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Everything posted by Antares

  1. And about your PS: hell if singing makes you happy, you should sing man
  2. No, I mean that artist should make music they like, period. And well debate about music can be fun, but is extremely subjective. If you say an artist isn't innovative, i can say he is and we both are right The thing I do find rather pointless, and i read A LOT lately on this forum, are things like 'artist should be more innovative', 'artist should stop trying to create the old sound, they fail at it'. Those things are subjective and personal. There even was a thread that tried to show artists 'how it should be done', and 'draw inpiration from' Maybe I have a naïve point of view about what music is, but for me music is all about expressing yourself, and get the things you have in your head out, wheter it's innovative, or has been done a thousand times before. And well, if people love it, fantastic! But you shouldn't be led by the fact that they might not..
  3. Well it's seems this debate about producers 'trying to hard to sound oldschool' is going on some time here... Only thing i can say is, both from a listeners and an artist point of view: let artists friggin' do what they want! Music making should be for the fun of making music, and well, if someone enjoys making music that was already made 10+ years ago, he should make that kind of music. Don't try to push in the direction you want, because music is always better when it is made from the heart. and frankly, just because you don't like the sound and don't think it's innovative, well that doesn't mean everybody does. And it seems that people think it is obligatory for artist to experiment, to be innovative and push their own boundaries... Well I can imagine that alot of artists don't think the same way, and just make the sound they now and like because it makes them happy. Just listen to music you like, and let artist make the music they like For me it is more important that an artist makes music to express him/herself, and makes it from the heart, then wether I like it or not..
  4. ignorant people... He wasn't wrong, he just miscalculated! Harold Camping says May 21, 2011 was ‘invisible judgment day,’ world will end October 21, 2011
  5. You should play morrowind then (The Elder Scrolls III) While the graphics are a lot older, the story and world-design are tons better! i can't even count how many hours i spent on that game when i was younger.. And as my time now is very limited, i'm very picky about games... I'm a huge Rpg fan, and i have searched a lot to find a game that had the same quality as morrowind, but haven't found one yet So i'll wait until Skyrim comes out
  6. i think (correct me if i'm wrong) he works with fractal generating programs (such as ultrafractal and apophysis), and they use mathematical functions Very nice work on the Trinodia Album!! I wonder, you can see some kind of text in the purple flare at the top, what do they say?
  7. Hi guys! This is a preview of my latest daimon-track, wich will probably be featured on my Daimon album, when it is finished. Hope you enjoy! Ps: this will be one of the lighter tracks.. My link
  8. Aaargh no Mono, don't tell me you've made it here too....
  9. Thank you all for the nice reviews! I'm really glad you guys like it
  10. Hmmm something is pretty contradictory here... A while ago you started a thread about 'undergroud artists' that started to make 'commercial crap'. you where talking about a trance track from protoculture, that is very similar in style to this track. So when a commercial artist uses some underground elements, it's good music, but when it's the other way around, it's 'an underground artist making commercial crap'. Something i don't understand, and apparently a lot of people here seem to think this way. anyway, nothing against you personally, just a way of thinking i find pretty weird. Good track by the way
  11. +10000000 I said it before, some people are so narrow minded and intolerant when it comes to music..
  12. Update! Now with an oriental vibe.. My link
  13. Thanks guys!! Crazy Goa blonde, lol, i'm gonna use that as my new nickname
  14. For christ's sake, another USELESS comment about music.. That is your taste, and you're entitled to it. But why do people always think there opinion is the one that's right?? Very ignorant if you ask me.. And another thing: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BAD EVOLUTION IN MUSIC (or anything else related to art)
  15. update! Now with an eastern touch Diamond in the Rough
  16. Indeed sounds nice! One of the best in "nitzhogoa" But, about the coverart, only the font was done by Imba i think.. The fractal art is done by Persistent Aura himself, he's a really great fractal-artist!! (Check out deviant-art)
  17. update! Book of Secrets
  18. thanks! Hehe soundtrack composers are not exactly pop stars Wouldn't mind doing that for a living
  19. Hi! Want to show you guys another love of mine, making soundtrack-like music! I've always found that music is a very important aspect of movies and games, so i started to make some myself.. It's not psy/goa, has nothing to do with it, but i wanted to know what you psy-heads thought of it Btw, al sounds and melodies are digitally created with vst, no samples were used The unravelling : My link Valenwood : My link Dusk and Dawn : My link
  20. Sorry, i didn't read that, i totally agree
  21. Again, you can't just say that, it's personal and has to do with taste. When a genre goes 'commericial', a lot of the original listeners think it loses quality, because the genre changes. But at the same time a lot of people who didn't liked the genre when it was 'underground' now listen to it and like it. Take dubstep for instance. in the beginning it was underground, now the only ones who never heard of it live in a cave. A lot of people who liked it in the beginning now don't, and vice versa. So who's right? The ones that used to listen to it, and say it loses quality, or the new listeners who think the old stuff is crap?
  22. No offence, but who are you to say that "commercial releases are not much creative and attractive"? That is your opinion, and taste, but not a fact. The fact that to you think "commercial" tracks all sound alike, and "non-commercial" stuff (like oldschool goa for example) sounds fresh and innovating, is just because it's your kind of music.. I hear people who listen to other music (that some may find commercial) say that all goa tracks sound the same, that it's just some random noise on a 4/4 beat... That's the same thing.. people need to broaden their horizons some more, and open up for more stuff... Wheiter it's "commercial", "underground"...
  23. Yeah i partly agree with you, there must be some artists who release partly for the succes, maybe the money (allthough there isn't much money in psytrance unless you're called infected mushroom).. BUT, there are still tons of people that party on the music, a lot of people who are made happy by the music, so frankly it doesn't matter to me for what reason the artist made this music.. And also, call me naïve, but i don't think an artist can make music he/she dislikes, just for the money (except maybe when there are millions involved). Take infected mushroom, they changed there style drasticley, having a lot of pop/rock influences, but i truly believe they like/love what they're making.. When i hear a release like Alien Jesus, well I deffinately don't like it (and that's a eufemism), and yeah i regret the fact that they made good music in the past, but you're never gonna hear me say: "their music is so crappy, people who listen to it must have their arse for their ears because it's so full of shit, they do it all for the money, the fame and the groupies, blablabla.." I'd rather have them evolve towards a style i don't like than stand still in a style i do like (without being innovative)
  24. I agree, nothing wrong with evolution in music and artists.. Just because it isn't your style and taste, doesn't mean it's a "bad evolution".. And there is also some weird contradiction going on.. People want the psytrance/Goa-scene to have the attention it deserves, but complain when something becomes "commercial" (read: appealing for a lot of people, so getting "the attention it deserves") But this isn't psytrance, and i don't think it's trying to be. And personally, I sometimes think it's to bad when a artist producing music i like, starts to evolve towards a genre i like less, but i don't think that's a bad evolution.. I'd rather have music evolve, than stand still.. Anyway, I hate it when people sometimes think their (musical) tastes are what everybody should like.. Like everything concerning art, you just can't discuss about that. You're not gonna hear me say that hallicunogen for instance is more intelligent than tiesto.. O, and i hate it even more when people (ab)use the term 'underground'.. I bet if psytrance had millions of listeners, even if the music wouldn't have changed, a lot of people who now 'love' it would hate it.
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