Ep. this really sounds fresh.
  12. I havent heard of him before either. Sounds like a cool guy anyway and i will check his tunes out to see if its something mindblowing.
  13. http://www.viceland.com/int/v16n4/htdocs/a...fixated-828.php This guy must be pretty tripped out in his studio. Maybe he could invite posford and osom for a session in there. sorry if i put it in wrong forum but didnt know where to put it.
  14. http://www.myspace.com/indikaproject We are back with another new track for your ears. Hope you enjoy and if I got time later this evening i will put it up in better quality than myspace's shitty player. Boom
  15. RTP Yes nowadays in stockholm the only places to buy psy records is the 2nd hand stores. I dont give so much for the store between the cinemas in Medborgarplatsen. I blame most people in the psyscene of stockholm for that. Instead of supporting the music people spend money on clubwear instead. It is even rare that dj's play original cd's or even buy cd's. The scene in Sweden is pretty bad for the moment if you dont enjoy fullon-partys. The goatrance-scene is dead. People are talking about how much they love goatrance but when you pull out a party there is allways a fullonparty the same night and they attract more people. We got a lot producers and dj's who love the music but no partys and if there is goa played at a party it is allways the last hour. The forest and darkpsy scene is a little bit more alive but we are not many who come to the partys. The forest scene is really like we all know each other and we have a very familiar vibe on the smaller forestpartys for psyfreaks. If you visit Stockholm and Sweden just ignore the fullonpartys and look for the real forestdeal.
  16. Great compilation. They got some sweet things going on. Be sure to get this one.
  17. I agree on Mosebacke Records. Sometimes you can find some rare stuff there. Also on vinyl if its a good day. The strange thing is that the guy in there he knows EVERYTHING. Ask for some obscure artist and he will tell if he has or not any records with the artist in question. Saturn Return dont have so much cd's anymore. The guy who had the record shop down there closed it down i think it was 2 years ago because of bad sales. To bad i think, i liked to go down there once every month to get some new albums and have a chat about music and partys.
  18. bomdigidigibomdigibom
  19. For the moment the Jedi Mind Tricks - A History of Violence album. Good shit!
  20. wow- he was standing in an escalator.i am impressed
  21. i must say the godfathers of dub: lee "scratch" perry king tubby mad professor
  22. yeah that scientist album is the shit. the best thing about it is when he recorded it.
  23. wow. awesome covers! the malice in wonderland cover reminds me of the work of mark bode. http://www.markbode.com
  24. Sounds great after a first listening. Cool sound!
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