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About simorq

  • Birthday 09/17/1980

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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hki6TYz6MRE
  2. First half of track 7/10 second half 3/10... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLX4QAtlLKE
  3. Yeah the facebook login is the only stupid part. Surprised they did that. Just get your buddy to log in for you.
  4. Who's listening to this? It's what we all were expecting from the third Younger Brother album and didn't originally get. It's terrific! In case you don't know, it's available for free via the Younger Brother app (ios and android).
  5. Trentemøller - Into The Great Wide Yonder
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbB6xgtEjDw
  7. CPU - Central Processing Unit
  8. That should be an interesting perspective, looking forward to it. After that, I would definitely recommend you listen to all the Shpongle albums, in order.
  9. This one's gonna put off a lot of people on first listen...definitely one that requires multiple listens...
  10. Yes, of course! "Re-Order" by Cosmosis!!! I can't believe I couldn't remember. THANKS!
  11. Some guy just pulled into a parking spot and was listening to "Blue Monday" by New Order. There's a great remix of that track but for the life of me I can't remember who does it. Anybody? It's bugging the shit out of me.
  12. Thank you sir! Didn't mean to threadjack, btw. Viva Shpongle!
  13. Tell me more about the Benji Vaughan album please? Is it Prometheus or another project? Thanks BTW I think the new track is badass
  14. Now that's a nice little tune! The toi doi one before it, what is that forest?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLX4QAtlLKE
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