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About Siem

  • Birthday 07/11/1981

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    Infected Mushroom, mushrooms, music in general, movies
  1. My 2 cents: Reason is made by Propellerheads. Steinberg bought Propellerheads. Steinberg wants you to buy Cubase. Hence no VST support for Reason. Lame, but it's all about the money
  2. Reason has wires. Wires are cool. It's that simple. I've recently stopped using Reason, and started using Ableton. It's better than Reason on just about every aspect, but I definately miss the wires
  3. I've been using Reason for about 5 years now. I've made a lot of music in it, but the plastic sound of it allways annoyed me. I've tried Fruity Loops, and I don't know how the new version is, but the old thing was more a toy than a music program. I've tried Logic pro, but that just feels too cold and hard, and way too complex. Music should be fun! I've tried Arturia Storm, Buzz, that E-jay crap, all not what I wanted. But then... there was Ableton!!! --== Ableton Live 4.4 ==-- Build for performing live, it is the best sequencer I have seen since Scream Tracker. I could write down a huge list of all the wonderfull features this program offers, but it's late and I got other things on my mind. But just check out some of the movies on the Ableton website and you'll see. This is the ultimate music program.
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