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Everything posted by sunwolf

  1. Making any music requires some skill. However, I have much higher expectations of good music than that it isn't boring. (If you judge music by whether or not it can entertain you for awhile without being bored you'd might as well go listen to popular music because that's the exact point behind it! I like my music to have depth, creativity, tell some story, be realistic, approach a goal, etc, rather than just another attempt to find an "infinite melody" that will put me into a lengthy state of bliss.) Bottom line is, though, that with two layers you can largely exhaust your options for a 5 minute track in a week or so, while with 300 layers you could stumble around your whole life and never arrive at the best one.
  2. I rated this 3/5 but I will listen to it again.
  3. Straw man. All I stated is: More layers require more skill to coordinate with a positive outcome (see my first line!!). Layered random noise takes no genius obviously. Layered music may still not be very good music. Layered music may still lack creativity. But if it is good music, it required more skill to create. That music requires more skill to create DOES NOT MEAN that it will effect the history of music more. It DOES NOT MEAN that it will be more popular. It simply means it required more skill to make. Many people don't appreciate musical genius and just like to listen to catchy emotional melodies as a sort of escapism (probably including you).
  4. What makes the difference between shit and masterpeice?! There must be a criteria.
  5. Looking at history = going all the way back to 1990?! Wow....! What these people did was CREATIVE. In fact they probably thought it up in the fucking shower. Genius or not? You tell me. What does the popularity of music in the 20th century have to do with how much genius it takes to produce it? It seems obvious to me that it's an inverse relationship. Yes you could mention Tiesto next... biggest name in trance and he produces shitty music, therefore shitty music must actually be good music -- or take talent to produce -- otherwise he wouldn't be the #1 DJ according to DJ magazine! Well you're a moron then (or perhaps in denial?).
  6. Yes it still doesn't fully make sense to me though. Reason: Hippies aren't exactly the elite class. I suppose they could be thought of as remnants of it though. I'm thinking along the lines of conscious nihilists, perhaps an attempt to overcome nihilism rather than to find the infinite melody, which is clearly what the masses look for in music.
  7. I mean based on what qualities? How do you decide that something is 1/5 while something else is a 5/5?
  8. Can you possibly fail to grasp that it requires more talent to coordinate 300 layers than 5 or 10 and come up with something that it's bearable to listen to? You can't just randomly guess at which succession of notes each individual in the orchestra should be playing and come out with the masterpiece symphony. You can quite easily make a simple catchy tune. Goa Trance falls somewhere in the middle there.
  9. You can't have all... a list would be nice rather than asking people to guess.
  10. THANK YOU that was driving me crazy.
  11. Is there a way to change the layout so it just shows the posts in chronological order with quotes rather than the tree of "posts in this topic"?
  12. I agree they left out the best elements in the end when they could have possibly used them to make something really amazing. Still good work for their first release IMO.
  13. You should search for the movie soundtrack... I believe it was Fuel On and maybe another.
  14. That's not what I meant or said. Anyways I do think it's a 5/5 album (this is a stupidly low precision scale!) just not the best.
  15. Yes if people have a rare album they don't want to admit it's garbage because then less people will want it and they will not be in such a high position as having what others want.
  16. Yes but... goa trance tends to be more complex than most other types of electronic music (that I know of at least!). If you remove the beat & quadruple the number of layers and have them played by an orchestra you're doing a very similar thing to what Mozart did. On the other hand if you take 1/4 the layers and make minimal or whatever else you're probably lessening the skill involved. (You can just tinker with a couple layers and come up with something that sounds catchy; more layers makes it practically impossible.) Goa trance still requires talent -- there is no doubt about this, just the exact amount! It's not easy to coordinate a handful of layers at the same time and make them all work together to produce something amazing. Weaker stuff often has random sounds thrown in that don't really add to the music! The better stuff is creative and layered and it all comes together! Many other types of electronic music are just about a couple layers and/or a beat! Looking at how fast they get produced is it's a very rough estimate as to the quality. There are very few GOOD goa groups that released multiple albums a year every year. Some albums are multiple years in the making. (Note this can indicate lack of talent as well.) In the end you must keep in mind Mozart was just one of the best of many many classical producers. Similarly there are many many goa trance producers. While I'll agree goa trance takes much less talent to produce due to it's relatively low complexity, I think those Dimension 5 guys (includes hunab ku and ra) and Transwave are amongst the higher quality goa trance producers. You must also keep in mind that the times have changed and in this nihilist age electronic music is largely marketed to low class people with no taste. This is most clearly evident in the shift to psytrance, but goa trance was not exactly produced for an aristocracy either! -- though definitely largely for more spiritual/mindful and tasteful people. Thus the best may not be the most popular. Indeed almost everyone I know "IN REAL LIFE" would rather listen to catchy tunes by Tiesto and can't stand to listen to goa trance! And to rant on... I would be an idiot to want to change this because I would rather than the mass of idiots don't listen to my higher music and stick to their surface shit. Also I should mention that many people who listen to goa trance also prefer the shittier stuff to the more skillful stuff....
  17. I think Koxbox was in that movie but I haven't listened to them enough to remember the melodies.
  18. Where does it get the new stuff from? Where does the new stuff come from and how do you know it's not from the human mind? Maybe you are lacking in creativity but that doesn't mean we all must be....
  19. YOUTUBED... :posford: I really like this track... but the melodies around 1:00, 2:50, 3:something and 5:something sound VERY familiar and I don't know if it's just because I looped the track many times, am superbly out of normal consciousness, and/or I'm onto something.
  20. I've never been a fan of these two... BURN YOU COPYING LOSERS.. BURN... Haha just kidding, thanks for sharing this information since my own example backfired. (& sharing examples should be the idea of this thread)
  21. You have a very good point...!! However I like to think good music is creative. At the least I don't want to be able to tell exactly where it was copied from... to me that means the artist lacked the creativity to build on someone's past work or create their own kick ass melodies and instead just copied what was already done not even bothering to cover it up.
  22. Lame? I don't really have any good examples. EDIT - I don't have any examples as I just noticed it's titled MIX HAHA....
  23. I like them both are 4/5 for me. I think the first album is a bit better. Maybe the best track was Cubic People... which sounds very familiar for some reason. MAYBE SOMEONE CAN TELL IF IT'S COPIED FROM THE MUSES RAPT...? /hopes not :drama:
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