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Everything posted by Kryll

  1. dunno what pointers or comments i could give only thing i'm thinking is that it's not very balanced (imo) some sounds/elements seem too have too much weight (can't really describe it very good in english ) all the power in the track comes from one source, which is dominating the whole.. something like that
  2. sure thing, though i thought the analogy thing was kinda funny just trying to add perspective on the matter that musical preference is an irrational aspect of rating releases for their quality btw... talking bout quality.. what rating would one give to a track, pure genious, but terribly mastered ?
  3. what's a large scale for you ? and anyways.. your reply doesn't prove that my statement "home made cookies are always better than industrialised ones" is wrong
  4. home made recipes can't be industrialized the ingredients used aren't made for long conservation plus, industrial cookies always have terrible (unhealthy/cheap) fats innit unhealthy as in: having an extremely high melting point
  5. home made muffins are always better, nutritionally speaking..
  6. and what about collaborations ?
  7. checking sounds very heavy imo makes me think a bit of big Hollywood Movie Soundtracks (qua atmosphere/thickness) not really my cup
  8. electronic mantra
  9. acid scene ? acid parties these days are more acid-tekno / hardtek / core oriented but they're rare enough these days breakcore spinoff.. i'm guessing your vision is troubled with the massive amount of breakcore-scene related parties =) but ofcourse it depends on what u consider to be an acid party
  10. Ramin Naghachian and Marc Trauner probably as well
  11. dunno tiesto aint representative for regular trance as well imo but digitaria has all the elements of the goa sound (ok, it's not a quality release, but clichés and contrasting works good for identification/recognition most of the time )
  12. do i smell a pinch of sarcasm there ?
  13. isnt he from UK ?
  14. BBE, arent those dudes from Belgium ? http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=OR6PitynLd0 http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku-9RCS1AYE
  15. try giving him a listen to The Nommos - Digitaria and Tiesto - Lethal Industry youtube of the tiesto track : http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=-mXpKPhMlU4
  16. i think i'm graduately getting used to the collective grey area (loving stuff that's too goa-ish to be acid, too technoid to be goa, too trancy to be hardcore, etc, etc.. ) hehe
  17. somehow that really has an ambiguous taste to it, the way u put it there i'm not gonna discuss the rating itself though having a biased perception on creations you were involved with is an imminent thing the act or intent of rating is another thing
  18. weird thing is.. are you trying to explain him what kind of music u love ? or are you trying to make a statement towards him ? cause u have to be aware of the fact that a lack of interest or curiousity isn't really good material for opening doors with
  19. problem is that this "GOA trance" u mention is too much of a modern style, with roots in new beat, ebm, acid house, house, frankfurt techno-trance, acid, and so forth
  20. well... are you looking for old psychedelic trance ? or are you looking for the first real goa release ? this one i consider good psychedelic trance from the eighties http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=RNvgXJdZJZY
  21. i have it think i even played it at the last Lunar Society party in Herselt anyways.. i really hope i can attend this party, but it's like 2 days before a major exam of mine i'll do my utter best, that's for sure can't wait to see you in action Ukiro
  22. hey dude, did i yet mention about me thinking you're really a top of the line Francisca ? everything you do always inevitably smacks right down on something, doesnt it ?
  23. k, forgot all about that every scene/hype works with formulas, true
  24. there's a difference between scenes and musical evolution imo nothing has to be fresh, unless it's designed to consume or it's ment to contribute to a hype or become hyped for the record: i'm allergic to scenes and hypes
  25. i really don't understand the formula thing when it comes to music except when ure talking about overproduced things, like schranz, full-on, hardtek, core, breakcore, etc... and on the matter of rating on discogs, i rarely use 1/5 3 -> okay/good release 4 -> very good 5 -> stunning not rated : not worth rating, or just too lazy to rate/not yet checked thorougly hehe just do what your heart tells you, nothing else matters try the new Suburbass on Demontage
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