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Everything posted by danet

  1. cool that you like the tracks! we hope to have a myspace for the grobians soon.
  2. i only produce if i have an idea of what to do. if you force yourself to produce something it will probably end up like shit and you will think "does the world needs another mediocre psyproducer".
  3. http://www.sendspace.com/file/ylu9au here is the new track "Evil Woods". enjoy
  4. got it today. awesome forest-tracks.. good work with this one sanaton!
  5. Shift with dopelabs live from toft.. dubstep is nice:D
  6. f0rce the url worked fine for me..strange it doesnt work for you..
  7. http://www.sendspace.com/file/gybaex here is the track "stoned to the bone" that we made a couple of weeks ago. enjoy!
  8. We are planning to do a EP were we release the tracks in better quality.. I can give you some tracks maybe later tonight.. Nice that you like our sound:D
  9. enough about laguage.. more about the tracks..
  10. this one is gonna be great..forest sounds..yes!
  11. har inte planerat in deja vu än faktiskt..får se om man hamnar där..är ju rätt lockande men har fullt upp med barn o jobb.
  12. Hey man. Hope you liked the cd. We liked the booz we got from you hehe. We got a whole new set for this summer:D
  13. We got some new tracks at our myspace http://www.myspace.com/indikaproject Enjoy edit: also one track here for download..Stoned to the bone! http://www.sendspace.com/file/gybaex
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