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Everything posted by chillmood

  1. shame on you!!

  2. If anyone wants to buy not compressed WAV tracks of this album PM me. im selling them for $2 each.
  3. Hey, you're right, his music is crap regardless of the media. And that is my final answer!!!! :lol:
  4. I guess I was coming off pretty harsh. I actually just listened to a friend's CD yesterday and it actually sounded pretty nice. Maybe it's time I stopped relying on MP3 quality and start buying the actual uncompressed music on a real CD. It makes a world of difference.
  5. what? I can't speak my mind? Whatever, guys, I don't think it's right for this artist to fool people and put false infoz to help sell. People shouldn't be lied to to get them to buy a CD. And if I want to help people not buy inferier, crappy musics than so be it.
  6. Who buys cds anymore. There was not to much to handle with the album. It was very weak to me. These kind of amature posers make me tired of them. He should just sit back and keep listening to the top professionals and quit wasting my time. Shooting would be very extreme. We could take his arms.
  7. You are so right he totally needs to use that. Clean those ears out good Distant Shit-stem!
  8. I was looking for chillout, not crapout. This is seriously elgible for WORST album of the year. I have two words tp describe the attempt: Failed Miserably.
  9. I tried giving it one more listen before the file gets deleted. Pure crap. The last track is even bad production. It is totally over-loading and sounds horrible. Unprofessional quality all the way. I'll wait for more new ultimae stuff.
  10. How can you really be sure it was mastered by them? I think some nobody artistss are just putting big names on thier stuff to look more special but don't have nothing to do with them. Just listen to the huvanetwork remixing, there is none of the huvanetwork song even in there it's not a real remixing. Androcell is worse because it is OTT & Shpongle wanna-be, ripoff musics to. This guy doesn't have what it takes to release music professionally. He should just stick with MySpace.com or something.
  11. I adore many Ultimae artists and this is merely a rip-off, wanna-be attempt. If it was good enough, Ultimae would have released it I suppose. Distant System should totally give up. The album is useless and lacks any originality. This type of sound has already been covered by real professionals. I can't believe I wasted my time in tracking down an MP3 for download based on what I read from reviews here.
  12. Listened to it with headphones. Wasn't as good as I was expecting. Could have been much better.
  13. I think there is a certain time, place, and mood for this type of music. Matt Hillier creates a certain magic in almost everything, it's all about *when* exactly the decoding actually makes sense to your soul.
  14. Nice!
  15. I mean, does "Gravitational Vortices" feel like you're caught inside gravitational vorticies? Does "Astropolis" feel like you are in a mechanized space city built upon some artificial planetella? Does "Cloud Nebula" feel like you are inside a starship viewing the starlight shining upon hydrogen gas in space?
  16. What?
  17. Do the tracks live up to their respective titles?
  18. chillmood

    Ott - Skylon

    Agreed, although I thought it was brilliant from the first listen.
  19. I saw it at the website http://www.androcell.com/androcell_news.htm along with some updated summer shows.
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