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Everything posted by danet

  1. I did a track during Halloween weekend.. It is now in the myspace playa.. Jason Lives Enjoy everybody
  2. Great album with some real interesting sounds. I guess this could work perfect almost in every club.
  3. that dub cover was cool. It wasnt stupid.
  4. EDIT: I get it now, DnB is way faster and has a bom---tak-----bom-tak beat instead of a more complicated break. The sounds in between are shorter and high pitched to go with the speed. I dont think that the beats are so simple in dnb. hey check out some jungle. listen to the tracks of Benny Page. Also check out the stuff that MIR Crew is releasing. heavy stuff!
  5. haha that one was ugly but funny. i love when it looks cheap.
  6. Aeros yeah making music is like riding a spaceship for yahel. haha probably you are right. just his face with a big pair of sunglasses on a huge robot or something.
  7. Aeros did you see that now? where have you been? under a rock? the design of that cover is really awful. it's not even good photoshoped. does his fans thinks it looks cool?
  8. hahaha that picture did my day. thanks
  9. Yeah but it is not so many producers today that even try to do a thick and nice warm sound.
  10. dnb-producer Teebee said a good thing in Knowledge Magazine: "Every motherfucking kid out there is sitting with the same presets of beats, the same soft synths, the same filters, the same plug-ins, and if it doesnt sit right there's this little button called "mixdown" that will let the computer do it for you. That to me was the day the music died. Digital still sounds a bit harsh for me, that's the thing, if the beat doesn't sit right they'll just chuck another beat in there and then they compress the fuck out of it until it sounds so snappy that it sounds like a tin can set. For me, it's all about the brute, anabolic, rough edge - it's got to be fucking warm, it's got to be alive. I'm trying to create a monster here, not a fucking tin can soldier. So you gotta have some tubes, you gotta have some wiring, you gotta have some hiss and you gotta have some overloads, and if you look at the big boys, you can go to any massive studio and see that it's becoming more and more digital but there's always that little angle of really expensive outboard gear and it will always be there" Teebee (Knowledge Magazine March 2005) I think we can apply his opinion on the psytrance music to, when everything sounds superclean and all producers uses the same presets. On many of the old tracks you hear they are much more warm than todays 100% digital sounds. I can admit I am a part of it to because for the moment I can't afford some real gear but at least try to do some creative things with the tools I have.
  11. I also blame the labels for this. To many labels whant their piece of the cake and release whatever shit and it is to many producers want to release their copied sounds. How many good releases is it out there of everything that is released? How many new labels pop up every week pushing for their compilation? And the big question: How many of those releases is really something fresh quality stuff? They dont even put time to do a good design for the covers, and if you read the promotexts their are full of spelling mistakes. How serious looks that for the customers? Now more about the music: the really moooost boring style of the psy-genres is chillout/psydub. It has sounded almost the same for 10 years now, same soundscapes, same rythms, same pads. I want to hear some real raw twisted dub! Not the same lame beats over and over again. Look at the dubstep-scene, they have some fucking creative ideas and make music you can enjoy both chilling and on the dancefloor. But I guess soon they have take it to long to and repeat themselves.
  12. The real cancer of the scene is the lack of creativity of the producers. It is rare to hear something that really sounds new and fresh with interesting ideas that catch your attention. And i guess this is not only cancer to the psyscene but all genres of music. When people make music they bound it so much to the subgenre and it should sounds like this and that so they only copy their own sound and others sound time after time after time. I guess that is why lets say Suomi sounds have become popular. It is something new and fresh. Soon this will sound boring to after taking it to long. Same thing with the real forest music. I hope it will last for a while and that the musicians still come with fresh ideas. That it what has happen to Darkpsy, people higher the bpm's to make it sound more evil. Come on, a good musician can make it evil and dark without a 160+ bpm. Fullon music is what have become most boring of it all, all sounds the same and it has become a cheesefest, inspired by eurodisco and clubtrance, it is not a part of the psychedelic scene anymore and dont call it psytrance. Some psychedelic sounds over a cheesy lead dont make it psy. If people started doing MUSIC instead of being so concentrated about it should sound in one way were going to have good music with new sounds. Look outside the box for new influences. I quote myself from the badly mastered albums thread: I must agree it is charmy with a lite shitty sound with errors and everything. If it is too well produced it loses so much dynamics and i think the soul in the music get lost. I think it is sad when every producer sits with the same presets and all sounds exactly the same, the fullon scene especially but also a lot darkpsy producers sounds the same. It feels that a lot producers dont create their sounds from scratch. It is so easy to just pick a preset and add some glitch to it. Boring. I want to hear more creative sounds. Move the music forward and not copy what allready sounds fat.
  13. VA - A Violent Re-action from Acidance rec has a terrible mastering. it is totally useless for a dj because of the way toooo low volume to the whole cd. Then Dark Soho - Sun Spot as allready mentioned but didnt they rerelease it with a proper master? I must agree it is charmy with a lite shitty sound with errors and everything. If it is too well produced it loses so much dynamics and i think the soul in the music get lost. I think it is sad when every producer sits with the same presets and all sounds exactly the same, the fullon scene especially but also a lot darkpsy producers sounds the same. It feels that a lot producers dont create their sounds from scratch. It is so easy to just pick a preset and add some glitch to it. Boring. I want to hear more creative sounds. Move the music forward and not copy what allready sounds fat. Now I went offtopic but it was my 2 cents.
  14. Another new track is now up. We keep em coming so check it out sometimes.
  15. here is a goodie for all you who understands swedish. The man, The myth, The legend
  16. his blog is gone. maybe he give up psychedelic music.
  17. danet


    Music for the jilted generation no doubt about it. it was actually the first cd that i bought as a kid. that gives med 10+ in cool points right?
  18. One new track is up! Visa från Utanmyra Some raw and dirty sounds in that one. Enjoy!
  19. The Grobians The Grobians is a sideproject from Indica Project. More raw and dirty sounds than we do in our goatrance but still the same feeling. With inspiration from the forests and just having fun with the sounds we have created this sound. Enjoy!
  20. check out the Caspa & Rusko - Fabric Live 37 cd.
  21. Psykovsky cover looks awesome..i hope the sounds is as awesome as the cover!
  22. this sounds awesome! fresh sounds on this one.
  23. Han Solo cover was awesome!
  24. You don't need to have music background but it will sure help you out on the way. Learn at least some basic music teory.
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