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Everything posted by kanfos

  1. Well, i think no one have the Zombie Family track, probably only a sample not a complete track, cos, released or unreleased i have it all, and i havent seen anyone around the globe with the so called Zombie - sex machine - NN - etc..etc... It was played in January of 2007 so, someone should have it by now, but no.... Another good one on Sesto sento. ( Not Bizzare but same style ) Ultravoice_-_The_Star_Alliance_Vol_2-(Promo_CDR)-2008-PsyCZ\02-ultravoice_vs._michele_adamson_-_electronic_playground_(sesto_sento_remix)-psycz
  2. I have been out of my country for vacations , so no progress made.. I found this one i didnt knew .. Didrapest_&_Bizzare_-_Contact_-_Zombie__Unreleased__2007 Not the same tune u looking for but not bad at all...
  3. Hey Infa Yes, it was released on a Compilation .. VA_-_Cosmic_Tone-In-Action-2007-MYCEL .. P.L.U.R
  4. I had the track all the time :@ wtf ... got the album in 2007 and never played it damm :@ Yea it´s Cosmic Tone - I volume ( but it´s rmx version from cosmic tone aswell ) Ty for everything .. P.L.U.R
  5. U have the wav of the music in the first post on this thread http://hem.bredband.net/infan/xxxperience.mp3 here it is
  6. LOL i ment the stop and go, i used to shake my ass till 2003 after that sound become shitty and commercial... Djaying sometimes doesnt mean u will play what u like, but things u know the audience will dance I will try all Cosmic tracks i can find ... Hope u´re right
  7. I went to this party, well , it was very near from where i live, very good sets and lives played there.. And off course, the end of this track is addicting
  8. This was played in a DJ Set by a Portuguese Dj this year , i know it´s something look-a-like with Freak Frequency .. Non the less great fucking track.
  9. This is the track i´m looking for... Also, i´m djaying in the 4th of july, if anyone would like to leave some uplifting tips, i would deeply appreciate it.. My set till now is based on sound like the new Quadra album, just cause of bass lines, anything from Speedy, melodic and blasting Full-On to FullMoon sound P.L.U.R
  10. I have that track mate 01-bizzare_contact_-_sunrise_(unreleased)-dmm.mp3 I uploaded it for you http://rapidshare.com/files/124118612/01-b...d_-dmm.mp3.html
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