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Day Tripper

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  1. I read somewhere that is the correct track: Loom - Let Your Head Answer. I'm not sure if they ever released anything other a promo 12".
  2. It's from a film called She (1965) - "I will show you what no other living mortal has seen - the Flame of Eternal Life."
  3. The only thing it reminds me of is some slightly speeded up rearrangement of the Tubular Bells melody (very loosely), or some Tangerine Dream melody.
  4. The second one is GMS - Look Out
  5. It seems like the sample may be reversed. Then the voice sounds something like "What will you be needing? Gambling?" - but that's probably nowhere near either!
  6. Not sure if you're looking for an older track, but that sample is in Niko S Echo & Hi Profile - From Dusk Till Dawn, from the compilation Stigma (2011). Can't find a YouTube link for it!
  7. It's definitely: "They're memories, and the memories aren't even mine. They're a planet that I've never walked on, and wars whose cruelty I can't conceive." It does sound a bit like Sarah Connor from Terminator, but I can't see any dialogue like that in those films. It's been on my list of unknown sample sources for a while!
  8. Yeah, melodies are more unique, but there are certain chord progressions that work well, so they get used a lot! Look up Axis Of Awesome - Four Chord Song :-)
  9. Certainly the first track reminds me a lot of Visage - Fade To Grey
  10. Probably not this track either, but this is what your question reminded me of:
  11. Hi full_on, it's your trippy friend here! It's been a while, hope you're doing well. I've also tried to translate this previously - it definitely sounds Japanese, so I can hear something like "Yumeina gema mai mai" - that bit is without music in the Invisible Reality remix at 0:48. Probably doesn't help much though unless someone can actually understand it.
  12. It's also used in Blanka - There Is Only One
  13. As above, I don't know if you've found your track, but that sample is also in these tracks: Biotouch - Blue Note Floating Point - Psychotronic Genetic Noise & DJ Bim - Go Up Silent Sphere & DJ Bim (Beat Brothers) - Revolution Waveform - Something Else
  14. The Youtube comments suggest it's some remix of Jaia - Insomnie
  15. It's from Cool World (1992) - the voice is Kim Basinger as Holli Would.
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