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About Agarica

  • Birthday 05/31/1988

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  • Location
    In a forest...
  • Interests
    Some faves are Ananda Shake, Space Buddha, Infected Mushroom, Gataka, Astral Projection, Shpongle, Younger Brother, Violet Vision, Alek Szahala, Celtic Cross, Son Kite, Talamasca, Aquatica, Sesto Sento, Exaile, Psychotic Micro, Void, Astrix, Dark Soho, Oforia, Koxbox, Suria, Yahel, Cyber Cartel, Psycraft, Vibe Tribe, Wizzy Noise, Bizzare Contact, Green Nuns of the Revolution and 1200 Mics. If there are some artists you think I should look into let me know.
  1. If your prefered music is the same now as it was whenever it was you wrote the list on your profile then I've got similiar taste. Got loads of stuff you need to check out.

  2. i'm saving up to buy a turntable and get me some infected mushroom on vinyl (if it exists!)
  3. havent heard of them before, they're fantastic!
  4. i really like this song, and all i know about it is that it's called "A'shir Mea'gan" by Knesiat Ha'sechel because i don't understand hebrew i can't find lyrics for it. could someone here help me out? even if the lyrics aren't translated, i'd love to see them just so i could sing along (as long as the letters aren't hebrew letters, which i can't read) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyyZtzhdAeo
  5. personally, a few shpongle songs are good all the time, and some are good some of the time. being high helps lol
  6. :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :lol: :lol:
  7. ananda shake - total overdose ananda shake - wise study of LSD
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