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Everything posted by danet

  1. I ment that they did it really bad, it was a simple good idea and they destroyed it. Imagine they had used another font on the text, more simple portraits, not so strong colours. Think something like Obey's propaganda pictures.
  2. hahaha notice the fingerpointing and the fistpump. i think the idea of the cover was good but they did it really bad. it would have looked nice if it was more soft colours and the persons was more simple and only black&white. it could looked something what obey had done in his artwork. but it didnt.
  3. EUUUUUUHHHHH! That was horrible. It looks like a partyflyer would look like if my grandmother play around in paint. Is that even the real cover? Some designer believe a lot about himself and the label seems to have bad taste in artwork.
  4. I guess the whole scene is to small for such project. I think mushroom magazine is enough. And it would probably be hard to get a copy of the magazine in the regular stores because they only buy and sell the magazines that sell good. It takes much time and work for the stores to send back magazines they dont sell so the ones that dont sell good they decide not to take. I agree with Basilisk it would be better with a really good blog with news about the scene and that is where it is heading today. It would be really great with a good planned blog with reviews, interviews and also good partyreviews. I would prefer if it wasnt updated so often, maybe a big update every month, maybe a nice PDF version.
  5. I dont keep up with all new stuff that is released everyday. I keep an eye on the artists and labels I like and what friends recomend.
  6. Spank Rock & Benny Blanco - B.O.O.T.A.Y Awesome track. Real partybanger!
  7. listened trough the tracks this morning. great stuff on this one. keep it up!
  8. Drosophila haha yeah it becomes lame when they use every stereotype there is and think it is cool. this whole blingblingshit is just so tasteless. but there is many good rappers and producers out there to:) i think we can add blackmetal to the lame category to.
  9. Drosophila I am not sure about the bear cover. Many rapcovers are really tasteless.
  10. Rotwang It was exactly those covers i ment.Cool original style.
  11. Great one. I recognize the style of the artwork. Who made this?
  12. Awesome! It would have been a stupid cover if they were serious about but it is just fun. Creative!
  13. Nice one. Looking forward for this release! But you could spend some more time on the cover. It is pretty ugly.
  14. Transdriver - The Nutcracker
  15. Thanks and happy holidays! This was one of the best gifts i get this year after celebrating x-mas sick, alone with my dog. ( now feel sorry for me hehe) Btw how could i miss this release before..it is off the hook maaan!
  16. Basilisk I keep my ears open for that. Keep on the great work you do with your site.
  17. thanks for this one. sounds great! Keep em coming. Love this sound!
  18. wow. christmas is early this year. both new cybernetika and organic circuitry. cool.
  19. nice one. very stylish!
  20. danet

    Deja Vu Fabrique

    This is one of my favourite albums all times. Never get tired of these tracks.
  21. This album is awesome man! Much better than Fairytale, the sound sounds like it is more complete and I love the forest feeling of the whole album. This is real forest music. And btw I guess this is perfect for taking acid;) Big up to Ka-Sol and the whole Schlab crew.
  22. danet

    V/A - Shamanisma

    I think the whole scene in Ukraine rocks. You got the good vibes. Zymosis/alienapia great music and great dudes. The same about Shiva3 dudes! It was a great pleasure and honour being a part of this compilation. And I got a new version of Trees of Psychedelia that we will play for Ukraine on the 13th december. BOOM!
  23. http://archive.dubstep.fm/20081021-224933-...with_NMEZEE.mp3 I found this mix from www.dubstep.fm with some nice tracks in it.
  24. It is just because most of the so called rave clothes are really ugly. I rather buy records with music I love than a bunch of buttugly spacetribe or whatever clothes.
  25. Interesting. Looking forward for this one. The only thing missing is a collab with Kluster.
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