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Everything posted by Caffein:me

  1. I cannot find the PM i sent you in my 'Sent Items-folder' so to be 100% sure I'll write here too. Just send me the link to the forum and I'll see you there :D

  2. Alright, this track is awesome. I many a time have been discussing music with sarrsari (whom doesn't post here for various reasons) but we concluded that this track is awesome. amongst my favourites, as well as his. I can't describe how good it is, and i was made to believe that IM actually were pretty able to make tracks that weren't so up-tempo whilst in my oppinion could be regarded as downtempo/chill. For some reason IM were to believe that they had no future in making "chilled" tracks even though they had the talent for it.
  3. Yeah I sorta guessed you hadn't come over since you dropped off the face of psynews :) Illuminaughty was fun, though the first DJ (don't know if it was Gataka or Tikal) was very lame indeed. Don't be too disapointed though, wasn't mindblowing ;-)

    Hope you enjoyed your holiday elsewhere

  4. but you meant me!! you short hair Bastardophillistine
  5. Psytrance seem to spreading locally through contries such as Germany, Holland and Belgium. Sadly us "danes" never see much psytrance. I've personally raided every musicstore i could find in search of psytrance tunes, but sadly it seems all in vain. I share the same experience of trying to find some cool cds. Many times i've tried to ask the salespersons if they had any psytrance cd's but i always seem to get that raised eyebrow and a questioning look. I try to mention some words that might remind them of what i'm looking for. I mention "Goa" and they direct me to world-Ethnic music from india... i sigh qietly and say "trance" and they redirect me to the commercial electronic music rack where one might find: Tiesto and artists such as him - not to mention the dreaded eurotra(sh)nce Luckily our libraries offer a great selection of good electronica, but again... no psytrance besides the commercial full on, that has labeled itself as Psytrance when its rather pop. but lately i think that the music is on the rise, i see more and more psy trance cds on the rack of the larger recordshops. but its all commercial artists such as IM and Skazi... but its a start. Parties seems scarce but a few times a year; psytrance parties are held... but its pretty much underground. again i've tried to play music to my friends, ex girlfriends (thats problably why they left me ) and family members... But i find no people with the same taste as myself, sad indeed. I will look forward to the day that psytrance is more accepted and i hope for the future to bring many new listeners to the genre. one thing we all seem to have in common is the "isolation feeling" when nobody around us listens to the same music as we do. :drama:
  6. Go here http://48hrs.esknetlabs.com/

    It's now the Psynews off topic :)

  7. Destruction is the ultimate act of creation.

    BTW have you registered in 48hrs yet?

  8. If you put a lamp in my eye again, I will be forced to do none other than shove a yacht up your ass.

  9. Lakasha - I feel blue (can't find any youtube links with it) It's a jazzy song - gets me very emotional every time i listen to it.
  10. I still wonna go but my economy is failing atm, i just hope to get a phat pay check next month and i'll go get that ticket, (should i buy tickets online - for the party?) I still "think" i have a place to crash for the few days i'll stay in GB (leeds) I just need to contact her as soon as im sure that i'm leaving. I hope it won't be too spontaneous :S
  11. You're very welcome Caff :)

  12. Now playing: The land of Green Ginger
  13. Omigosh!! I only buy tops 2 Psytrance cds each month, and last time i bought a cd, was last month (eat static - back to earth) Now, i've been drooling alot on the Opus Iridium Compilation. And i really want to buy it. Im slowly digging my way through Suntrip releases I did buy some normal CD's. Mainly three cd's i got cheap in an old record store. The orb: The dream, Bicycles and tricycles () and U.F.Orb
  14. Haha, Tak :) og jeg har været her et år længere end dig Mr spam ;)

  15. The orb: Bicycles And Tricycles
  16. Amazing, you're very creative aren't you. not only making music, but promoting goa trance. If you need help with some grammar, be sure to check in (no offence) the video is awesome, and i'm glad that somebody did them. Much respect.
  17. Malmö is approx an hour away with train from Helsingborg. An hour and a half and I'm right in front of your home.

  18. You've uploaded it to your myspace, ive listened to it many a times at school
  19. Bump for great justice! This mix is raping my ears (in a good way) for the third time! It really grew on me, i admit that this mix opened up my eyes concerning Dark Psy, (Kindzadza sucks imo tho) I love how you mix those 60?/70/80 sounds in it!! damn, this is really really good. The best of the 80'ies melodies combined with the twistyness and abstractness of the best of what dark psy has to offer. even though the singing reminds me of the smurfs, it just adds that really good feeling to it. In the start i was a titsy bit skeptical, but i think more people need to listen to this!! The cross from the disco to the dark in the start sounds quite awkward, but i like it that way. Its like leaving the listener really unprepared for what to come. 22-26 minute part So please!! people !! listen to this, it definetly deserves a listen! Oh.. just to add, you will start like: - then - - then the wtf factor kicks in - - :posford: It's crazy!
  20. well, My i don't have to buy a lot of music when i listen to it so sparsely, i do listen to music less than an hour a day on average, but some days i listen to more, mostly when people have made those long mixes.. (abasio you're to blame) I think i need some peace and quiet some times, my day is filled with noise and i get head aches if i i don't have some peace of mind. and i usually have that School / Homework thing going on, and i need to concentrate, can't concentrate with music around me.
  21. Feel free!

    Thanks for looking around.

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