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  1. Takes like 4 minutes to load on 24 mb. ...horrible servers.
  2. Classical music is overrated really. Sure it's good and complex and all but it's in no way the end-all of music, there's no definite master artist who's better than every other artist just because his genre. Look at Brian Eno, he's easily on the level the classical masters. If you really think Mozart or whatever was superior to all modern artists you need to listen to more music. That said, goa and classical inspire similar feelings in me and that's pretty much what matters.
  3. Unlike the first two Shpongle albums, I haven't listened to this in almost three full years. Simply no lasting appeal.
  4. You're being unreasonable, stop it. :<
  5. Hey guys. Could you unban my olde Cinos account, or merge these two together? I think I've proven I'm not interested in causing drama anymore, haven't I? :<
  6. My point is you just... don't rate your own releases and creations. 5/5 makes you seem like a dickbag, 1/5 just makes you seem stupid. Better keep your fingers off the rate button.
  7. Quoted for truth.
  8. I wish Shpongle hadn't failed so hard on the new album. Unlike the first two I played the third maybe ten times total and then never again, simply because it wasn't good. It was just such a garbled mismatching of ideas.
  9. Updatebump. Buy my stuff damnit.
  10. You are aware it's totally possible for randomity and chaos to sound melodic to human ears? If it's created by chance then it's random no matter what the result is. God, this is basic english.
  11. Yes, I specifically used to play with randomized phrygian sequences and every 50 or so there'd be a pretty goa-ish melody going on.
  12. Thing about IFO is there's no production value at all, the percussion sounds like paper bags and it's very sketchy throughout. I think if you like it or not is determined by what chord the random-ish melodies strike in you. Or if you're on drugs in which case those melodies, containing basically everything and the kitchen sink, will guaranteedly hit several chords.
  13. Why would they not offer a lossless option? *facepalm* It's not exactly motivating to purchase something without even getting the same quality pirate networks offer. The paying customer is screwed yet again.
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