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Everything posted by zoupsy

  1. ARAMBOL EXPÉRIENCE Double CD DVD Documentary Released (France) 02 February 2008 This DOUBLE CD ALBUM and DVD documentary box-set encompasses a journey of discovery, experimentation and creation. An eclectic compilation of original music brimming with influences: psychedelic, pop, trance, breakbeat, acoustic ballads, Indian: this is music without borders or rules. Executive producer Chris (Scorpion, Streetfighters, Atoll…), director and singer Marie Borsh (ex YASSASSIN) and engineer Dume (OTISTO23) set out to capture the unique musical essence of Arambol in Goa. Once a pirate town, Arambol has attracted musicians from the world over and inspired them to produce unrestricted music which does not conform to a distinct genre. The introduction of electronic equipment was what fused the different artists and styles together, from then on experimentation and live shows defined the unique music that is ARAMBOL EXPERIENCE. Uniting the different styles that co-exist in this magical place, ARAMBOL EXPERIENCE brings you the rough and ready sights and sounds of a town that defies the pressures of consumerism and artificial comfort, a place where partying and the offbeat are king. This three-year project is a collective collaboration of musicians staying in Arambol, a veritable multi-cultural community unspoilt by over development, host to a psychedelic revival in the Indian province. The unique blend of influences combined with sheer inspiration set ARAMBOL EXPERIENCE apart in a world with oceans of music and barely a drop of risk-taking. myspace : http://www.myspace.com/arambolexperience Trailer video : http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=...ideoid=21034271 itunes: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore...31&s=143442 Free Mp3 : http://ozore.org/files/download/mp3/Be_Lazy.mp3 http://ozore.org/files/download/mp3/Music_Flow.mp3 http://ozore.org/files/download/mp3/CHI_KI_GONG.mp3 Photos and interview with the producer: http://www.ozore.org/node/317 www.ozore.org
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