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Everything posted by Caffein:me

  1. I see some psy-newseers on the artistlist Goes into my wish list with Eat Static's new album
  2. listening to it with my new headphones and i must say the intro of this track sent chills up spine love it! In the beginning when the radio started - i thought this could be some dark fullon track like Rinkadink's pirate signal!! But this is way bettarhg!! Goddamnit Billy, i know this has been told many times before but you are a goddamn genious! everything you touch is gold! please start a religion so i can worship you - where do i sign up? I reall felt like being in an underwater adventure while listening to it! - have you ever considered making really down-beat ambient music, i think you could rival Eat static in some aspects. I've listened to most of your songs, and i feel like i'm being head first plounged into an epic journey each time! ;D The only thing bothering me was that it felt a bit short after the long intro - gonna listen to it a few times more. :posford:
  3. Just above the post you can see the date and time of the post. "Jul 25 2002, 10:45 AM" welcome to psynews by the way
  4. Not to be a party pooper - but if you looked at the date - you would notice that the fella who was posting this, did this in 2002. that's almost 6 years ago. but nice idea anyway
  5. Wtf man! +1! and nice to see you again skelly : )
  6. Vibe Tribe - Melodrama currently playing Stringadelic Great track, 303 over-usage ftw
  7. In my attempt of trying to point out why i hated juno reactors new album so much i listened way too much to "inca stepper" and it grew on me, now i actually dig that sound.. I'm so ashamed of myself
  8. I second that Easy Star All-Stars at their best!!
  9. Have you head the Rock of zion remix? totaly rocks my socks off!
  10. yeh, Hes def on my wish list fo sho.. Gonna buy it next weak.
  11. Shit! got that album too! must be the most downtempo album ever, can't even call it ambient!
  12. Haha yeah it would be more insulting if I said anything politically correct, trust me. I'm all reversed when it comes to that, my best friends are sons of bitches. Work is ARhghgahgharehghahassshahaghahg but yeah it pays :P

  13. farsi tanha zabani ast ke man harf mizanam :)

    i guess you speak Urdu, no?

  14. nope :)

    i'm persian...moved to southern california almost 2 years ago (hence the poor engrish!!!! ;))

  15. i probably am :D

    dude, i did some intense googling to figure out what the heck svartskalle means !!!! but yeah, we carry the bestest of the best human genes...

    how awesome is that?!

  16. I guess that makes me a minority. Am I for real what?

  17. its emo music from the psychedelic scene
  18. A little dark, not that old school! but it sounds really good thanks for the link
  19. F.U.K.T. - Play With Fire
  20. Only have Ra 9th
  21. *saves images to future desktop - background - use
  22. i bought it and had really hiigh expatations, but i was throughoutly dissapointed in all aspects. Can still listen to it though, but only because my playlist is set on shuffle/random
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