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Everything posted by Antares

  1. This is the most silly thread i've come across in forum history
  2. Ah the good ol' 'what is psychedelic'-discussion "The term psychedelic is derived from the Greek words ψυχή (psyche, "soul") and δηλοῦν (deloun, "to manifest"), translating to "mind-manifesting". A psychedelic experience is characterized by the perception of aspects of one's mind previously unknown, or by the creative exuberance of the mind liberated from its ostensibly ordinary fetters. Psychedelic states are an array of experiences elicited by various techniques, including sensory stimulation, sensory deprivation as well as by psychedelic substances. Such experiences include hallucinations, changes of perception, synesthesia, altered states of awareness, mystical states, and occasionally states resembling psychosis." So in my opinion, this is very personal and has a lot to do with taste.. I find deep entrancing music, like ethereal, music that makes you drift away, more psychedelic then music with lots of crazy squelchy sounds n stuff... Things that most people would find psychedelic..
  3. The most frequently used scale, the one that makes tracks sound 'eqyptian like', is the Phrygian Dominant Scale (also called spanish gipsy scale). But it's not the scales that make the music, it's the 'feel' of the music, the atmosphere. So i say: experiment as mutch as you can with scales, makes the music interesting
  4. Mmm the link refers to an artist called Kickbox, is it the same one? Sounds good , but very full-on-ish at times
  5. Album is more or less finished, expect it soon And yeah, now that it's finished i have time to work on my Cloudwalker tracks some more
  6. Man this is great! The Golden years are returning!
  7. Yep, psychedelic.be is down since a month or so... Don't know if there are plans to get something new started, it would be a shame if the belgian scene didn't have a place to chitchat I probably wouldn't have released anything, or wouldn't have been able to do livesets, if it wasn't for that forum..
  8. Great! More of this!!!!
  9. Nice one! Sounds really heavy, like the slow 3/4.. But it would be nice to change to 4/4 in the second part, would be more driving and keep it more interesting (In my opinion ofcourse, it's all about taste) Always nice to see new goa-trance producers come up Greetings
  10. Must be the melody that first comes up at 3:56, and later is repeated with a massive saw-synth @ 5:30-7, from Yahel's Waves of Sound (not the album version, has a melody in the middle that is über cheesy and uninspiring ) Yahel - Waves of Sound
  11. Man this music instantly puts a smile on my face!
  12. Want spacey full-on? Listen to digicult! Digicult - Star Travel
  13. Insanely nice painting on the cover! Music is great too
  14. Mystica - Second Dive, totaly not goatrance It has some pretty nice chill-out tracks, but way too much cheezyness.. O, and why that horribly cover?
  15. Covent garden didn't know the artist, but i typed the street name seen on that building in google
  16. Bitcrusher? don't even know if that's an artist, but it doesn't hurt to try
  17. Man with no name
  18. nope.. Tip 1: the artist has several projects, this is one of them Tip 2: the artist is Portuguese.
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