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Everything posted by sunwolf

  1. I see SO MANY ambient releases that I don't know what to get. Can you recommend some of your favorites? Here are a few I have to to give you an idea... Chronos - Steps To The Great Knowledge ... great.. 4.5/5? Astral Waves - Mystique ... OK.. 3.5/5? Aural Planet - Lightflow ... Meh.. did not like. Blue Lunar Monkey - 2012 ... Meh.. did not like.
  2. What is sharing in FLAC mean? If you have anything good goa trance to share PMz me. I have almost everything though.
  3. you are one star

  4. Not really a problem IMO. I can either listen to music or read. There's no point to doing both because what will happen is either I'll read something and not actually hear any of the music that just played, or I'll be focused on the music and forget about reading. So I try to avoid it. I only use music while reading if there's some distractions that music can drown out. And only non-lyrical music as lyrics are a big distraction.
  5. I prefer speakers but usually use headphones.
  6. Chronos - Steps To The Great Knowledge :posford:
  7. You can rip from vinyl too.
  8. Anyone else only listen to CDrs and just have their CDs in a nice shiny display? (OK not really more like in boxes)
  9. I back up music on 2 harddrives. It's important as many things I don't own on original. Don't want to copy a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy. Also if harddrive fails I don't want to have to rip everything again to listen to it on computer. CDs get worn, lost, etc.
  10. Wow... I wonder where Anoebis & Mars found this Nemo*. He reminds me of a certain famous serpent.... * nothing personal to them I just wanted to make this pun
  11. Just need to cover up tracklist "Rock Bitch". Maybe a good closing track though.
  12. I'm listening to Lords Of Chaos Part 2 for about the 10th time today and totally loving it again (been a long time since I listen to this).
  13. An unbacked opinion matters nothing to me, I just thought you might want to back yours up. The offer is still open btw. :wank:
  14. What does it matter to you?!
  15. WinRAR is the easiest program to find a cracked version ever.
  16. FLAC. rar is better than zip if you have winrar. You don't need any compression when archiving compressed audio files (FLAC, mp3, etc). If anyone wants to trade rips PM me.
  17. You must forgive me as I am bipolar so I don't mean to be angry or anything if I ever threaten you or anything it is not meant.
  18. Wow how many starving children could you save for that cost?
  19. Doesn't sound like goa. Also wrong forum.
  20. Nice to know there are more Christians around here, and even someone from a goa record label. I totally agree it depends on how you listen to any type of music, not the music itself, as to whether it's healthy or not. And yea I hate when music includes offensive samples. I have no problem with samples about other religions or whatever of course I just ignore them, but some other genres just go way overboard. +100
  21. Lords Of Chaos - L.O.C. Chapter II :posford:
  22. Nuclear Ramjet - Age Of Aquarius
  23. Cool. Are you Christian too then or just teach it? Personally this is a Baptist church though most churches are getting pretty modern these days. There is pretty lame vocals in it actually. Hmm I have this album (Juno Reactor) and didn't hear any choirs. I will check out X-Ray though thanks. Thanks for suggestion I will look into this. Ha ha ha... it looks like a cult video to me the one on YouTube at least but maybe the song would pass I'll try it, cool song too.
  24. Hey I can be equally as positive a person but I am more disposed to be negative usually. Nothing on you personally. But drama makes the world go around, as well as internet forums. :drama:
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